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Why Arabs are so desperate to pay for US Syria strike?


Sep 21, 2011
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It has now become clear that after winning the first round in the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday, president Obama has crossed one significant bridge. This has raised his hopes to win Congressional approval for launching an attack on Syria. But it shocked many when testifying before the Committee, the Secretary of States; John Kerry disclosed that Arabs had offered to bear all costs associated with the attack. He informed the Committee that Arab nations (Saudi Arabia, Qatar etc.) have offered to help pay for any US military intervention in Syria. This was shocking particularly when, in effect, the role of the US has been reduced to a mere mercenary fighting for other nations at their cost.
He informed that the offer was on the table and the amount offered was quite significant. Arab nations Kerry was referring to, told the US that they would foot the bill if the United States was prepared to go do the whole thing the way it had done it previously in other places.
Desperation of Saudi Arabia and Company is quite understandable. But these nations fail to understand that the ultimate beneficiary of these strikes will not be them; it would be Israel who always considered Syria as a stumbling block. Some analysts have observed that Saudi Arabia has sold its soul to the devil to get rid of Assad regime in Syria.
It is not surprising though; Few years back when there was talk of Israel bombing Iran’s nuclear facilities, there were rumors that Saudi Arabia was willing to allow Israel use Saudi airspace.
Currently, the Syrian opposition fighting Assad regime is composed of elements of al Qaeda funded by Saudis and armed by the US. They want to overthrow liberal and Shia Assad regime to replace with hardline Sunnis a la Saudi Arabia. The incidental effect of regime change would be total isolation of Iran in the region who has ambitions to expand Shia sphere of influence through Syria. Ruling Assad regime is of Alawite Shia variety generally in minority in Syria whereas Sunnis are in majority.
Washington has led charges that the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad unleashed sarin gas on August 21 against the residents of a Damascus suburb killing what a US intelligence report said was some 1,400 people. President Barack Obama has insisted that Assad's regime has crossed a red line against the use of such horrific weapons and should be punished and his military capability degraded.
There are anti-war demonstrations with Russia openly threatening to jump in if the US attacked Syria. President Obama has so far avoided enlisting the support of UN Security Council fearing the move would be blocked by two permanent members, Russia and China. But in a sign of the depth of opposition involvement in Syria, anti-war demonstrators held up red-stained hands behind Kerry's head in a silent protest during his testimony.

US Syria Strike: Arabs offer to pay all costs
because those "Arabs" are traitors... they will ask their masters to stab their brothers in the back, those "Arabs" have done it many times in the last decade...

The Sunni Arabs are paying for destruction of Shia Arabs. Strangely USA is siding with Al-Qaeda. The narrow minded Arabs are afraid of broad minded Arabs!!
USA has always supported the al Qaeda(except for the last 10 years)
I wont be surprised if there is a deal between them.
The Sunni Arabs are paying for destruction of Shia Arabs. Strangely USA is siding with Al-Qaeda. The narrow minded Arabs are afraid of broad minded Arabs!!
because those "Arabs" are traitors... they will ask their masters to stab their brothers in the back, those "Arabs" have done it many times in the last decade...

Who are our brothers? Assad and his Shabi7ah? Iran and hizboallah? Iraq and the mahadi Army? Sorry dude we don't consider you or them to be our brothers, stick to the fake turbans we are not linked to you in any way.
@Topic: So the FSA is now Al-qaeda funded by Saudi Arabia armed by the US? Seriously, who wrote that piece of crap? please tell me how Assad Syria is a stumbling block against Israel? What threats does Israel possess to Syria? IAF bombed the $1ht out of Assad many times while he kept his mouth shut and head in the sand like an ostrich.
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Who are our brothers? Assad and his Shabi7ah? Iran and hizboallah? Iraq and the mahadi Army? Sorry dude we don't consider you or them to be our brothers, stick to the fake turbans we are not linked to you in any way.

