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Why establishment is not helping PDM govt? Najam Sethi crying again...

Khan gives people hope, he is a natural born leader. This is what the Sharifs and Zardaris don't know how to do, they treat their people like sh*t, are disingenuous and behave like they are superior. That's natural when the entire family is balls deep in politics and getting their hands kissed everyday.

They don't even understand optics, that's why a PM can go to London to meet his absconder brother. I don't think they care, I think they expect everyone to just deal with it. They must have a really low opinion of their people. :lol:

But with that mindset you can never rise. The establishment loves to self sabotage as always.
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I don’t want to come across as someone who has inside information but my ex military buddy who has access to his coursemates from 20 years back tells me that the army’s entire high command and mid to lower level are intensely pro Imran. Their families attend his jalsas and ISI knows that but they cannot do shit. The feeling is so bad Infact the Bajwa is provided enhanced security…..

Pls don’t kill the messenger .
Always 💟 for pak foj.
I don't know where did this CJ crawled out of, but in any self respecting country, if a public servant is proven to have committed any crimes, it's pretty much the end of their public service career.
I don’t want to come across as someone who has inside information but my ex military buddy who has access to his coursemates from 20 years back tells me that the army’s entire high command and mid to lower level are intensely pro Imran. Their families attend his jalsas and ISI knows that but they cannot do shit. The feeling is so bad Infact Bajwa is provided enhanced security…..

Pls don’t kill the messenger .
It stands to reason.
Army officers are citizens of Pakistan, the same as any other citizen. They must be just as sick as most of us of the incompetence, nepotism and corruption of the dynastic political parties.
The frustration of these officers must become even more intense when they know that their own top brass is complicit in bringing these traitors to power and allowing them to hold hostage the security and prosperity of the country.
The main division is between old and last pro American / American spoiled generals and the next breed who were lucky enough not to be brainwashed and recruited by CIA during their so called training and educational courses in the USA due to sanctions.

Now the new breed fought and had their friends die in Afghanistan and in Pakistan. They have no sympathy for the American position or desire to cooperate. They know this poison needs to be removed from our system and we need to stand independently and here lies the division within army’s thinking.
Sounds like a perfect storm is brewing in Pakistan.
I feel quite optimistic.
Okay, got the point...............

The State is Now being under pressure

Who wants another Sri lanka or Lebanon ???

If Pak defaults... Remember Animals are waiting on your borders for your Guard to low a little

People used to accept martial laws in the past because the politicians were so corrupt. It has become clear to everyone now that the corrupt feudal politicians themselves were puppets of the generals.

So, they had a nice game going on of musical chairs with generals and their corrupt puppets taking turns.

I’ve always hated the politicians so much that I was always in favor of martial law. Now, I’ve finally realized that the generals are the ones who’ve ruined the country. They’ve ruled Pakistan for all its history and we’ve ended up with a failed country.

Now I would like to see the military and the rest of the establishment come under the control of honest elected representatives of the people of Pakistan.

The army needs to start following the law and protect the country and stop acting like colonial masters.
People used to accept martial laws in the past because the politicians were so corrupt. It has become clear to everyone now that the corrupt feudal politicians themselves were puppets of the generals.

So, they had a nice game going on of musical chairs with generals and their corrupt puppets taking turns.

I’ve always hated the politicians so much that I was always in favor of martial law. Now, I’ve finally realized that the generals are the ones who’ve ruined the country. They’ve ruled Pakistan for all its history and we’ve ended up with a failed country.

Now I would like to see the military and the rest of the establishment come under the control of honest elected representatives of the people of Pakistan.

The army needs to start following the law and protect the country and stop acting like colonial masters.
Tearing down this veil is Imran Khans greatest achievement.
Who are the bajwa supporters in those core commanders? Why not name them all?

Agar mulk hee na raha to in sabki choudhry-ness b khaak mei mil jaigi

The other/righteous core commanders must let bajwa go….let him and pdm all chor tabbars leave forever, no coming back
Let them go wreck the country they really consider their true live and home…..which is london uk
Bajwa and Establishment cannot be trusted even now, by the people and of course by Imran Khan.

What if the current Shahbaz, PDM govt. is dismissed through a NCV just like earlier, a reverse move by the Estab. to make it look like Establishment has risen to the demands of Imran Khan and has realised their mistakes...but deep down this was just a ploy and trick so that Imran Khan cancels the long march, and the heat is taken out from the current movement.

Bajwa is a chess player, so is the Estab.

Unless a new ECP admin. is formed, Imran Khan shouldn't fall to any trick.

And the new election dates in August end or early September. And after that the long March should be postponed and not cancelled, with other demands related to voting rights for overseas Pakistanis, and the caretaker PM of choice.

The US pressure is still there, so Estab. will reluctantly do things due to immense presuure fom the people supporting Imran Khan.
Who are the bajwa supporters in those core commanders? Why not name them all?

Agar mulk hee na raha to in sabki choudhry-ness b khaak mei mil jaigi

The other/righteous core commanders must let bajwa go….let him and pdm all chor tabbars leave forever, no coming back
Let them go wreck the country they really consider their true live and home…..which is london uk
4 core commanders are with him, 5 are either neutral or pro Imran, but Div commander and brig commanders are vehemently oppose to Bajwa and his policies. His security is changed every 8 hours as he is afraid of his own commanders throwing him out..

The worst person equal to Gen Yahya khan is this Bajwa guy. shameful and disgusting, his fate is no less than NS/SS/Zardari
Most people’s concern now is only one thing……has the country been brought to a point of no return? I mean it seems that even Bajwa or IK or anyone, nobody can prevent a bankrupt/default now…..is it over??
Have we reached that critical point of absolute zero or minus?
People used to accept martial laws in the past because the politicians were so corrupt. It has become clear to everyone now that the corrupt feudal politicians themselves were puppets of the generals.

So, they had a nice game going on of musical chairs with generals and their corrupt puppets taking turns.

I’ve always hated the politicians so much that I was always in favor of martial law. Now, I’ve finally realized that the generals are the ones who’ve ruined the country. They’ve ruled Pakistan for all its history and we’ve ended up with a failed country.

Now I would like to see the military and the rest of the establishment come under the control of honest elected representatives of the people of Pakistan.

The army needs to start following the law and protect the country and stop acting like colonial masters.

I have views that,...
Continuous crappy leadership of past had made the generals feel the intervention into politics a business as usual.. Because someone had to fill the void created every Single time as result of headless leaders corrupt to the soul

And This time they were doing business as usual, Utter miscalculation this time
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