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Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

Because Uncle Sam is basically a nice guy. :enjoy:

You have an incomplete understanding of the word 'terror'.

We labeled Iran as a state level sponsor of terrorism mean Iran support various non-state paramilitary organizations as well as advocating for the same. It does not mean we label Iran such so that we have a reason to attack Iran. Iran can label US the same in return. No one is stopping ya.

But if you really want a taste of what we can dole out, all you have to do is attack US mano-a-mano, meaning UNIFORMED COMBATANTS VS UNIFORMED COMBATANTS. No hiding behind any proxy. State vs State. Not State vs Agent. You can identify a US soldier, a US Marine, or a US Airman by our uniforms. You should have respect and have your combatants do the same.

Right. It would. Not could, but would. I will preempt you by stating there will be no invasion. We learned from our mistakes in Afghanistan and Iraq. More from Iraq than from Afghanistan. The main lesson is that the ME is not worth our effort to introduce democracy. Defeating the Iranian military will be stroll in the park.

Defeating Irani Military yes but consequences in the area would be fatal. Hey i noticed you used to post on Pakistan defense threads, what happened got bored? Lol
Defeating Irani Military yes but consequences in the area would be fatal.
They said the same thing with Desert Storm prior to my deployment. Back then, the world braced for oil shortages, extreme financial movements, internal violence, and environmental disasters. The only thing that happened was the environmental bit.

Hey i noticed you used to post on Pakistan defense threads, what happened got bored? Lol
Depends on the subject.
@VEVAK could you debunk this?
Americans will not fight asymmetric war with iran or invest much into installing its own regime, they want total destruction or destabilization of israel's enemy. they will do the same what they did in libya. topal the regime, destroy the military power and gives weapons to different factions after that and its over. Every muslim country has different factions who want to implement their will on their countries. However iran has strong army and it will resist but i cant do much just delay the destruction for few months max. Here iranian claiming that they will fight asymmetric warfare like taliban etc which just means destruction of their military and their control over the country.
I hope peace prevails among the muslims
Because Uncle Sam is basically a nice guy. :enjoy:

You have an incomplete understanding of the word 'terror'.

We labeled Iran as a state level sponsor of terrorism mean Iran support various non-state paramilitary organizations as well as advocating for the same. It does not mean we label Iran such so that we have a reason to attack Iran. Iran can label US the same in return. No one is stopping ya.

But if you really want a taste of what we can dole out, all you have to do is attack US mano-a-mano, meaning UNIFORMED COMBATANTS VS UNIFORMED COMBATANTS. No hiding behind any proxy. State vs State. Not State vs Agent. You can identify a US soldier, a US Marine, or a US Airman by our uniforms. You should have respect and have your combatants do the same.

Right. It would. Not could, but would. I will preempt you by stating there will be no invasion. We learned from our mistakes in Afghanistan and Iraq. More from Iraq than from Afghanistan. The main lesson is that the ME is not worth our effort to introduce democracy. Defeating the Iranian military will be stroll in the park.

What's with all that pride you wield on this military superiority over others. The US attacking Iraq equals Iraq attacking Kuwait, of course the US wins they're far larger with more manpower and firepower. It's like me parading around about taking Kuwait in a day or two.

Now talk about going after Russia or China, when it comes to that the US avoids clashing with them. But did the US actually succeed in Iraq? LOL, all those American life's spent there have gone to shit. Afhganistan? Same story.

