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Why is Brazil ranked above Pakistan?

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Motivation for what ?
Pakistan initiated hostilities both in 47 and 65, not as if they were threatened by India.
And the recent map modifications by Pakistan in gujarat, prove the point that kashmir has nothing to do with the conflict between the two countries. Its just a crutch to maintain hostilities between the 2 nations. Hopefully its just a ploy to maintain their importance by the major stakeholder of Pakistan. The alternative that Pakistan really thinks its claims in Indian Gujarat are tenable, based on religion, is alarming. From a psychiatric viewpoint.
If anyone is in dire need of psychiatric evaluation it's clearly you. Not only you are showing signs of dementia but other cognitive disorders too.
It is the India who kicked off an unending cycle of hostilities by first illegally occupy hyderabad and junagarh and then kashmir which clearly belonged to Pakistan according to the principles of partition. The hindu imperialist designs are only to be blamed for instability in SA. Hindu elite in India can't even fathom existence of a Muslim state in subcontinent owing to their unhealthy obsessed with pre Stone age caveman empire, and their general also have not tried to disabuse them from this delusion since they also don't want to lose the easy money they get from robbing widows of dead indian troops.
Only those Pakistanis will compare Pakistan to Brazil who haven't been to Brazil. Its like a European country for the most parts , with pockets of poverty.
Pakistan army's performance in the last 2 conflicts in kargil and 71 , against a 3rd world opponent was dismal. Brazil with its developed industrial infrastructure will eat Pakistan for breakfast.
Then what does that tells about said third world opponent who got yeeted by weak Pakistan in most recent conflict?

It's funny you think performance of Pakistan army in kargil was dismal given that a afew hundred paramilitary, who were not even part of army molested india army so badly that they had to call their airforce for support.
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who cares about territory ?

then Kazakhtan should be in top 10 military power , because of Kazakhstan is 9th largest country in the world by total area

please stop trolling
He's Austin Power, he changed his name in the Azerbaijan-Armenia war thread to sound more Chinese. I think he also used to be called wweundertakerfan or something similar.

Don't bother replying to him, you're just giving him what he wants. I've stopped replying to him altogether, because of this.
Soviet technology? Here I see a bias.. Tech is tech, either it works or not, Their tech was cheaper but never been a bad one. Russia is a land of scientists and creative people. Their space station was made before US. These are Hollywood movies which show Russian tech is garbage. If I tell you that your iPhone has better processing power than human mission sent to moon by US. Tech has age and it needs to implement latest knowledge available. Russia is doing it without making noise.. I expect some surprising events in near future. Especially in middle east they will show their tech and amaze the world (can't disclose sources but just keep an eye)
Only those Pakistanis will compare Pakistan to Brazil who haven't been to Brazil. Its like a European country for the most parts , with pockets of poverty.
Pakistan army's performance in the last 2 conflicts in kargil and 71 , against a 3rd world opponent was dismal. Brazil with its developed industrial infrastructure will eat Pakistan for breakfast.

Yet a country that is more than 7× bigger than Pakistan and has the full backing of the West and Russia still remains FAR too weak, powerless, backward and scared to even think about taking on Pakistan.......... :azn:...........where Pakistan can kill indian soldiers with impunity on LOC and 7× bigger india can do NOTHING about it.............:azn:
I think it is due to economy, Brazil is 2 trillion USD economy. The GPF put economics, population, landmass, industry as very important factors

who cares about Economy and Industry without military power ?

Germany has the 4th biggest economy with great Industry in the world but no military power

btw Brazil has no defense Industry to compare with Turkey , Italy ,Germany


8) Brazil $3.078 trillion
12) Italy $2.415 trillion
13) Turkey $ 2.381 trillion
Brazil is richer than Pakistan, has a bigger industrial base than Pakistan, has more access to natural resources than Pakistan, and has a far more developed military industry than Pakistan.

You tell me.

