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Why Hasn’t This Fellow Been Banned?

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He has not been banned because moderators like all other human beings have other things in life to do rather than sit on PDF like certain Indians and Pakistanis do throughout their pointless lives. When we get up in the morning, go to work/business and so on.. and then when we finally get the chance to open PDF.. we look at reports(which are plenty).. we look at cases and then ban them... as it happened today with a warning.
And What work you do Sir ? :what:
He has not been banned because moderators like all other human beings have other things in life to do rather than sit on PDF like certain Indians and Pakistanis do throughout their pointless lives. When we get up in the morning, go to work/business and so on.. and then when we finally get the chance to open PDF.. we look at reports(which are plenty).. we look at cases and then ban them... as it happened today with a warning.
These posters with pointless lives actually give lots of traffic and someone(s) benefits from that. There was perhaps no need to reply in this tone. This forum needs members (and the traffic they provide) as much as the members need this forum to express their views.
When a forum of this magnitude is run, there must surely be a method in selection & functioning of Mods whereby at least two remain on ' duty' at any one time who could at least monitor reported posts.

A forum cannot be allowed to run amok for 6-8 hours during which dolts can harm themselves & create hate.

My views .

A warning is enough , i guess.

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These types of comments from now on shall only recieve warnings.
He has not been banned because moderators like all other human beings have other things in life to do rather than sit on PDF like certain Indians and Pakistanis do throughout their pointless lives. When we get up in the morning, go to work/business and so on.. and then when we finally get the chance to open PDF.. we look at reports(which are plenty).. we look at cases and then ban them... as it happened today with a warning.
Why i have a feeling that you are talking about me specifically..
For all we know he's a "senior member" or a "think tank" or an "elite" with a second account.
This year specially has seen a lot of trolls emerge out of nowhere, if the mods don't clean it up this forum will be known for its trolls and not the ones who make intelligent discourse.
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The Indian who started this thread does not see such Indian suicide trolls.

I dont think that was the point, That guy was in every other thread and his posts were full of abuse...... and allmost all of his posts were reported but was not acted (as no mods were online).... That could be the reason.....Similarly the other troll which i mentioned was also full of abuse (mostly a false flag) and was abusing islam........ He was also not banned till now.......

There are trolls from every country (including India) and some of them are suicide trolls.....
ok...find some other guy who can moderate on behalf of yours.

So far I have not found any 24/7 lifeless loser with the ability to provide objective moderation(unless you are/know many who may fill that position).. Whatever moderators we have are professionals with a lot of other activities going on in their lives. Hence they can only give a few hours at maximum every other day to PDF.
For all we know he's a "senior member" or a "think tank" or an "elite" with a second account.
This year specially has seen a lot of trolls emerge out of nowhere, if the mods don't clean it up this forum will be known for its trolls and not the ones who make intelligent discourse.

If you explain your origin we can end the mystery of one of them.
I dont think that was the point, That guy was in every other thread and his posts were full of abuse...... and allmost all of his posts were reported but was not acted (as no mods were online).... That could be the reason.....Similarly the other troll which i mentioned was also full of abuse (mostly a false flag) and was abusing islam........ He was also not banned till now.......

There are trolls from every country (including India) and some of them are suicide trolls.....
I've yet to see this suicide troll get banned :

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