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Why China Won’t Fall Apart

Yes, yes ! My university professor of Chinese Classical Literature was a true and ardent idealist. He was a Confucian supporter and in fact i took 3 elective courses with him regarding Chinese literature, and its interesting that if you study confucianism too much you become an idealist, and you begin to think in the abstract ! lol. That's why i always joked with my Chinese lilt professor that if you take his class, we should also take theoretical physics. hahahaha!

I learned about Mohism before, yes, its very pragmatic, i think he was defintely works well with the legalism that was espoused by 商鞅 (Shang Yang).

BTW, if you want to appreciate some of the great works of Mencius, i recommend you read the translation of : 四書
Thank you, bro !

About 商鞅(Shang Yang), he was the representative of China Legalists ... be good at legislation and praise rule by laws, it's the earliest laws in Whole World ... but worse is they also good at playing power tactics & power struggles, the more study legalism the more depravity of human nature. So most Legalists end is very sad !

There'r two things Legalism like: 1. rule by laws 2. ambition by wars

Legalism is not good for China, coz easily develop to extremism like Nazi !
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Thank you, bro !

About 商鞅(Shang Yang), he was the representative of China Legalists ... be good at legislation and praise rule by laws, it's the earlist laws in Whole World ... but worse is they also good at playing power tactics & power struggles, the more study legalism the more depravity of human nature. So most Legalists end is very sad !

There'r two things Legalism like: 1. rule by laws 2. ambition by wars

Legalism is not good for China, coz easily develop to extremism like Nazi !

You're right bro about the hard line nature of legalism. The notion of mercy and benevolence doesn't work well with it. But i appreciate the fact that this was the earliest concept of jurisprudence in that time. I remember reading that one of the earliest supporter of Legalism was the Emperor , 秦始皇.
You're right bro about the hard line nature of legalism. The notion of mercy and benevolence doesn't work well with it. But i appreciate the fact that this was the earliest concept of jurisprudence in that time. I remember reading that one of the earliest supporter of Legalism was the Emperor , 秦始皇.
Of course 秦始皇 support Legalism, coz

1. rule by laws, it make Qin kingdom stronger
2. ambition by wars, it make stronger Qin attack other 5x weak kingdoms and finally unify whole China lands

Legalism help his Qin kingdom reach the Glory ! but it also ruin the Qin in next 20 years coz power struggles under Legalism. Legalism be good at buildjing a war machine, not good at managing a big country.
Not in our lifetime. Usually each Chinese Dynasty lasts anywhere between 300 to 500 years. The CPC has only been in power for some 65 years. That's blink in the lifetime of the Chinese Civilization, which exceeds 5 millennia. We are dealing , after all, with the oldest living and unbroken civilization in the history of the world.

That's true.

If anything, the CPC is on a winning streak right now.

If we are comparing the current Chinese government to a dynasty of Imperial China, then I would say we might even be in the golden years for our economic development plans.
That's true.

If anything, the CPC is on a winning streak right now.

If we are comparing the current Chinese government to a dynasty of Imperial China, then I would say we might even be in the golden years for our economic development plans.

China is definite doing well now. The question is how to keep it going. Each new generation of leadership will face that challenge and must overcome them to be successful.
China is definite doing well now. The question is how to keep it going. Each new generation of leadership will face that challenge and must overcome them to be successful.

We know how to keep it going: Economic reforms.

But of course, that's a lot easier said than done. Luckily Xi Jinping is pushing them through with real force, I have a good idea that our economy will successfully be rebalanced in the coming decade.

Luckily the current leaders still follow the philosophy of Deng Xiaoping, and even Hu Jintao's scientific development concept:

Scientific Outlook on Development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The ideology stems from the basic premise that it is possible for the state to engineer sustainable development through tested and proven methodologies of governance.

Such a scientific approach is said to minimize conflict amongst different interest groups in society in order to maintain stability on the national level, in turn fostering economic and cultural advancement.
We know how to keep it going: Economic reforms.

But of course, that's a lot easier said than done. Luckily Xi Jinping is pushing them through with real force, I have a good idea that our economy will successfully be rebalanced in the coming decade.

Luckily the current leaders still follow the philosophy of Deng Xiaoping, and even Hu Jintao's scientific development concept:

Scientific Outlook on Development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2003-2013 was the crucial era in chinese development and where we distinguished ourselves from other developing countries in terms of scientific/economic influence and military power. it was literally a do or die era. Look at India or Vietnam for examples of what could have been. in 2003 we only had the hard power of a regional state, in 2013, a global power.
Of course 秦始皇 support Legalism, coz

1. rule by laws, it make Qin kingdom stronger
2. ambition by wars, it make stronger Qin attack other 5x weak kingdoms and finally unify whole China lands

Legalism help his Qin kingdom reach the Glory ! but it also ruin the Qin in next 20 years coz power struggles under Legalism. Legalism be good at buildjing a war machine, not good at managing a big country.

Very good point ! Its interesting to note that even during the Warring States period when China was made up of different 'kingdoms' and had many barons, lords, the concept of a China was always there. I mean, even after say 秦始皇 passed away, each succedding Dynasty always aimed to nurture the traditional borders of the Empire. Each emperor refer to himself as 天子 (for our friends who cannot understand Kanji, this means "Son of Heaven"), a title each Emperor always referred to himself.