Also, Pakistan buys Brazilian weapons, including the MAR-1 missile.
Brazil vs Pakistan......

With one nuclear strike....lols

By the way we are not enemy of Brazil.
#9 Brazil
#10 Pakistan

As you may already have seen before Pakistan is ranked number 10. Very surprising to see that Brazil is ranked on 9th place above Pakistan. Brazil air force has 47 F-5, 31 Embraer EMB 314, 46 AMX International AMX. The only modern 4th generation they have is Jas gripen and only 36 of them. No comparision with PAF. Not to mention that PAF pilots are some of the best trained.

Comparing army they have arond 450 old outdated Leopard 1s. Pakistan has 170 VT-4s in service with total 300 on order. Also 320 3rd generation T-80UD. Around 500 3rd generation Al-Khalids. Better artillery, more soldiers in active and reserve personnel. More and better Attack Helicopters.

The only place where Brazil might be stronger is Navv. But that should not be surprising considering their huge coastline. Also even in that they are not that far ahead.

So what might be the reason? Pakistan should be 9th and Brazil 10th in reality.

Yes Brazil that has never ever fought any war.
I’ll tell you how it would go if they did fight a war with an even opponent, defeat and a quick one.
South American militaries are awful, corruption is rife, experienced leadership non-existent and well below par equipment levels.
without Nuclear Weapons

military technology , defense industry , military traditional , training or real combat experience , logistical capability and geography , allies , and GDP PPP

1-- USA
2-- Russia
3-- China
4-- UK
5-- France
6-- India
7-- South Korea
8-- Japan
9-- Turkey
10-- Italy

even Turkish AKINCI UCAVs can wipe out Indian Destroyers-Frigates armed with 30-70km SAMs
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Only those Pakistanis will compare Pakistan to Brazil who haven't been to Brazil. Its like a European country for the most parts , with pockets of poverty.
Pakistan army's performance in the last 2 conflicts in kargil and 71 , against a 3rd world opponent was dismal. Brazil with its developed industrial infrastructure will eat Pakistan for breakfast.

I’ve been and you lie.
It’s a developing country, and is plagued by poverty, low development indicators and one of the highest per capita crime rates in the world.
Yes it’s also got strengths, but you’d expect a nation to have been blessed with so much in terms of resources to be in much better place, it’s not.
Pakistan smashed your airforce into submission 2 years ago, if Pakistan is breakfast you’d be no more than afternoon tea then to Brazil apparently.
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there are only 1 Brazilian Defense company in top 100 , on the other land 7 Turkish Defense companies in top 100

BRAZIL : Embraer ( 79 )

TURKEY : Aselsan ( 48 ) , Turkish Aerospace Industries ( 53 ) , BMC ( 89 ) , Roketsan ( 91 ) STM (92 ) , FNSS ( 98 ) Havelsan ( 99 )

only Turkish AKINCI UCAV is enough to wipe out Brazilian Army and Navy combined or Greek+Egyptian Navies combined .. even Indian Navy

Brazil is lucky that is so far away from Turkey

Turkish Aerospace Industries

-- T-129 Attack Helicopter
-- HURKUS Trainer and light attack Aircraft
-- T-625 Utility Helicopter
-- GOKTURK Military Satellite

and ongoing projects

-- T-629 6 tons class Attack Helicopter by 2022
-- T-929 10 tons class Attack Helicopter by 2023
-- 10 tons class TAI Utility Helicopter
-- HURJET jet trainer and ligh attack Jet by 2022
-- MMU Fighter Jet by 2025

even only Turkish Gendarmerie and Police special forces are stronger than Brazilian Army

Brazil is fighting only drug cartels , nothing else

since 1990s Turkey is fighting the US , the EU , İran backed PKK Terror organization
also Turkish Army in İraq , Syria , Libya to fight PKK/YPG , ASSAD Regime , IRGC , HEZBOLAH , HAFTAR , WAGNER , The Uae , France , etc

