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Why have we banished our own brethren? Indian Apartheid

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EVERYBODY calm down, stop fooling around, now lets get back to the topic.

the topic is about Apartheid system in india, now express yourself.

we are on topic sir... I guess you went a bit wrong. Apartheid system do not exist in india.

Under the shining umbrella of our greatest constitution we have overcome it and we will all process under our incredible shining democracy. Thanks.
And yet, without understanding Hindutvavadi, you claim that it is a racist philosophy? Hindutvavadi is as racist a philosophy as Islam is a fundamentalist ideology.

And yes, what institutional abuse of majority Dalits by minority others do you want to talk about?

stick to the topic, dont go to religion.
I love you and forgive you your sins. Come take shelter beneath my wings and thou shall receive the most succulent of pieces of crumbs for thought!

that's probably what you say to dalits before you whack them. back to topic why do you Indians think its ok to abuse someone cos he is born to a particular family??
Repeating something a lot of times does not make you or the statement you make correct. back to topic are any of you Indians on here dalits perhaps you could share your experiences of abuse you have suffered with us??

May be you can check within your own from many of the Dalit converts?
No sir...we are in real..a secular democratic country where all people irrespective of their sex, caste , creed, religion enjoy equal rights.

Saying it does not make it so. Now can we talk about the systematic abuse of dalits in India please
EVERYBODY calm down, stop fooling around, now lets get back to the topic.

the topic is about Apartheid system in india, now express yourself.

a social policy or racial segregation involving political and economic and legal discrimination against people who are not Whites; the former official policy in South Africa.

The caste system is not racism, it was discrimination based on one's work and economic standing, the use of the word apartheid is completely wrong and u r continuously irritating all of us here by claiming its apartheid when it was actually discrimination
Aryan im outta here you :D it's been fun yet again
Repeating something a lot of times does not make you or the statement you make correct. back to topic are any of you Indians on here dalits perhaps you could share your experiences of abuse you have suffered with us??

no sir... i don't have any abuses in India... they treat me very well. Under the shining light of our incredible democracy we are thriving very well. Sorry I disappoint you... but that is the reality.

I won't allow you to misled by some other people.v :tup:
No this thread is about smarta$$es and how someone's shyte is smarter than some real smarta$$es. There is no real topic to discuss.

Btw, define Apartheid and show how it is officially sanctioned - with examples of discriminating laws, discriminating enforcement of those laws, etc. Mr "My shyte is smarter than a real smarta$$".

Caste is part of the religion, no?

lol who told u that you are smart, i must meet that dumb@ss

look apartheid means that some people have full political rights and others dont ,they go to separate schools, live in separate areas etc, and that is the case with dalits in india,
Saying it does not make it so. Now can we talk about the systematic abuse of dalits in India please

as i already extensively explained you...you can go back and check my previous posts you will get your answers. thanks.
Repeating something a lot of times does not make you or the statement you make correct. back to topic are any of you Indians on here dalits perhaps you could share your experiences of abuse you have suffered with us??

Please to be telling us on how majority Dalits suffer abuse by minority others in incredible India.
It must be one incredible society where the majority is abused by the minority, no? This when that "majority" controls some of the most powerful positions in the bureaucracy, legislature and judiciary!!

Please teach us about this, of empathic one!
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