You cannot actually 'win' over there, we just won't give in. It's not like India that becomes loyal to the Brits. And as a side result Europe got flooded with Muslims whom are going to become a bigger portion over there and are already getting into parliaments of those countries gaining influence for their cause. The US is unlikely to escape that future.
This is the funniest thing I've ever read on this forum!!!
Even funnier -- that Iran can win. :lol:

Yes, I understand am talking smack for US and I do sounds like you guys talking smack for your countries, whatever country maybe. But am not talking from ignorance. I am USAF veteran: F-111 Cold War, then F-16 Desert Storm. With the Cold War, I know what kind of deterrence we can present. With Desert Storm, I know the true executions of those capabilities. You can say Iran is not Iraq, but then the USAF today is not the USAF of Desert Storm. We became more mobile, agile, networked, longer reach, and combined -- more lethal. We WILL own the sky over Iran, and we will give it back at our convenience.
Even funnier -- that Iran can win. :lol:

Yes, I understand am talking smack for US and I do sounds like you guys talking smack for your countries, whatever country maybe. But am not talking from ignorance. I am USAF veteran: F-111 Cold War, then F-16 Desert Storm. With the Cold War, I know what kind of deterrence we can present. With Desert Storm, I know the true executions of those capabilities. You can say Iran is not Iraq, but then the USAF today is not the USAF of Desert Storm. We became more mobile, agile, networked, longer reach, and combined -- more lethal. We WILL own the sky over Iran, and we will give it back at our convenience.

The minute something starts every base will not only get over saturated by 1000s of missiles but you will face over 2 million motivated force through out middle East. You cannot match Iran's fire power within 2500 km unless you go nuclear. You cannot match the resistance axis man power in the middle East. No airbase or ship will be left for you to fly out of or land. You morons think this is a country surrounded by hostile government. In reality, you will be hit from every direction day and night all over the middle east.
The minute something starts every base will not only get over saturated by 1000s of missiles but you will face over 2 million motivated force through out middle East. You cannot match Iran's fire power within 2500 km unless you go nuclear. You cannot match the resistance axis man power in the middle East. No airbase or ship will be left for you to fly out of or land. You morons think this is a country surrounded by hostile government. In reality, you will be hit from every direction day and night all over the middle east.
Iran won't even last few hours
Who says Iran wouldn't last few days against USA?
Iran lasted up to today after an eight year war with Iraq, her Arab alliance including powers like USA and UK.
By the way Talibans with a AK-47 and RPGs are lastin up to today after 17 years of war with world and NATO coalition lead by USA and forced USA to negotiating table. Iran is a formidable force and have capabilities to face enemies on its own. Don't consider Iran lightly like Iraq.
Who says Iran wouldn't last few days against USA?
Iran lasted up to today after an eight year war with Iraq, her Arab alliance including powers like USA and UK.
By the way Talibans with a AK-47 and RPGs are lastin up to today after 17 years of war with world and NATO coalition lead by USA and forced USA to negotiating table. Iran is a formidable force and have capabilities to face enemies on its own. Don't consider Iran lightly like Iraq.
It took about two months and 12 green berrets to completely occupy Afghanistan
Iranian turned Shiah centuries before Safavids, when Sunni ruler Ma'mun decided to bring Shiah's 8th Imam to Iran to closely watch him and secondly use his popularity to strengthen his own government, Ma'mun even acknowledged Imam Reza as the rightful leader of the Muslims, which is another sign that even prior to Imam Reza, Iranian weren't Sunnis.

but by the wisdom of Imam Reza, Mamun's plan backfired and Shiah beliefs further spread through Iran. what Safavids did was getting ride of corrupt Sunni leaders who were in fact bunch of hypocrite seculars, a copy of today's Saudis.
Shiaism was shoved down into your throat.
It took about two months and 12 green berrets to completely occupy Afghanistan
Sorry ... I am not aware of such occupation stunt in military history. Last time I saw USA forces, whatever color berets they wearing, leaping on helicopters to flee from US embassy in Vietnam and a panic marred crowed was on the ground for their turn to flee.
I don't have any masters
It took about two months and 12 green berrets to completely occupy Afghanistan

Afghanistan is open border. A huge portion of population didn't even know why they are being attacked and just treated the invaders as another unwelcomed assholes just like in the history. All empires go to die in Afghanistan. After neatly 20 years, Taliban has gain more territories and that is a military defeat for US. Stop watching Hollywood. War is about motivation and will.
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