Turkey has superior Missile technology to Brazil

-- OMTAS latest technology anti Tank Missile ....( 4 km range and top attack capability )
-- KARAOK anti Tank Missile ... ( similar to American JAVELIN )
-- 40 km TRG-122 guided MLRS
-- 70 km TRLG-230 laserguided MLRS
-- 120 km TRG-300 guided MLRS
-- 150 km J600T Tactical Ballistic Missile
-- 280/1.000 km KHAN/BORA Ballistic Missile

-- 275 km SOM-J network enabled air launched Cruise Missile
-- 250 km ATMACA Anti ship Missile .. also ground to ground variant )

-- 8 km CIRIT laser guided Rocket for Attack Helicopters
-- 8 km MIZRAK-U Anti Tank Missile for Attack Helicopters
-- 30 km TEMREN Missile for Navy Helicopters

-- HISAR-A low altitude Air Defense System
-- HISAR-O medium Air Defense System

-- 25 km BOZDOGAN air to air missile
-- 65 km GOKDOGAN air to air missile

and ongoing missile projects

-- AKBABA Anti radiotion Missile
-- SAPAN Rolling Airframe Missile
-- Supersonic Anti ship Missile
-- Anti-ship Ballistic Missile
-- AKDOGAN ( RAMJET powered long range air to air missile )
-- SIPER long range ( 1.000+ km ) land and naval based Cruise Missile
-- MRASHM Anti ship Missile ( range of 100-150 km )
-- SIPER high altitude Air Defense Missile
-- GUMS anti-Ballistic Missile

also long range Turkish guided Bombs

-- 100 km SDB
-- 110 km KUZGUN with IIR seeker to hit even moving targets
-- 150km KGK-LR with IIR seeker to hit even moving targets

even I am not talking about American,İsraeli,Russian missiles in the Turkish Armed Forces

-- TOW
-- AIM-9x
-- AIM-120C7
-- SM-1MR
-- S400

Brazilian Navy is so tiny and outdated to compare with Turkish Navy

also Brazilian Airforce is so tiny and outdated to compare with Turkish Airforce

Brazil is nothing to do with NATO technology

also Turkish Armed Forces have network centric warfare and cooperative engagement capabilities , great Electronic Warfare capabilities and long range large scale operation capabilities

Thats the best I got, feel free to correct me here.

My friend.... How only UCAV can destroy all large navies Greece, Egypt, Brazil and India navy together..... You really believe only UCAV can make years of investments in navies useless by these countries??? UCAV can't destroy submarines BTW....
My friend.... How only UCAV can destroy all large navies Greece, Egypt, Brazil and India navy together..... You really believe only UCAV can make years of investments in navies useless by these countries??? UCAV can't destroy submarines BTW....

how ? okey lets go

AKINCI UCAV will carry AESA Radar and 280km SOM-C network enabled anti-ship Missile

Greek and Egyptian Frigates armed with SAMs with range of 30-50 km

Pakistan also can use Turkish AKINCI UCAVs to turn İndian Warships into crap of metal

against İndian SHIVALIK class Frigate armed with BARAK-1 , SHTIL-1 SAMs with range of 15-30 km
against İndian KOLKATA class Destroyer armed with BARAK-8 SAMs with range of 70 km

even 10 AKINCI UCAVs can carry 60 KUZGUN joint strike ammunitions for swarm attack on Warships

60 KUZGUN joint strike ammunitions = $6 million
FREMM Frigate : $500 million

KUZGUN joint strike ammunition with IR seeker ,Data Link ( Low operation cost )

  • Weight : 100 kg
  • Warhead : 25-60 kg
  • Range : 74-110 km

to hit even moving Warships

also Turkish AKSUNGUR UAV breaks a record by staying in the air for 49 hours
and 2 x TEI PD-170 indigenous Engines allow long term operations up to 40.000 feet

AKSUNGUR UCAV will change the game in the Eastern Mediterranean to carry SONOBOUY Pod capable to host 18 sonobuoys and to receive their signals providing the data to the AKSUNGUR UCAV to detect Submarines
While some NATO countries packed up and left
As a military historian you should know that most of these NATO countries have a history of having far greater war stamina then Pakistan or India could ever match. By stmina I mean fighting, fighting and fighting until every family has almost lost a man and all the women are workling for the war effort. These countries would lose the finest crop of their youth in one day then Pak and India have in 70 years of war.

