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Brazil once a poor country like Pakistan, now top meat and egg exporter: Imran Khan is not wrong!

Exactly. Because people of Pakistan are just like you. Hopeless.

No... because there's no planning, system and justice.
Without planning all resources go to waste.
Without system every one is lost and all human resource is useless.
Without justice, people start to hate state. They like to make a new state according to their preferences.
People like are are only good in personal attacks and fighting like jahil, your type are only burden on society, can't even understand a reasonable argument.
If Brazilian government can achieve all that in a few years with state sponsored capitalism, why not Pakistan? What's wrong with this nation laughing at its future?

Go ahead and do it . Who is stopping?

Bur seriously we have people here who consider this obligatory to defend and justify everything Imran say or do even if it make no sense

so then you should not mind when people post economic policy of PTI like this

everyone must read this

No... because there's no planning, system and justice.
Without planning all resources go to waste.
Without system every one is lost and all human resource is useless.
Without justice, people start to hate state. They like to make a new state according to their preferences.
People like are are only good in personal attacks and fighting like jahil, your type are only burden on society, can't even understand a reasonable argument.
at latest we started talking about the issues. sooner or later we will reach to the point
at latest we started talking about the issues. sooner or later we will reach to the point

It's good if after 100 days some one has realized the core issues but i missed any such talk.
It's good if after 100 days some one has realized the core issues but i missed any such talk.
i have great info from inside.. a year time you will see. things are going fast and don’t follow pakistani media they are on war with ik. because some of names from pakistani media are losing their petrol pumps
i have great info from inside.. a year time you will see. things are going fast and don’t follow pakistani media they are on war with ik. because some of names from pakistani media are losing their petrol pumps

Let's forget the media, give us some plan to hold onto.
Otherwise Pakistanis are totally hopeless of future.

If you know some one close to IK (not pinky) please pass the message to revive official money remittance channels from middleast, which were introduced by Shaukat Aziz.
How it worked, National bank of Pakistan rented a counter in various middleastern banks in all major cites, they used to collect foreign currency and transfer it in rupees to Pakistan. Exchange rate offered was same as open market.
This system was shut by Zardari immediately after departure of Musharraf.
You brain dead cant think beyond rediculing others meanwhile your master are poultry king reserving all the benefits of the sector for himself while my leader want common Pakistani to flurish ...

Here is your billionaire leader


Now shuuu with your nonesense and keep this bull shit to your daddy hamza
I have no daddy/master but it seem your daddy/master Imran is blindly working on model of hamza sharif but its just talk talk talk just like sheikh chilli . Your master was saying that hamza and sharifs got rich because of illegal money and now you are saying that they became wealthy because they adopted eggonomics formula of Bhoonga khan. Come talk to me kid when sheikh chilli PM manage to convert poor people of Pakistan into successful businessman through eggonomics until then I will not take bhoongyaan of your master seriously

it was childhood bro. now i have 30 people who work for me in three different countries. that was the time i used to work with my mum to take care of our animals.i was like twelve so business training started at very early age.. i must recommend everyone to start with something very small. trade some thing. try to buy n sale with even 100 rupees. time will come you guys will hold millions. never afraid of failure. i have failed so many time and dust up my clothes and started again. one thing i know i will leave this world empty hands. i don’t afraid to lose. try this guys i hope many will come winners. regards
Handwork in every business make it fruitful and success . yes there may be losses but if you keep working hard and learn from failures then you will get progress one day ..God don't help those who don't help themselves
Let's forget the media, give us some plan to hold onto.
Otherwise Pakistanis are totally hopeless of future.

If you know some one close to IK (not pinky) please pass the message to revive official money remittance channels from middleast, which were introduced by Shaukat Aziz.
How it worked, National bank of Pakistan rented a counter in various middleastern banks in all major cites, they used to collect foreign currency and transfer it in rupees to Pakistan. Exchange rate offered was same as open market.
This system was shut by Zardari immediately after departure of Musharraf.
they all ready working on this . be careful when you open your mouth about ladies..
Another get rich quick scheme by pakistani government
A bit off-topic

My dad loves telling me this story. One time he got one of Japanese friend to come and visit Pakistan. My dad took his friend around especially the rural villages of Sindh and Punjab. The Japanese guy was very impressed with the landscape and the farmlands. He said to my dad if Japan had this much land we would have feed the whole world.
Potians were still listening to IK speech when Patwaris started their anti IK campaign on eggs and cattle. How can we help them when they are uneducated, low IQ breed? If PAKISTANs economy could be jump-started by Aladins magical lamp, former governments would have done it long time ago. Right now country's vital resource is its cattle and livestock, that with government aid could be a huge export contributer. Instead of praising the initiative, Patwaris started usual anti IK campaign.
its an agricultural economy
And live stock is 50% of agriculture in amy country except Pakistan
The whole know who suffers from cronicc mental disorder to the extent blowing themselves up.
وہ لوگ بھی دیسی مرغی اور انڈوں کا مذاق اڑا رپے ہیں جنکی اماں نے دس دس روپے کے انڈے اور 300 کی ککڑی بیچ کر انکی پرورش کی ہوتی ہے
From an economic development perspective, there is no compelling evidence that the capital used to acquire meat processing companies abroad and the resulting profits has benefited Brazilian citizens. Moreover, as we shall see in the following sections, the rest of the Brazilian population—as well as others around the globe—have been forced to bear the social and environmental costs of their rise

How many actually understand the word "extractive" in the title and this devastating conclusion: "there is no compelling evidence that the capital used to acquire meat processing companies abroad and the resulting profits has benefited Brazilian citizens", while the population "have been forced to bear the social and environmental costs of their rise".

Are we sure this is the example we want Pakistan to follow?
If you are poor, you have to work hard in right direction for few decades like china did and India is doing. If you have misplace priority wishful thinking , boastful population, you can not grow. Poor people's money is spent for armed forces much more than the requirement. How can that country go. First put your priority right.
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