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Why Arabs are so desperate to pay for US Syria strike?

i didnt really get what u said.....:omghaha:
so ur proud that u didnt run away from civilians in yemen???!!:rofl::lol:
keep it up brave people , keep it up
Let just not divert facts, and call things as they're ought to be called.

I wish that we didn't do what we did to those insurgents, every drop of blood is a waste to us.

It was a counter claims to yours, clearly, I won, :yay:
because it always hide some one's lap :rofl:

What about licking someone else's boot, isn't that humiliating enough to you? :lol: Dude, relax, you hardly can afford to survive, just give it a rest.
Who I and @Arabian Legend call is nobody's damn business here. Especially if people do not understand the meaning or what context it was said in and why.

Worry about your own non-Arab backyard.

Besides we Muslim Arabs do not consider Child-Murderers or Pagans to be "our" brothers let alone when they are killing 100.000 of us. Biggest joke I have heard in a long time here.
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The oil rich Arabs are doing all this and particularly the backward wretched Saudis. Money does not make a man and the Saudis and their oil rich Arab stooges prove this adequately.

They want the whole Middle East and Muslim world to follow their narrow sickening ideology and enslave women and whatever Shias/Alawites/right thinking Muslims remain into submission and wretched subservience to the Saudis. The Saudis are cowards and very tricky creatures. They do not want any competition to their dominance of the Middle East oil market and hence assure a very luxurious life for the Saudis. The Saudis are essentially very lazy and coward people. Throughout history, they have used other Muslims and non-Muslims to fight their wars and protect their skin.

Subservience means "Useful as a means or an instrument; serving to promote an end" and the Saudis are masters of subservience.
Who are our brothers? Assad and his Shabi7ah? Iran and hizboallah? Iraq and the mahadi Army? Sorry dude we don't consider you or them to be our brothers, stick to the fake turbans we are not linked to you in any way.

Of course not , Your friends are US , UK Israel Al nusr and Taliban .

The oil rich Arabs are doing all this and particularly the backward wretched Saudis. Money does not make a man and the Saudis and their oil rich Arab stooges prove this adequately.

We are supposed to wait and see someone like yourself to tell us how to be real men, especially when your own ship is being seized by a bunch of baboons, yet you chose not to act out adequately, and chose to embrace politics. Another example that I could use is the recent confrontation between your country and China, if you were a man enough then you should have had the balls to respond to the Chinese but obviously you aren't.

They want the whole Middle East and Muslim world to follow their narrow sickening ideology and enslave women and whatever Shias/Alawites/right thinking Muslims remain into submission and wretched subservience to the Saudis. The Saudis are cowards and very tricky creatures.

Why would have to worry about how to dominate the ME, when everybody inculding your own country comes at our doorsteps. In fact, the more we are isolated the better off we are.

Subservience means "Useful as a means or an instrument; serving to promote an end" and the Saudis are masters of subservience.

We don't share the same meaning of subservience, but we won't give Syria to Iran on a golden plate, get that?
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Assad needs to go

You cant have a 80% sunni muslim nation being ruled by a alewite dictator and his clan

Once he is dead, Syria will rebuild with its population in charge not a minority cult
Looks like a whole bunch of pro-Asad Arab haters are jumping up and down because finally Asad seem to be in some trouble. Go USA go, bomb the sh!t out of the ba$tard. Who cares who pays for it, as long as the job is done.

what kind of a man are you that you want others to fight your battles oh my bad i just got it you are a House of Saud worshiper.

Funny same USA Wahhabi Mosques are monitored like a hawk i wonder why? Go USA GO

Assad needs to go

You cant have a 80% sunni muslim nation being ruled by a alewite dictator and his clan

Once he is dead, Syria will rebuild with its population in charge not a minority cult

I guess same should apply to Bahrain :ashamed:where Saudis slaughtered 1000s to protect Saudi dicktaker.
Ted Cruz: US Is Not 'Al-Qaeda's Air Force'

News Distribution Network - Shared Video

On Tuesday, Sen. Ted Cruz distilled the current debate over possible military action in Syria to its essential dilemma. While Syrian President Bashar Assad is certainly a ruthless dictator, the forces aligned against him are dominated by jihadis and elements of terrorist organizations. Cruz noted that Americans didn't enlist in the military to "serve as Al-Qaeda's Air Force."

“We certainly don’t have a dog in the fight,” Cruz said, calling it a civil war in Syria. “We should be focused on defending the United States of America. That’s why young men and women sign up to join the military, not to, as you know, serve as Al Qaeda’s air force.”

Cruz noted that of the nine major rebel groups, seven have ties to Al-Qaeda. Cruz's colleagues, Sens. McCain and Graham, are pushing the Obama Administration to arm rebel forces with heavy weapons. It is unclear how the US would ensure that its weapons would go exclusively to the "right" rebel forces. Even if they were, it is likely that any post-Assad regime would be dominated by elements loyal to Al-Qaeda.

“I’ll give you one of the simplest principles of foreign policy that we ought to be following," Cruz said. "Don’t give weapons to people who hate you. Don’t give weapons to people who want to kill you."

Obama's foreign policy is to protect and defend the very same terrorists that took down the twin towers and killed 3,000 people on September 11, 2001.

Obama is also desperately keeping millions of defense contractor union laborers working making bullets and bombs. He is also keeping the 801,000 DoD federal workers job secure, by engaging the US in several permenant wars. Peace would be a horrible thing for these depraved people.

People MUST die, so DC can thrive!
Sorry, you are way inferior to be worried about.

Bro, you have heard about the corrupt Bangladesh Awami govt., now you have met one of their own online. Obnoxious, smart a$$, with little knowledge on any given topic but acting like a know-it-all, delusional just like his Indian masters. Will want to win argument at any cost and will always have the last word.

Someday we hope to free Bangladesh from the clutches of these people, they are our Alawites and Hasina is our Bashar al-Asad. And India is backing them up, just like Iran is backing up al-Asad.

Last year, during Awami rule, one Saudi diplomat got killed in Bangladesh:

Then they found some other criminals and put the blame on them, apparently letting go the real killers:

what kind of a man are you that you want others to fight your battles oh my bad i just got it you are a House of Saud worshiper.

Funny same USA Wahhabi Mosques are monitored like a hawk i wonder why? Go USA GO

I guess same should apply to Bahrain :ashamed:where Saudis slaughtered 1000s to protect Saudi dicktaker.

At least I am not loyal to Hawza of Qom like some people here.
Syrians Assad are not our brothers get over it.

Assad has killed around 200k of his people, Have you heard of Hitler this era.

The most funniest thing I have ever heard. Syria is retaliating against Israel attack by bombing the FSA!!!!!! Are you even listening to what you are saying.

Stop making fun out of yourself.

Who are u wasting your time with, not so long ago he was posting all kinds of pics trying to prove that the chemical attack never took place.
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