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Why Congress wants to forget 1962 Indo-China war

bro in every months some tibetans fled to India... and we get the exact picture wats going in Tibet ... i have myself met many Tibetans they say in 2010 ... thr was a flood of Han chinese prostitute in Lhasa... special delivery for PLA... :)

Well said......
Pakistani although not different from Indians sees India as an arch rival .. and China gives them an equation where they can balance India... so yes they will support you anything when to comes tio
India vs china ...

but on question on more than 10 million oppressed muslims of East Turkmenistan I KNOW THE ANSWER very well...

Like I said, go ahead and ask them.

This is a Pakistani Defence forum after all, there are many Pakistanis here who can give their own opinions.

I'm not going to take the word of an Indian, as to what a Pakistani person would think. :no:
See, even you recognize that India is supporting separatism in China, since the Tibetan government "in exile" claims to be the true government of Tibet.

Here is something to remember: China has no active armed insurgencies.

Whereas India has too many armed insurgencies to count... the Kashmir insurgency, the Maoist insurgency, the insurgencies in the North East...

India has been supporting the Tibetan government in exile for half a century. Imagine if China started openly supporting Indian separatist groups, your country will be broken into pieces easily.

Just wait till your arrogance causes you to take one step too far. :wave:

U dont have any active insurgencies in China because the reality is that none of ur neighbor's wanted so,give me a single evidence that any of ur neighbor had initiated such program or r supporting any armed programme's from behind the border,the answer is no,even ur govt accepts that India is not funding any extremist movement,but u can keep barking all day.

And by the way if we want,their r 1000's of entry points to send our weapon's into China,so dont arrive with ur fake threat attempts,u leave in peace because of our responsive nature,ur govt knows,so they will think 10 times before supporting an active separatist movement in India
:lol: youself is a tibetan, why pretend? too shy or too much lies? :lol:

we are just not that low :lol:
I am a proud INDIAN...i live in Dharamsala.. i have many tibetan frnds ... i know wats cooking in Tibet more than you who lives in a different part of world 5000 kms from Tibet
The GDP per capita of Urumqi in Xinjiang province is US$6,200.

It is more developed than any city in India. The GDP per capita of Delhi is only US$1,600.

Here is a picture of Urumqi:

An another misinformed fellow,so i must assume PRC is the successor state of this Tang dynasty.

According to ur principle Portugal should have by now patented the sea route to India because Vasco Da Gama discovered it,and India is the rightful owner of South Asia as Maura empire ruled all over it.

About CIA funding and India helping dalai lama,I want to make to aware that ur nation had so far not raised any concern about India funding an extremist organization and using it against China,neither so far had they provided any evidence,all this r hallucination's of some Chinese people lurking on cyber space especially on this forum.

And by the way calling Indian's illiterate and low IQ may be a fashion in this forum nowadays as it make u cool and can fetch some brownie points,but a suggestion,even without insults u can have a proper debate,it wont make u less of a man.

India hasn't been a unified country for that long, so it might be a little hard for Indians to truly appreciate our voluntary clinging to the idea of "great unity", and after being humiliated by almost all the major powers in recent history, one after another, you can bet the Chinese government, especially the PRC, would not let a square-inch of territory slip through its fingers.

And for that matter, no, Tibet was not a free nation, it has been a vassal state of the Qing dynasty for hundreds of years, and more than one emperor had sent troops there to insure our sovereighty, more often than not at the very requests of the then Dalai lamas.

The one thing people can argue for Tibet's independence is whether the PRC government had the right to inherit Tibet's territory from the Qing dynast and then the ROC, but since no one seemed too upset when USSR claimed the legacy of Tsar Russia, I don't see the problem.

And speaking of misinformed, aint we all?
Maybe we should cut off the upper reaches of the Ganges water. Invite them to Tibet to fight a war.
Indians are not sincere wish for peace. That being the case, we should destroy their future.
yaa we are also waiting for PLA to cut in to upper reaches ...
bro in every months some tibetans fled to India... and we get the exact picture wats going in Tibet ... i have myself met many Tibetans they say in 2010 ... thr was a flood of Han chinese prostitute in Lhasa... special delivery for PLA... :)

Now you want to make up story with so-called tibetans fled to India monthly and "prostitution" eh?
Show me "proof" not some bad breath from your big mouth
"Prositution" in tibet eh, is it as bad as this? btw, do they serve the Indian army too?
ACCORDING TO Human Rights Watch, there are approximately 15 million prostitutes in India. There are more than 100,000 women prostitution in Bombay, Asia’s largest sex industry center.Prostitution: A burning issue in India today
India hasn't been a unified country for that long, so it might be a little hard for Indians to truly appreciate our voluntary clinging to the idea of "great unity", and after being humiliated by almost all the major powers in recent history, one after another, you can bet the Chinese government, especially the PRC, would not let a square-inch of territory slip through its fingers.

And for that matter, no, Tibet was not a free nation, it has been a vassal state of the Qing dynasty for hundreds of years, and more than one emperor had sent troops there to insure our sovereighty, more often than not at the very requests of the then Dalai lamas.

The one thing people can argue for Tibet's independence is whether the PRC government had the right to inherit Tibet's territory from the Qing dynast and then the ROC, but since no one seemed too upset when USSR claimed the legacy of Tsar Russia, I don't see the problem.

And speaking of misinformed, aint we all?
check your facts///

Maurya, Gupta, Mugal, Maratha// these empires all have area under them greater than modern india... india was in few times were in various princely states.. but always thr was a power who annexed them from time to time.. and made an empire... sadly when British came Mugal empire and Maratha empire was very weak henceforth all india was divided in princely states.. that made British job easy
check your facts///

Maurya, Gupta, Mugal, Maratha// these empires all have area under them greater than modern india... india was in few times were in various princely states.. but always thr was a power who annexed them from time to time.. and made an empire...

There was no real country called India in history.

India today was created when the British united the kingdoms in the subcontinent.

You were created by the British, and their concept of "British India".
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