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Why have we banished our own brethren? Indian Apartheid

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Excellent mate don't let them derail the thread. They are in denial and we need them to stop and look at themselves in shame and stop hurting dalits. Thing is they don't want to talk about dalits. They are in denial about untouchables yes that's what they used to call them I mean can you believe it to call your fellow man untouchable shame shame on you Indians

Its funny how a minority of Indians abuse the majority Dalits and yet are in denial mode! No Aryan_B?
So what lack of evidence doesn't normally stop you and your Indian mates from making assertions

How can they when they are in denial about dalits

sir...please focus on the topic...

no one is in denials it has been proven beyond doubt that no such thing exist in india...and please use the word Harijan. thanks.
racism can be between poor and rich , it can be between two countries, it can be between anything,

LOL wow yeah right again and again.....:lol:.

OK racism is between races, discrimination is between different strata of society, economic standing, status...get my point.

You will be called a racist for calling an African a negro, what do u think u will be called for calling someone poor?...probably a dumb@ss..right.
It was you who commented on Hindutva first and tried to derail the thread.. Now Dont try the holier than thou cr@p ;)

btw, my wife is a Muslim and she didnt have to convert to marry me.. So I know more about Islam than you would think..

Off topic. Back to topic are there any dalits on the forum. please can we have some dalit input??
LOL wow yeah right again and again.....:lol:.

OK racism is between races, discrimination is between different strata of society, economic standing, status...get my point.

You will be called a racist for calling an African a negro, what do u think u will be called for calling someone poor?...probably a dum@ss..right.

dude i think u will take thousands of years to understand this, racism and discrimination are almost same things, if you call someone poor, you are making fun of him/her, that is discrimination
sir...please focus on the topic...

no one is in denials it has been proven beyond doubt that no such thing exist in india...and please use the word Harijan. thanks.
Mr Pankaj, from your earlier replies I found that you are from a backward community, but you are no longer Dalit or Harijan, you are part of me and the rest of the INDIANS and so are we part of you and your family. your Mom and Dad are my mom and dad too. so you don't have to say that the correct word for a caste. We are the future and we will make sure that any thing based on caste is wiped from our society.
dude i think u will take thousands of years to understand this, racism and discrimination are almost same things, if you call someone poor, you are making fun of him/her, that is discrimination

Is calling other religions as inferior to yours or untrue also same as racism and/or discrimination in your eyes?
as i already extensively explained you...you can go back and check my previous posts you will get your answers. thanks.

No you didn't you just kept repeating in the face of evidence that it wasn't true. back to topic some Indians are shameful and living in denial about untouchables
Yes you are right. India will be Muslim when all the dalits realise through education you are wright

Yaa ,the world will be non Muslims only as we make progress into an information & knowledge age.
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