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'Why don't you go to Pakistan?' : PM Hasina to Khaleda Zia

doesnt matter, you can be a hindu, jew, buddhist, muslim as long as you believe in a higher power.
I have been an active member of the freemasonry since my second year in University that eye on the pyramid resembles the eye of the god.
horus is also god.... And you said pyramid? Hmmm!
the pyramid resembles the class, how god keeps an eye on everyone and every class of people.
that eye on the pyramid resembles the eye of the god.

Which God? Who's God? Where did you get this BS from? I'm quite sure you're aware that God isn't one eyed and the masonic pyramid's symbolic meaning goes against Islamic teachings
^^Why do you guys get so defensive?

All religions are basically the same and their development are milestones in human civilization (yes atheists are stupid). But within a few centuries of the founding of a set of philosophies, the true teachings die.

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was aware of this trend and wanted His followers to keep the original teachings intact. Unfortunately, the true Islamic spirit is long dead, even though the Qur'an compiled during Hazrat Usman's (R.A.) time still survives.
People should note that ALL Awamis are extremely anti-Pakistan. Often, an irrational hatred of the whole thing. There's propaganda there as well.

Yeah, the key word is 'anti'.

Most Bangladeshis aren't like that.
People should note that ALL Awamis are extremely anti-Pakistan. Often, an irrational hatred of the whole thing. There's propaganda there as well.

Yeah, the key word is 'anti'.

Most Bangladeshis aren't like that.

anti pakistan is fully justified since lot of our people were raped and slaughtered by their army dont you think?
^^Why do you guys get so defensive?

All religions are basically the same and their development are milestones in human civilization (yes atheists are stupid). But within a few centuries of the founding of a set of philosophies, the true teachings die.

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was aware of this trend and wanted His followers to keep the original teachings intact. Unfortunately, the true Islamic spirit is long dead, even though the Qur'an compiled during Hazrat Usman's (R.A.) time still survives.

if u dont want 2 b a muslim its ok no1 forcing u

dont compare islam with hinduism
Celebrating mujib's death by celebrating her false birthday is not a classy thing to do, shows both of these women are classless kamer bedi.

That is classic awami accusation. Should there be any doubt about your bornochora awami identity. People like you without any moral, flip floop and look for benefit from every winning side. Not to mention quality of your discussion.

And it is another classic awami template to equate Hasina and awami league outragious acts and failures with KZ and BNP when Awami League fan boys can not defend Awami acts and oppression. In reality though, despite its shortcomings BNP still has marketedly different track record when it comes to holding Bangladesh independence and sovereignty, democracy, institutions and very important fact economy.

Now question of celebrating birthday on day of Mujib death is prohibited by god or something? There are thousands Bangladeshis borned on that day including people I know. So they can not celebrate their birthday because Mujib died that day? What kind of fundamentalist and fascist ideology you and awami league is following?
That's history. 'Anti' is never a good thing.

that is not history we were never given a formal apology and our atrocities were never formally recognized by pakistan or the un. Until that day, there would be a big part of our population that will hold it against pakistan.
No. In BD a stance against Awami League is translated as pro-Pakistanism by the Awami Leaguers.

More precisely if a freedom fighter supports BNP he is tagged as Rajakar collaborator of pakistan and if a collaborator of pakistan supports Awmileague now he gets freedom fighter certificate from Govt. This is our country dude. Hurra!...
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