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Establishment should end its neutrality and openly support Shehbaz govt or else Imran Khan will eat it too: Asma Shirazi warns

If establishmemt gets blackmailed by these criminals, lifafas, and goes against Imran Khan again. Sri Lanka 2.0 will happen.

They must understand that Pakistan is above individual/selfish gains and gated communities.

Sri Lanka type situation will happen very soon,imported government wants to hang in there long as possible, if elections are not held soon, chaos will grind Pakistan to a halt, the US Dollar is going up against the Pakistani rupee which is adding more pressure to Pakistani debt.
Killing establishment would be a great service to Pakistan. Why is that a bad thing?
Establishments don’t die, they evolve or get replaced by a new one.

If we look at our neighbour Iran, the Shah’s loyalists got replaced by the IRGC after the revolution.
O bhai bana do isay bhi SAPM khuda ka wasta.

On another note, no politician has managed to harm the stronghold of establishment on our politics more than what the establishment has done itself the past few months.

It is all public pressure that put a spanner in the works, and things between N and fauj aren't as rosy as they were planned out to be, and MANY of the clauses within the deal could not be completed precisely due to this pressure.

Is this an indication to the future? Where the establishment's role is diminished? Time will tell.

IMO, Establishment and PDM is on same page since day one.

Otherwise SC would have called General elections in yesterday's ruling. Why did it take 50 days to listen PTI cases?

While PDM cases were heard within same day..
I think now ALL of these players and neutrals are realizing one most imp thing……that they’re all quickly becoming IRRELEVANT

Whether they support someone or not, things are no longer in their control. Just waiting the moment of reckoning which is the rise in inflation as soon as they increase prices of fuel, electricity, food items
We’re looking at chaos/anarchy

Even the elections will be irrelevant when its all too late.
Like when you need 90 runs on 6 balls…..too late, can only lose now

Nobody coming to save you, not even china

Brothers, doesn’t this remind you of what happened to Airblue flight 202 that crashed in margalla hills?
The first officer just sat and watched, dared not take over from captain…..due to being junior and submissive, culture of not questionable to senior

Yehi haal hamari fauj ka ha…..they will watch bajwa crash the nation but won’t step up…..na himmat na jurrat….just watch country go belly up…..sab kuch irrelevant hogya
First Najam Sethi and now Asma Shirazi is pushing this new narrative that establishment must end its neutrality, and openly support crooked Shehbaz govt. Or else Imran Khan will eat establishment too...

So they want to be on the "same page" with the establishment, just like their predecessor? Nothing new there. :D
Its really fun to listen them these days...they thought their media campaign against Imran Khan worked and he is done completely from Pakistani politics, little they realized how strong come back he has made. Imran Khan alone has stunned them in giving such silly statements.

The Sunday night soon after Imran Khan ousted was the game changer night in favor of Imran Khan where flocks of people in support of Imran Khan came into streets in most of the cities of Pakistan.
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First Najam Sethi and now Asma Shirazi is pushing this new narrative that establishment must end its neutrality, and openly support crooked Shehbaz govt. Or else Imran Khan will eat establishment too...

@Wood @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @muhammadhafeezmalik @VCheng @Ssan @Zibago @ghazi52 @Ghazwa-e-Hind @HRK @waz @koolio @Verve @RescueRanger @Jungibaaz @ejaz007 @Musafir117 @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @PakSword @Pakstallion
hahaha slowly slowly the dirty Eggs in media's so called journalist are coming out...
If ever bloody revolution comes in Pak then this bitch of the riches Asima Shirazi would be among those who will be killed on roads by mob. A lifafa sahafi who works for Mafias.
Establishment conducted an experiment with the financial support of foreign elements and removed an elected pm/govt at the will and wish of many internal and external players but that experiment failed miserably theoretically and practically then why establishment should jump in to save the sinking ship of imported gang imposed on us.Ground reality found absolutely didifferent from the assumption on which Ik was deseated.These paid journalists will cry and let them cry their paymasters are miserably failed to run the affairs of a country which they occupied using unfair means.Doom,s day lookes very near to these certified swindlers.
Because people controlling our establishment are following American establishment. Americans would pursue their objectives, regardless of local circumstances are journalists towing PDM agenda, who are just puppets.
Expect the unexpected from Americans (through our establishment or bypassing them).
Americans droned any potential peace process in Afghanistan or our tribal areas while they were occupying the region, as peace didn't suit them. In similar way, they will drone (metaphorically) any process resolving the chaotic situation in our country that won't serve their agenda. I leave it to you to decide, whose side will our agencies (who are supposed to protect Pakistan's interest) stand on during all this.
Whatever people had savings in rupees, are now worthless.

These people are living in gated communities, they get subsidized electricity, food, travel and servents.

Also, Bilawal house in Karachi looks like a fortress.

When Pakistan defaults (which is a matter of days), they will book ticket and escape to US/EU/AU meanwhile the ordinary public goes through financial hardships and misery.

Establishment is responsible for this regime change operation. If anything happens to Imran Khan, blood will be on their hands.
The Sunday night soon after Imran Khan ousted was the game changer night in favor of Imran Khan where flocks of people in support of Imran Khan came into streets in most of the cities of Pakistan.
The night that changed Pakistan, in which direction this change goes? Only history will tell.
First Najam Sethi and now Asma Shirazi is pushing this new narrative that establishment must end its neutrality, and openly support crooked Shehbaz govt. Or else Imran Khan will eat establishment too...
First mistake people make is confusing Establishment with Miltabishment or Military leadership .

Establishment is more of a clean up crew once the later effs up and creates a mess. If I recall correctly, it was in We've Learnt Nothing from History: Pakistan: Politics and Military where author went on to explain or define Establishment.

answering to the question, what N.S and A.S are doing is begging Military leadership to intervene when they themselves don't even hold all the cards at this moment. Ball is back in the court of Establishment. Though it might take sometime but mess will be sorted out.

Only one who lost in this dirty and filthy game is Pakistan

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