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Why China Won’t Fall Apart

When people from mainland China populated Japan, China didn't exist. So it's not a colonialization from people of one country to another. Otherwise, we are all africans.

Actually, that's wrong. There is actually a trace, specifically. The earliest Japanese civilization (State) traced its lineage to the King Taibo of the State of Wu. The Yayois of Japan (Sinic Race) trace ancestry to the State of Wu. This was 4 centuries before the contact between Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty and his Japanese contemporary.
@powastick ,

The legend of Empress Himiko is well known in Japan, and this legacy predates the Imperial Period. It was in the time of the Yayoi Period where the earliest development of Sinic Japan really manifested. As we theorize that the classic Sinic Race that colonized Japan were from present day Zhejiang and Jiangzhu region of mainland China. I'm surprised you know about Empress Himiko!!

Anyways, there is indeed a lot of study , interest in Japanese history at the collegiate level -- regarding this link.

I'm impressed that you even knew about this! ;)
@powastick ,

The legend of Empress Himiko is well known in Japan, and this legacy predates the Imperial Period. It was in the time of the Yayoi Period where the earliest development of Sinic Japan really manifested. As we theorize that the classic Sinic Race that colonized Japan were from present day Zhejiang and Jiangzhu region of mainland China. I'm surprised you know about Empress Himiko!!

Anyways, there is indeed a lot of study , interest in Japanese history at the collegiate level -- regarding this link.

I'm impressed that you even knew about this! ;)
I don't know much but she is quite popular in video games. Latest Tomb Raider and KOEI games have Himiko in them. Is there any evidence Xu Fu actually landed on Japan?
I don't know much but she is quite popular in video games. Latest Tomb Raider and KOEI games have Himiko in them. Is there any evidence Xu Fu actually landed on Japan?

Yes, it is mentioned in the 日本書紀 (Nihon Shoki), the Classical Chronicles of the Japan Empire. It is hard to find any written documents from ancient Japanese civilizations prior to the Kofun Jidai, which was from 250 CE to 540 CE.

So what we do have , as close that is, is from the Nihon Shoki, or from what we can read in the 後漢書. That would be the 2 authoritative writings I would refer to.

But I am sure that classical Chinese historians have recorded it.
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Yes, it is mentioned in the 日本書紀 (Nihon Shoki), the Classical Chronicles of the Japan Empire. It is hard to find any written documents from ancient Japanese civilizations prior to the Kofun Jidai, which was from 250 CE to 540 CE.

So what we do have , as close that is, is from the Nihon Shoki, or from what we can read in the 後漢書. That would be the 2 authoritative writings I would refer to.

But I am sure that classical Chinese historians have recorded it.

So, Yuzuki no Kimi is Xu Fu. Hata clan is decedent of Xu Fu. Interesting.

Life in Penang, is more than beautiful: Japan and Xu Fu(徐福)

The date mismatch by a lot.
@Nihonjin1051, my firend ... here i recommend a popular Chinese teleplay to u 《The Qin Empire / 大秦帝国》 (i rarely watch China teleplay most time America's, but what i recommend it must be the best,《The Qin Empire》 as good as 《Game of Thrones: ICE & FIRE》in HBO)

The story of 《The Qin Empire》 about 1000 years ago China Qin kingdom rise up and struggles between different Chinese ideas in ancient China. Using 百度一下,你就知道 search "大秦帝国", there'r free on-line videos or download sites ... total 《The Qin Empire I / II / III》 (only Chinese)

Why China won't fall apart ? It's Chinese wisdom/ideas and the spirit, they all showed in this history teleplay.
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For ordinary people,Communism=people dsnt have any say,
Arab catastrophic protests where for democracy and not against democracy.

Communism is a economic system sometimes political, however totalitarian is when there is no say. Don't think understand you what I said , the reason why most Arab countries fell apart is democracy, Egypt = coup Libya = unstable run by militias Syria = civil war. They are not ready for it nor is democracy a guarantee to prosperity.
Did you expect the people in power to give their power easily,it takes time.

Tell me about the peaceful takeove china by communists.

Your wiki Chinese history is weak, both KMT and CPC were fighting for power neither were peaceful, the people supported the CPC that is why they are in power not the KMT without support from the people they would not have won. His point was the revolutions for democracy failed.
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Tell me about the peaceful takeove china by communists.

Changes in government are never supposed to be blood-free. Historically speaking, during the decline of the Qing Dynasty, one demographic debacle that happened in China was the Taiping Rebellion, which Chinese historians state that over 20 million Chinese civilians died in the process. The point is during transitions of one form of government, ergo in the classical dynastic period, there was a civilian toll. Nevertheless, China did not collapse.
Communism is a economic system sometimes political, however totalitarian is when there is no say. Don't think understand you what I said , the reason why most Arab countries fell apart the is democracy, Egypt = coup Libya = unstable run by militias Syria = civil war. They are not ready for it nor is democracy a guarantee to prosperity.
Your wiki Chinese history is weak, both KMT and CPC were fighting for power neither were peaceful, the people supported the CPC that is why they are in power not the KMT without support from the people they would not have won. His point was the revolutions for democracy failed.
I never said democracy is a guarantee to prosperity or that matter any system.

the wiki link was to show him change dsnt come easy and it takes time and blood.
The default Western strategy towards China’s rise as an economic and military superpower appears to be to sit back and wait for it to fall apart.

The opening statement is so false that the rest of the article becomes irrelevant.

The West is doing a lot more than "sitting back".

The Western media, which is an integral part of the West's arsenal against its perceived adversaries (including China), is engaged in a full scale propaganda war. The Chinese public has already been conquered by Western culture.
I never said democracy is a guarantee to prosperity or that matter any system.

the wiki link was to show him change dsnt come easy and it takes time and blood.

His point was the change has already collapsed or no change in fact, Egypt did a military coup failed democracy, Libya is a failed state and democracy made it more fractious, and Syria already in civil war. Revolutions at least in 21st century hardy bring change. Any change that might have been made is backtracked
His point was the change has already collapsed or no change in fact, Egypt did a military coup failed democracy, Libya is a failed state and democracy made it more fractious, and Syria already in civil war. Revolutions at least in 21st century hardy bring change.

Sir, the moral of the story is that democracy should never be forced. I believe that there are certain demographic achievements necessary for democracy to be successful in a particular country. Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iraq have not satisfied these requirements.
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