Chinese Dynasty may collapse, but the Chinese civilization never collapsed. In fact, it even conquered even foreign barbarians such as the Mongols and the Manchu, who eventually were Sinified. China, as an entity and scope, is vast. China is not just a nation state, China is the idea , the progenitor of East Asian culture and the sages that helped form and cultivate other East Asian neighbors such as those in Japan, and Korea.

Foreigners who think that "China will collapse" are wrong. China cannot collapse, and will never collapse. The idea of China is as old as Human history itself. In fact, "CHINA" is older than Christianity, Islam, Judaism. China as living continuous civilization did what many classical empires could not; and that is withstand foreign influence and subjugation. Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Holy Roman Empire, British Empire, Ottoman Empire, Russian Empire, etc etc, all collapsed in the sands of time. China has never collapsed. It has retained its traditional entity , more or less.

And as a nation that is over 1.4 Billion strong. They will continue to exist, 5 thousand years from now.
We know how to keep it going: Economic reforms.

But of course, that's a lot easier said than done. Luckily Xi Jinping is pushing them through with real force, I have a good idea that our economy will successfully be rebalanced in the coming decade.

Luckily the current leaders still follow the philosophy of Deng Xiaoping, and even Hu Jintao's scientific development concept:

Scientific Outlook on Development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dent xiaoping is a great economic architect. If China continue to follow his path, it will become successful. He might even be the man of 21st century even though he never lived past 20th century.
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Dent xiaoping is a great economic architect. If China continue to follow his path, it will become successful. He might even be the man of 21st century even though he lived past 20th century.

Yep. :P

And Deng Xiaoping is of Hakka descent, just like me. :cheers:

Sort of like Lee Kuan Yew (founder of Singapore) and Sun Yat-sen.
Very good point ! Its interesting to note that even during the Warring States period when China was made up of different 'kingdoms' and had many barons, lords, the concept of a China was always there. I mean, even after say 秦始皇 passed away, each succedding Dynasty always aimed to nurture the traditional borders of the Empire. Each emperor refer to himself as 天子 (for our friends who cannot understand Kanji, this means "Son of Heaven"), a title each Emperor always referred to himself.

Chinese Dynasty may collapse, but the Chinese civilization never collapsed. In fact, it even conquered even foreign barbarians such as the Mongols and the Manchu, who eventually were Sinified. China, as an entity and scope, is vast. China is not just a nation state, China is the idea , the progenitor of East Asian culture and the sages that helped form and cultivate other East Asian neighbors such as those in Japan, and Korea.

Foreigners who think that "China will collapse" are wrong. China cannot collapse, and will never collapse. The idea of China is as old as Human history itself. In fact, "CHINA" is older than Christianity, Islam, Judaism. China as living continuous civilization did what many classical empires could not; and that is withstand foreign influence and subjugation. Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Holy Roman Empire, British Empire, Ottoman Empire, Russian Empire, etc etc, all collapsed in the sands of time. China has never collapsed. It has retained its traditional entity , more or less.

And as a nation that is over 1.4 Billion strong. They will continue to exist, 5 thousand years from now.

I agree that chinese civilization is the progenitor of East Asian civilization, as matter of fact, I don't believe that each nation in East Asia have their own civilization, there is just one and it originated in China. Just like how western civilization started in Greece and Rome, East Asian civilization started in China.

Also, I was told that Chinese civilization is equivalent of ancient Egypt withits hieroglyphics still being use in Egypt today. Oh how Indus Valley civilization was never conquered by Aryana that brought in Hinduism and caste system into India.
I agree that chinese civilization is the progenitor of East Asian civilization, as matter of fact, I don't believe that each nation in East Asia have their own civilization, there is just one and it originated in China. Just like how western civilization started in Greece and Rome, East Asian civilization started in China.

only french, spanish and italians. your civilization is germanic.
I agree that chinese civilization is the progenitor of East Asian civilization, as matter of fact, I don't believe that each nation in East Asia have their own civilization, there is just one and it originated in China. Just like how western civilization started in Greece and Rome, East Asian civilization started in China.

Civilization might be the wrong word to describe China's historical influence on the surrounding region. Culturally each nation in the region differs from each other, add social stratification, economic policy, human rights approach and other metrics and too many differences occur. Like Greece, China has helped shape a region (or in Greece's case, formulate a cultural and governmental path), but also like Greece, China's influence waned and allowed other nations the chance to form their own paths. The US is no more like Greece than Japan and China are the same. I agree with the jist, but not the semantics.
I agree that chinese civilization is the progenitor of East Asian civilization, as matter of fact, I don't believe that each nation in East Asia have their own civilization, there is just one and it originated in China. Just like how western civilization started in Greece and Rome, East Asian civilization started in China.

As a Japanese , and as one who reads classical Japanese writings, if you go back far enough, say anything before the 9th century C.E, there is no such thing as hiragana, katakana characters. Everything that is written , especially court documents, ancient poems of old, they are all written in Kanji. Kanji is the Japanese word for Hanzi, the Chinese characters.

Prior to the 9th century, we Japanese wrote in Chinese characters (i mean we still do because Kanji has a role in subject, object lexicon), but more so.

Lastly, Japanese people came to present day Japan from modern day China. We are , genetically speaking, derived from the same stock. As Japanese and Chinese share strong mitochondrial and chromosomal traits. The people who colonized prsent day Japanese Islands came from Chinese Mainland.

So, in a way, proto-Japanese are Chinese.
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