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Why Hasn’t This Fellow Been Banned?

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The dynamics of Indian Muslims with Hindu is different. But for Pakistan its directly related to two nation theory and not-India identity. Same with Bangladeshis, many Bangladeshi Muslims share the same Hinduphobia with Pakistanis. ;)

But why are you so desperate to give secular certification to India. :wacko:

That is why, secular India is always prefixed with 'Fake'
@Horus : Didn't you start a thread recently about handing perma bans? If this fellow doesn't get one, then I don't think there is any point in us reporting anybody. There is also a longstanding member with high post count who was banned for a short while after several posts he made, threatening to rape another member's family. He too came back after the ban.

Maybe you ought to clarify to us what would be worthy of a perma ban, so we can report accordingly. The impression I'm getting is that maa-behen gaalis and abusing female relatives is not good enough for getting perma banned.

@Oscar @WebMaster
@Horus : Didn't you start a thread recently about handing perma bans? If this fellow doesn't get one, then I don't think there is any point in us reporting anybody. There is also a longstanding member with high post count who was banned for a short while after several posts he made, threatening to rape another member's family. He too came back after the ban.

Maybe you ought to clarify to us what would be worthy of a perma ban, so we can report accordingly. The impression I'm getting is that maa-behen gaalis and abusing female relatives is not good enough for getting perma banned.

@Oscar @WebMaster

lol forget it dude , one of the senior mods himself targeted my "reproductive organs" over a post he disapproved :lol:
Its kinda creepy though o_O
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