@Tipoic: So the FSA is now Al-qaeda funded by Saudi Arabia armed by the US? Seriously, who wrote that piece of crap? please tell me how Assad Syria is a stumbling block against Israel? What threats does Israel possess to Syria? IAF bombed the $1ht out of Assad many times while he keep his mouth shut and head in the sand like an ostrich.
oh so Syrian are now not your brothers... it is obvious, Syrians will never be brothers with traitors...

you talk like the U.S has made bombs just to kill Alasad, like no Syrian lives will be lost during the U.S aggression... that is how much you care about Syrians, you want to kill Syrians just because of one person you hate...

btw, you guys became a joke to the world, you "Arabs" can't do crap by yourself, you ask the west to invade Iraq in 2003, Libya 2011 and now you are begging the west to strike Syria...

and Syria already retaliated against Israeli strikes, by destroying their F$A terrorists, thus the U.S want to intervene to save the F$A losing @$$... if F$A was winning at all, the west would not have to come in and help their terrorists, since they are losing badly and fail to do the job their masters told them to do since couple years, which is installing a puppet government like the ones in GCC, they wanted to come in and do the job themselves, that you puppet "Arabs" couldn't do against the REAL PATRIOTIC ARABS...
Because they are in love to dig own graves at the hands of US/West at the end of the day.

oh so Syrian are now not your brothers... it is obvious, Syrians will never be brothers with traitors...

Syrians Assad are not our brothers get over it.

you talk like the U.S has made bombs just to kill Alasad, like no Syrian lives will be lost during the U.S aggression... that is how much you care about Syrians, you want to kill Syrians just because of one person you hate...

Assad has killed around 200k of his people, Have you heard of Hitler this era.

btw, you guys became a joke to the world, you "Arabs" can't do crap by yourself, you ask the west to invade Iraq in 2003, Libya 2011 and now you are begging the west to strike Syria...

Your statement is invalid and I thought Syria was an arab nation as you mentioned previously.

and Syria already retaliated against Israeli strikes, by destroying their F$A terrorists, thus the U.S want to intervene to save the F$A losing @$$... if F$A was winning at all, the west would not have to come in and help their terrorists, since they are losing badly and fail to do the job their masters told them to do since couple years, which is installing a puppet government like the ones in GCC, they wanted to come in and do the job themselves, that you puppet "Arabs" couldn't do against the REAL PATRIOTIC ARABS...

The most funniest thing I have ever heard. Syria is retaliating against Israel attack by bombing the FSA!!!!!! Are you even listening to what you are saying.

Stop making fun out of yourself.
Looks like a whole bunch of pro-Asad Arab haters are jumping up and down because finally Asad seem to be in some trouble. Go USA go, bomb the sh!t out of the ba$tard. Who cares who pays for it, as long as the job is done.
Syrians Assad are not our brothers get over it.

Assad has killed around 200k of his people, Have you heard of Hitler this era.

The most funniest thing I have ever heard. Syria is retaliating against Israel attack by bombing the FSA!!!!!! Are even listening to what you are saying.

Stop making fun out of yourself.
of course we are not brother of traitors.... you need to get over it...

200k? you think the number of dead Syrians is just a figure? most of those dead are pro government, of course you will still use that number to justify your support to Alqaeda...

and you think that is funny? here is something funny for you.. "Arabs" begging the west to strike another Arab nations... laugh at that one... TRAITORS...
Looks like a whole bunch of pro-Asad Arab haters are jumping up and down because finally Asad seem to be in some trouble. Go USA go, bomb the sh!t out of the ba$tard. Who cares who pays for it, as long as the job is done.

They are jumping up and down over Assad while the 200k people who got slaughtered by him don't mean anything to those animals.
Looks like a whole bunch of pro-Asad Arab haters are jumping up and down because finally Asad seem to be in some trouble. Go USA go, bomb the sh!t out of the ba$tard. Who cares who pays for it, as long as the job is done.
they are not going to kill Alasad... they are going to kill Syrians and you are cheering for that... of course... you puppets are always like that....

They are jumping up and down over Assad while the 200k people who got slaughtered by him don't mean anything to those animals.

you must work for Aljazeera, because your lies are so stupid....
of course we are not brother of traitors.... you need to get over it...

200k? you think the number of dead Syrians is just a figure? most of those dead are pro government, of course you will still use that number to justify your support to Alqaeda...

and you think that is funny? here is something funny for you.. "Arabs" begging the west to strike another Arab nations... laugh at that one... TRAITORS...

Dude you are entitled to your sick opinion labeling everyone as Alqaeda because it doesn't suit your POV.
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