Battle of Somme ~ 19,000 dead on first day with 300,000 dead by end of the battle.

However the public in these countries have no stomach to lose men in a Asian country on other side of the world. Just like Pakistan would have no 'fight' in sending men to death in far away Iceland. But attack them on their turf and see what will happen.

I am not taking away from the military of Pakistan. As I have said before it is the only functioning institutiion largely because it is organizationally a relic of the British and it's DNA has nopt been tampered with by desi culture.

But the fact is Pakistan' economy is shambolic. The country could not fight a full scale war for longeer than 4 weeks before money for fuel and supplies runs out. The reason why the economic is weak are complex and certainly beyond the WOT as it was anaemic even before that. The reason for that is Pakistan has a lazy rent seeking business class who just live off the monopolies the political economy has created in which they manipulate the market to rape the consumer. The recent sugar crisis is case in point.

Even foreign companies begin to indulge in such practices within the political economy of Pakistan. The Japanese car companies are case in point.
how ? okey lets go

AKINCI UCAV will carry AESA Radar and 280km SOM-C network enabled anti-ship Missile
View attachment 728994

Greek and Egyptian Frigates armed with SAMs with range of 30-50 km

Pakistan also can use Turkish AKINCI UCAVs to turn İndian Warships into crap of metal

against İndian SHIVALIK class Frigate armed with BARAK-1 , SHTIL-1 SAMs with range of 15-30 km
against İndian KOLKATA class Destroyer armed with BARAK-8 SAMs with range of 70 km

even 10 AKINCI UCAVs can carry 60 KUZGUN joint strike ammunitions for swarm attack on Warships

60 KUZGUN joint strike ammunitions = $6 million
FREMM Frigate : $500 million

KUZGUN joint strike ammunition with IR seeker ,Data Link ( Low operation cost )

  • Weight : 100 kg
  • Warhead : 25-60 kg
  • Range : 74-110 km

to hit even moving Warships
View attachment 728991

also Turkish AKSUNGUR UAV breaks a record by staying in the air for 49 hours
and 2 x TEI PD-170 indigenous Engines allow long term operations up to 40.000 feet
View attachment 728993

AKSUNGUR UCAV will change the game in the Eastern Mediterranean to carry SONOBOUY Pod capable to host 18 sonobuoys and to receive their signals providing the data to the AKSUNGUR UCAV to detect Submarines
View attachment 728992

You have some valid points but don't forget enemy assets at the same time will also be in the air searching for your UAVs....

They won't just let those UAVs to roam around freely and make a target practice of their warships.... Not only searching for your UAVs but these navies will at the same time be on the mission of hunting down Turkish Navy warships.... It's not as easy as you think that UAVs with long range missiles will come and opponents will keep watching....

Turkey has done really a great job in UAV sector and future post 2050 is going to be ruled by UAVs no doubt but what I think as of today UAV is not a completely dependable platform at least if you are fighting against some big military power..... For Azerbaijan and Armenia it's a different case....
Brazil still has potent weapons;

Jokes aside.

36 frontline fighters.
348 modern MBT's.
The navy is being modernised, but at the moment under strength.

On a level, it's a beautiful country, but it's military shouldn't be on any top ten list. But that's not a bad thing as they have no one to fight.
However if they chose to arm and grow a bigger military they could, but again experienced trainers, experts, vets etc are all lacking.
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