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Why Hasn’t This Fellow Been Banned?

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He has not been banned because moderators like all other human beings have other things in life to do rather than sit on PDF like certain Indians and Pakistanis do throughout their pointless lives. When we get up in the morning, go to work/business and so on.. and then when we finally get the chance to open PDF.. we look at reports(which are plenty).. we look at cases and then ban them... as it happened today with a warning.

Was that aimed at me ? If so, I intend reporting this comment :D
Go ahead. I don't think any non-Indian Muslim cares what a Hindu has to say, let alone get offended by it.

Only Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims are into insulting Hindus, they are ingrained with it. rest of them don't care about it.
They ban me for a month and i don't even know why??
Lol, as far as i remember last time you got 2-ve ratings and then you were banned ,he recive almost 4 today but he recived just a warning,poor you :P
I'm not, it's just sad to see some people see fun in the insult of other's religion, nationality or origin.
what about you?? fix yourself and your fellow indians first… i seen u and your fellow indians insult islam countless times.
Lol, as far as i remember last time you got 2-ve ratings and then you were banned ,he recive almost 4 today but he recived just a warning,poor you :P

I got 8 in 15 minutes:devil:
Only Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims are into insulting Hindus, they are ingrained with it. rest of them don't care about it.
What is your point? I've never insulted Hinduism in my life; or any other religion. I never will.
I got 8 in 15 minutes:devil:
I was refering to ur recent ban :angel: , though the only deference this time around is you hv got a +ve rating instead of a negative :D ,btw wt did u get that positive rating for :whistle:
I was refering to ur recent ban :angel: , though the only deference this time around is you hv got a +ve rating instead of a negative :D ,btw wt did u get that positive rating for :whistle:

If mods were fair i would have had 30-40 positives.
But no one is perfect in this world except @he-man :coffee:

I hope we are clear on this:argh::argh:
What is your point? I've never insulted Hinduism in my life; or any other religion. I never will.

You tried to pretend all global Muslims are against Hindus. Pakistani and Bangladeshi ingrained hate for Hindus is historical, political and nationalistic which is impossible to be changed.
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