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Institutions should stay in their constitutional limits and openly support this govt: Ex PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi

At least after all this…..the meddling of military into politics will be irrelevant…..
Hope the new govt reduces the fat cheques of these bureaucrats, judges, generals……sirf salary do bas……baqi apni foreign biwiyon se lain, hehe
Hope the new govt reduces the fat cheques of these bureaucrats, judges, generals…
Only if these Ra..cal elites allow it...
Having a good relationship between civil and military leadership doesn't automatically mean their "backing". If establishment was truly backing ex PM Imran Khan, why didn't they back General Faiz Hameed's extension as DG ISI as PM wanted him to stay until the winter was over? Why didn't they let criminal cases against Imran Khan's political opponents to conclude before NCM vote? Why didn't they back ex PM on his call against US interference before NCM vote?

Why not the converse as well? After all, being on the "same page" meant PMIK agreed with everything that was being done. After all, he was the Chief Executive at the time.

IK was naive.



(of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.

In other words, an idiot not competent for the office he held.

khan will remove these goons with the help of people support

I am going to wait and see what actually happens. My crystal ball is not as clear as yours appears to be.
He is right , institutions should obey the govt .
Institutions should obey the government within constitutional limits, and those limits do not include political machinations and conspiracies to weaken or overthrow an elected government (PTI government in this case) or a crackdown on opposition political parties (again PTI) to benefit the ruling alliance.

The institutions and PDM alliance claimed that the military was 'neutral', now let it function with complete neutrality and watch the people of Pakistan strip the PMLN & PPP alliance naked, tar and feather it and then parade it through the country.
Pmln getting desperate and wants help from Bajwa Sahib ??
They've always been desperate.

Both the PMLN and PPP know that they cannot win free and fair elections against an Imran Khan led PTI. They would have had a hard time winning had the PTI government been allowed to complete its term, but with the PTI government being overthrown via a conspiracy, Imran Khan's popularity has sky rocketed so the PMLN-PPP really have no chance of winning - their best hope is to minimize the majority that the PTI will get.

This is why the PPP & PMLN are so hell bent on overturning the electoral reforms enacted by the PTI, which required EVM's and gave overseas Pakistanis the right to vote. EVM's will significantly reduce the opportunities of vote rigging that the PMLN, PPP & MQM have traditionally employed, and OSP votes, while not significant overall, can potentially play a significant role in certain constituencies giving the PTI an additional edge.

At this point that is what they will try to do - force through laws that overturn the EVM requirement and Overseas Pakistani votes so they can rig the elections and minimize the PTI's success in the elections.

I've seen many PTI supporters proudly state here the Imran was selected by establishment. But now you say that Imran does not have their support. You guys should choose what you want to be the narrative. :agree:
PTI supporters claiming 'Imran Khan was selected'?

Now I know you're a troll - the term 'selected' was coined by the PMLN & PPP to explain their losses in the past elections.

If so called PTI supporters were claiming that 'Imran Khan was selected', as you are alleging, then they're not PTI supporters.
or a crackdown on opposition political parties (again PTI) to benefit the ruling alliance
Where was this during the PTI tenure when there were multiple instances of censorship, see i think people here are looking things from a myopic viewpoint, it was all fine and dandy before this but now that the music has stopped of this game of musical chairs and PTI lost that they NOW open their eyes. Now you expect real change to happen when you cannot even stand on the same principles you outline here, this is simply a fool's dream.

P.S since i anticipate a constant labelling, i don't see PMLN or any other party as a better alternative, i'm only being a realist here and trying to deflate this huge bubble where they think Imran Khan is the messiah who will bring deliverance to them, a lot of people thought the same of Bhutto, Benazir, Musharraf etc... We all saw how that ended up.

This is why i abhor politics
They only want what the Great Khan had when he was PM: to be on the same page. Nothing new here. :D
Completely different - the PTI government never asked the military to engage in unconstitutional actions to bring it to power or help extend its stay in power.

The use of the term 'same page' referred to the PTI Government and Army agreeing on matters of national importance. The PTI never descended to the level that the PMLN and PPP leadership are at now (and have done in the past) - groveling and begging the Army leadership to save them by cracking down on the opposition.

Where was this during the PTI tenure when there were multiple instances of censorship,
Ask the Army leadership.

For example - when was Hamid Mir removed from the air? He attacked and criticized the PTI government for 3 years on the media, but it was his comments made standing next to Toor, attacking the Army leadership, that resulted in his removal.

Similarly, which anchors or journalists were taken off air on the request of the PTI government? There is a long list of journalists and media figures that engaged in some disgusting personal attacks on Imran Khan and his wife, and not once were they taken off air.

What the PTI did do was minimize the amount of taxpayer money the government of Pakistan spent on advertisements and other payments to media channels, a practice that the PMLN and PPP loved to engage in (which in turn made government payments THE major source of revenue for many media companies) since it bought them media loyalty.
the PTI government never asked the military to engage in unconstitutional actions to bring it to power or help extend its stay in power.

I can actually agree with the above. But then again, the military has never been known for doing what is or is not asked of it. It does whatever it decides to do. And not just with the PTI recently. Or with the previous setup. Or the one before that. And it won't stop with the recent turmoil or its inevitable outcome, either.
I can actually agree with the above. But then again, the military has never been known for doing what is or is not asked of it. It does whatever it decides to do. And not just with the PTI recently. Or with the previous setup. Or the one before that. And it won't stop with the recent turmoil or its inevitable outcome, either.
Somebody must bell this establishment cat or it will keep destroying Pakistan
Somebody must bell this establishment cat or it will keep destroying Pakistan

Pakistan is doing just fine, and achieving results exactly according to the system by which it is governed. This system will not change anytime soon, for sure.
So now imported govt demands institutions open backing to stop Imran Khan's revolution? I thought they wanted institutions to stay "neutral" when they were bringing down Imran Khan's govt but now they want their open support?

@FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @muhammadhafeezmalik @ejaz007 @Musafir117 @El Sidd @VCheng @Wood @koolio @ghazi52 @Ghazwa-e-Hind @Jungibaaz @niaz @Jango @waz @HRK @Indus Pakistan @Ssan @Zibago @Sainthood 101
Oh yes constitution also allow institutions to Stop corruption tritor crimenals mafia (ppp & pmln) without any difference & hang them on the roads of Pakistan...

Somebody must bell this establishment cat or it will keep destroying Pakistan
Actuly ppp & pmln are destrying PAKISTAN...
PMLN is dead and finished from Punjab.

They had deacdes of rule in Punjab, still failed to provide basic necessities to the people.

8-14 hours electricity loadshedding take place right now under PDM imported government. Inflation increased 40%

Dollar 205~ PKR in open market. 29 RUPEES INCREASE IN 6 WEEKS
Don’t underestimate the jahalat of Pakistanis.

Despite being punished by the incumbent government, the public is fully capable of electing these crooks.

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