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Why China Won’t Fall Apart

Sir, the moral of the story is that democracy should never be forced. I believe that there are certain demographic achievements necessary for democracy to be successful in a particular country. Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iraq have not satisfied these requirements.

Disagree and Agree on that. In my opinion since this is mostly relating to China, China does not need democracy nor would it be positive for China at least not in this point of our development.
Disagree and Agree on that. In my opinion since this is mostly relating to China, China does not need democracy nor would it be positive for China at least not in this point of our development.

I agree with you that China does not need the Western Version of Democracy because China's CPC had successfully integrated market capitalism, socialist government into one. China (PRC) is unique because it is not really communist, but is a Socialist state that has adapted capitalism and Chinese characteristics into one. It has achieved what Gorbachev could not achieve with his Perestroika and Glasnost Reforms in the early 1990s. What I like about the CPC is that it has been willing to adapt to meet new social demands in the country, as in judicial reviews, corporate law reforms and has also shown exuberance towards anti-corruption, anti-graft initiatives.

China, in the eyes of the political scientist, is quite unique. It has achieved what the Soviet Union could not. Yet at the same time embracing capitalism, which was a unique aspect of western democracies. She truly has found the "middle" path. ;)
So, Yuzuki no Kimi is Xu Fu. Hata clan is decedent of Xu Fu. Interesting.

Life in Penang, is more than beautiful: Japan and Xu Fu(徐福)

The date mismatch by a lot.

Bro, there is remarkable link between China and Japan. This link is traced back to the legends of old of Xu Fu (Yuzuki no Kimi) , to King Taibo. Even in early modern period of Japan and China, the father of Modern China, Dr. Sun Yat Sen, was very good friends with a Japanese philosopher named 宮崎 滔天 Miyazaki Toten. They remained the best of friends throughout their lives. Miyazaki died in 1922 and Dr. Sun died in 1925.

Here's a picture of Dr. Sun Yat Sen in Tokyo with other Japanese friends. Dr. Sun Yat Sen is in the right, And Miyazaki Toten is in the center (the guy with the big bushy beard, lol):

LOL ... Sun Yat Sen, yes he is the Father of Modern China, but he is the weak father ... all achievements taken by other warlords or his fellows ... for both KMT and CCP Sun is the "President of China" in name no any real power.

Chinese respect him coz he was the main leader anti-Qing dynasty, but he didn't attend any armed uprising to fight against Qing dynasty, that time he always stayed in overseas not in China ... so Sun is a theorist not a revolutionist.

按中国现在话讲, 孙 是一名裸官 !
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LOL ... Sun Yat Sen, yes he is the Father of Modern China, but he is the weak father ... all achievements taken by other warlords or his fellows ... for both KMT and CCP Sun is the "President of China" in name no any real power.

I agree, he was not iron willed as say the likes of Mao Zedong , who realized the unification of China. But let us not belittle the ideological fervor of Dr. Sun.
The Chinese Communist Party had a visual aid of how not to do - criminal destruction of the greatest state in history, the USSR. Chinese leaders, I am sure, will be able to prevent penetration into the government of pro-Western traitors , who for 30 pieces of silver are willing to destroy their own country and plunge its people into the abyss of poverty and despair.
The Chinese Communist Party had a visual aid of how not to do - criminal destruction of the greatest state in history, the USSR. Chinese leaders, I am sure, will be able to prevent penetration into the government of pro-Western traitors , who for 30 pieces of silver are willing to destroy their own country and plunge its people into the abyss of poverty and despair.

Zdraste @vostok ,

I had read much into Gorbachev's forays into Glasnost and Perestroika. However, in my opinion, the way he implemented it was too fast, it should have been a gradual implementation in say 10-15 years time. It was, in regards to the Soviet vantage point, a collapse of epic proportions. Met-analytically speaking, however, at least the Chinese Government realized what not to do. At the same time, China was able to whether the storm because it had begun to open itself to market economics as early as 1978, whereas the USSR remained largely closed.

China also had something that Russia did not have. Hong Kong.

Hong Kong, since 1980s till this day, was and is the conduit in which FDI enters China. From this point of source, China has developed rapidly , yet shielded from all the effects of heavy FDI presence. Russia, unfortunately, did not have this opportunity.
When the dynasties ruled,it would have taken more than a month or more to travel from one corner to the other corner of china,but to day it takes just hour or two,you know what i mean.

China as a country wont fall but CCP will.

You do realize that modern communication makes the country more stable right? There is a reason long lasting empires such as the Chinese ones and Roman empire also happens to be the ones with the best communication and road system at the time.
the primitive and hunger stricken India will collapse way before the CCP will do, i can ensure that in our lifetime
Then what are you doing on an online form,you must be having grand children or great grand children,spend some time with them or is it that they too dont care about your openion.

You do realize that modern communication makes the country more stable right? There is a reason long lasting empires such as the Chinese ones and Roman empire also happens to be the ones with the best communication and road system at the time.
You do realise there must be a reason why CCP has a firm grip on communication and why it spends more on internal security than the extenal security.
China also had something that Russia did not have. Hong Kong.

Hong Kong, since 1980s till this day, was and is the conduit in which FDI enters China. From this point of source, China has developed rapidly , yet shielded from all the effects of heavy FDI presence. Russia, unfortunately, did not have this opportunity.

Honestly I think my small city is not really that important to the overall Chinese growth story.

HK is a good conduit for foreign investment, since they feel safer when investing in the Mainland through our Hang Seng Index.

However foreign investment is a miniscule proportion of total investment in China, FDI into China only makes up around $100 billion a year.

Whereas internal domestic investment in China makes up over 40%+ of our GDP, which is several trillions every year.

Mainland would have prospered with or without us, all they needed was the right policies, as given by Deng Xiaoping, and follow-up concepts such as Hu Jintao's Scientific development concept. And to be solidified by the economic reforms from Xi Jinping.
China will not collapse, the collapse is the ruling group.

物极必反, cycle.
Collapse is yes, but not now。
late Qing Dynasty to the Communist Party, this period is the "collapse" of the turmoil period.
It is just getting started, the period towards the top, now say crash too early.
A major economic correction is long overdue in China, CCP is simply postponing it with continuous pumping of stimulus into the economy, but this will be unsustainable in the longer run and a hard landing of chinese economy based on unsustainable model of excess real estate, infrastructure, and overcapacity driven by dangerously leveraging the banking credit is unavoidable, it's just a matter of time. And when that happens, CCP will face its worst crisis.

Add to that, the more people become affluent, the more they become educated, the more they come in contact with the free world, the more freedom they would aspire for, the more they would want to have a say in the running of the country, the more CCP will find it difficult to continue.

CCP has reached its prime, from here they can only go to one direction. :)
What the hell. Looks like Atatwolf has been reincarnated and is back under an Indian skin.

Try to concentrate on the topic instead of focusing on personal attacks, whatever I wrote can be backed with third party opinions from some reliable institutes. :)
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