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Why are Turks so nationalistic?

I know shiaism isn't Iranian, but that doesn't really matter. My point is something else. Iran has become the flag bearer of shia Islam, the same way it became the flag bearer of Zoroastrianism 2500 years ago.

It's too bad that Iran can't represent Shia in a good way, isn't it?

And Pakistan is indeed being influenced by wahabi Islam. That's nothing to debate about. The same way Afghanistan has been influenced by saudi wahabism, parts of Pakistan have also been influenced. The Saudi funded religious schools are the most obvious medium of this ideological transfer.

There is two sects of main Islam. Sunni and Shia. Most people got the Sunni end of the stick.
Mate, forgive me for disagreeing, but when you've got an Ayatollah who supersedes your executive head then that isn't really 'a pure Western Model' !

Whats up with the picture of a new Pakistani model or female actor every other week ? :woot:

dude, I'm talking about the tribalism aspect not the political system. You're all ove the place.
Hey, you ignorant human. Are you proud of your empire that Allah (swt) has blessed you with during the ancient time to keep Islam as a group? Thank Allah instead of thanking yourself.

And yes, we, the Pakistanis, appeared out of nothing in 1947 to the state we are now in 2012. Are you jealous?
I guess when british India was divided, pakistan got its share of stuff n st*t.

ontopic: turks are nationlists compared to other europeans. May be because they are isolated from europe?

s-19, you should not compare citizen of an westernized european country with citizen of south asian country (different economic level, different society)
It's too bad that Iran can't represent Shia in a good way, isn't it?

There is two sects of main Islam. Sunni and Shia. Most people got the Sunni end of the stick.


Ray, you need to get a life.

wtf is your agenda anyway? What are you trying to prove? Do you even know or are you just here to pick fights with the people you have personal feuds with?
Lalay filipino beer philipines ki bani huwi thi murree k nahin... i know a lil punjabi,some pashtu and a few sindhi words... aisi koi tension nai hai bhai jee.

Wah..bhai wah ! Yeh tou sahis Pakistani Nationalist niklaaa ! Acheee baat hai I'm going to try to learn a local language of Pakistan in the summers to - I'm undecided between Pashto and Farsi (Dari) !

P.S Whats the difference between a Barahvi and mainstream Baloch ? Is it like the Punajbi-Seriki thing !
It is shameful to say the least. Is that how you treat your guest?

Read his post before pointing fingers at others.

I guess when british India was divided, pakistan got its share of stuff n st*t.

We started with nothing but a few buildings. Get over it. God has always been with us.

Ray, you need to get a life.

wtf is your agenda anyway? What are you trying to prove? Do you even know or are you just here to pick fights with the people you have personal feuds with?

Glad you agree.
It is ironic to see how Axa is being insulted by the pan-nationalists like RayKalm here... I would suggest people to act saner. Is that how you treat a guest? He is a newcomer to the forum.

Abii has also bore a lot of insults in this topic yet remained silent. This topic truly uncovered the face of some people. Nothing left to be uncovered now. I'm thankful that I got to know the real face of those. Aidos.
Wah..bhai wah ! Yeh tou sahis Pakistani Nationalist niklaaa ! Acheee baat hai I'm going to try to learn a local language of Pakistan in the summers to - I'm undecided between Pashto and Farsi (Dari) !

P.S Whats the difference between a Barahvi and mainstream Baloch ? Is it like the Punajbi-Seriki thing !

Yes it kinda similiar to balochi.
You call me idiot? Senin ananin amina koyayim how about that?

Well, insulting my mother wont help you my friend..Did you even read all the posts? while our friends were talking good about Turkish people ( you and me) you showed up out of blue with false perception and became a disgrace to all of us here..I hope you will follow your promise and will never come PDF again
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