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Why Congress wants to forget 1962 Indo-China war

Now you want to make up story with so-called tibetans fled to India monthly and "prostitution" eh?
Show me "proof" not some bad breath from your big mouth
"Prositution" in tibet eh, is it as bad as this? btw, do they serve the Indian army too?
ACCORDING TO Human Rights Watch, there are approximately 15 million prostitutes in India. There are more than 100,000 women prostitution in Bombay, Asia’s largest sex industry center.Prostitution: A burning issue in India today
and yes china is all milk and honey thr is nothing bad happening in china ... got to your country and see with your eyes ///
Maybe we should cut off the upper reaches of the Ganges water. Invite them to Tibet to fight a war.
Indians are not sincere wish for peace. That being the case, we should destroy their future.

Great Idea! We want revenge for '62 war!!!
There was no real country called India in history.

India today was created when the British united the kingdoms in the subcontinent.

You were created by the British, and their concept of "British India".
haha ...

really you know much more than an Indian about Indian history may be all these empires were made up by GOI///

i dont know then how

TAJ MAHAL was created may b its an alien ship ...
Great Idea! We want revenge for '62 war!!!

LOL poor Indians are going to get defeated quickly again.

Think about this... in 1962, our economies were of similar size.

Now... China's economy is FOUR times bigger than India's, and growing faster. Our indigenous military industry is far superior to anything India has.

The war will be over even faster than 1962, and China will cut off the entire North East India by blocking off the "Chicken's neck" corridor. Let the Indian North East secede from the Indian union... that will be welcome to all of India's neighbours.
India hasn't been a unified country for that long, so it might be a little hard for Indians to truly appreciate our voluntary clinging to the idea of "great unity", and after being humiliated by almost all the major powers in recent history, one after another, you can bet the Chinese government, especially the PRC, would not let a square-inch of territory slip through its fingers.

And for that matter, no, Tibet was not a free nation, it has been a vassal state of the Qing dynasty for hundreds of years, and more than one emperor had sent troops there to insure our sovereighty, more often than not at the very requests of the then Dalai lamas.

The one thing people can argue for Tibet's independence is whether the PRC government had the right to inherit Tibet's territory from the Qing dynast and then the ROC, but since no one seemed too upset when USSR claimed the legacy of Tsar Russia, I don't see the problem.

And speaking of misinformed, aint we all?

So some of u can even talk sensibly,but u again called of a blunder by saying that India was never united, recheck history,clue,Maurya,Gupta,maratha,Mughal etc.

I already agreed that Tibet was never any free nation,and India had never accepted it as a free nation,cheak my post again.
and yes china is all milk and honey thr is nothing bad happening in china ... got to your country and see with your eyes ///
Milk and honey not so bad.But earthquake is really a shame in our memory.
these two are not indians i think :lol:

just two blind tibetans in day dreaming, empty words all the way:lol:

So how should Congress remember it? the only thing that is visible that the writer is focusing that Congress proudly claim 71 whereas it altogether omitted any blame for 62 on its leadership
There was no real country called India in history.

India today was created when the British united the kingdoms in the subcontinent.

You were created by the British, and their concept of "British India".

This is why I call many of u r misinformed.

Ever heard about Megasthenis,he called the mauryan empire Indika(old version of India)in around 200 BC,so did any body heard about China at that time.

So what about Indian ocean,do u think it was named so after British invasion of India some 200 yrs ago.:rofl::rofl:
LOL poor Indians are going to get defeated quickly again.

Think about this... in 1962, our economies were of similar size.

Now... China's economy is FOUR times bigger than India's, and growing faster. Our indigenous military industry is far superior to anything India has.

The war will be over even faster than 1962, and China will cut off the entire North East India by blocking off the "Chicken's neck" corridor. Let the Indian North East secede from the Indian union... that will be welcome to all of India's neighbours.
yaa we are poor weak... and our army is still in 60s ...

go to nearest PLA base and tell these to PLA officers... :)
and please post his reaction here
China is building hydropower stations upstream of the Ganges now.
Come on, baby.

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So some of u can even talk sensibly,but u again called of a blunder by saying that India was never united, recheck history,clue,Maurya,Gupta,maratha,Mughal etc.

I already agreed that Tibet was never any free nation,and India had never accepted it as a free nation,cheak my post again.

:woot: yes yes we know Mughals are now Indians in history of current day India.

The tricolored flagged India was NOT There before 47.

anyway come back to the topic and hey welcome again to the forum
Prostitution in China - Wikipedia

The state-controlled media have focused attention on urban residents engaging in prostitution, especially university-educated women. There also seems to be a growing acceptance of prostitution. In a 1997 study, 46.8% of undergraduates in Beijing admitted to having considered receiving prostitution services. On the demand side, prostitution has been associated with the gender imbalances brought about by the one-child policy.

Oh! I see that's how China got richer!!!:rofl: It is 1997 study so now it has become snowballed!!:rofl:
LOL poor Indians are going to get defeated quickly again.

Think about this... in 1962, our economies were of similar size.

Now... China's economy is FOUR times bigger than India's, and growing faster. Our indigenous military industry is far superior to anything India has.

bwill cut off the entire North East India by blocking off the "Chicken's neck" corridor. Let the Indian North East secede from the Indian union... that will be welcome to all of India's neighbours.
"Chicken's neck" DOES NOT exist.Nation there will be India's land if war happen.
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