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Why Indians generally hate Aam Aadmi Party and Kejriwal?

After what he did in the aftermath of Gujarat riots, I am pretty sure he is anti-Muslim :D

You guys are on the right path. Big Industries start with small industries that India excels in the time being.

We are doing alright but with the advent of New govt & it's latest policies we will achieve our full potential in no time & it doesn't really matter what you guys think of Him as he was our best then & is still by far the best
Sanghis hate AAP the most. Hindu rashtra dream remains a dream when secular parties gains momentum.
Hmm. Interesting. Will chk my sources for ur story. Personally it sound logical to me but will wait.

Also plz explain why did Godhra train burning happen? Coz talking bout 2002 riots without mentioning Godhra is typical propaganda work into place. Why is congress not involved in this as per u?

I don't know if any pre planning was needed for Godhra. If someone had pre-planned it that would have been weird and lame. I think he Modi used it as an opportunity, that's all.
Form what I can make out, the Bajrang Balis were doing their usual thing throughout the train journey- trolling, bullshitting, name calling and such. When you have a compartment full of rag tag jokers you can't realistically expect them to behave like educated Englishmen, but as hooligans. Strength in numbers make you think you're invincible, just like what happens in football stadiums. If a bunch of polish 'fans' trash an Asian because their team loses, you probably can't do much about it. That was probably what was happening in multiple stations- they were loudly proclaiming their allegeince to their organization and telling things to muslims- we will screw you etc. It might have finally blown a fuse and some nutcase must have decided to take things into their own hands. How difficult is it to douse a compartment with Kerosine and set it on fire? The BJP makes it look like you need a tactical commander to intensely pre-plan the attack. In reality you just have to pour kerosene and light a match.

So I guess all it took was unruly elements from both religions to happen to be at the same station for things to explode.
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Well initially I was a Kejriwal supporter back when he was an anti-corruption crusader.

I was immediately alarmed after his u turn to enter politics and became ambivalent towards him.
He proved he was a flip-flopping power hungry liar and he subsequently cemented this reputation with his future actions.

Later Kejriwal's antics turned me against him e.g
1. Leaving Delhi without a CM for one year just for AAP to have a better chance in national elections.He wanted to cash in on his fleeting national popularity to go for PM post without any prior experience in public service.
2. Stating he will still do dharnas against Central govt. after becoming CM.
Imagine the farce if a sitting CM is doing dharna against his own central govt.!
He is on record stating he is an anarchist.
3. His support to failed ideology of old school socialism that made India such a mess for the first 50 years of independence.
4. His "freebies for vote policy".Educated people know he does not have the power to lay golden eggs to provide free wifi, water, electricity to people.The money will ultimately come from people themselves
Well initially I was a Kejriwal supporter back when he was an anti-corruption crusader.

I was immediately alarmed after his u turn to enter politics and became ambivalent towards him.
He proved he was a flip-flopping power hungry liar and he subsequently cemented this reputation with his future actions.

Later Kejriwal's antics turned me against him e.g
1. Leaving Delhi without a CM for one year just for AAP to have a better chance in national elections.He wanted to cash in on his fleeting national popularity to go for PM post without any prior experience in public service.
2. Stating he will still do dharnas against Central govt. after becoming CM.
Imagine the farce if a sitting CM is doing dharna against his own central govt.!
He is on record stating he is an anarchist.
3. His support to failed ideology of old school socialism that made India such a mess for the first 50 years of independence.
4. His "freebies for vote policy".Educated people know he does not have the power to lay golden eggs to provide free wifi, water, electricity to people.The money will ultimately come from people themselves

That's exactly the reason why we don't support him,he is a freakin commie
Indians hate AAP? Did Pakistanis vote in the Delhi elections?

I can only speak for myself. I don't hate or love any political party or politician. I was hoping for an AAP victory in Delhi despite them running away after 49 days last time. Kejriwal has admitted that it was a mistake and now they have a clear majority. So let's see what they do with it. I am still skeptical about this party but I wish them good luck and hope that they will perform well. Otherwise they would be shown the door next time.
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