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Why Hasn’t This Fellow Been Banned?

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and the muslims within the fake secular India.

The dynamics of Indian Muslims with Hindu is different. But for Pakistan its directly related to two nation theory and not-India identity. Same with Bangladeshis, many Bangladeshi Muslims share the same Hinduphobia with Pakistanis. ;)

But why are you so desperate to give secular certification to India. :wacko:
Only Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims are into insulting Hindus, they are ingrained with it. rest of them don't care about it.
Oh yes Pakistanis are ingrained with Hinduphobia,they adore hindus from bollywood and provide hindus on this forum with counter perspective. My goodness they even delayed a PIA flight for Dr ramesh kumar.Those Pakistanis they join indian military forums in bulk to spread misconceptions about hinduism.:p:
Oh yes Pakistanis are ingrained with Hinduphobia,they adore hindus from bollywood and provide hindus on this forum with counter perspective. My goodness they even delayed a PIA flight for Dr ramesh kumar.Those Pakistanis they join indian military forums in bulk to spread misconceptions about hinduism.:p:

U are goddam right:D
So far I have not found any 24/7 lifeless loser with the ability to provide objective moderation(unless you are/know many who may fill that position).. Whatever moderators we have are professionals with a lot of other activities going on in their lives. Hence they can only give a few hours at maximum every other day to PDF.
Instead of posting such nonsense start doing your peaceful/productive work(i was expecting you to thank that @OrionHunter guy for that)....My point was if i had abuse "particular religion" then i am sure that at least one moderator(who like all other human beings have other things in life to do rather than sit on PDF) would have looked into the matter before.
When some people here can justify a forced conversion of 12 year old Hindu girl as a case of elopement and Praise the Good Lord, I don't know why you guys are whining about their love for Hindus?
I said the same thing about 'DotHeadHunter', he changed to DotHunter and put a gif of 'I'm humping your mother'. Disgusting.
:( too bad.

That might help. Warnings and ban are given to Indians at hypersonic speeds while for other nationalities it might be at subsonic speeds :D just my view. I may be wrong though.

I get bans and negatives at speed of light here:pissed:
Oh yes Pakistanis are ingrained with Hinduphobia,they adore hindus from bollywood and provide hindus on this forum with counter perspective. My goodness they even delayed a PIA flight for Dr ramesh kumar.Those Pakistanis they join indian military forums in bulk to spread misconceptions about hinduism.:p:

Sound sweet but stop make me believe unreal things.
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