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Why am I hating America everyday more?

Buddy...The phrasing is 'hating America' and 'Death to America'. Nothing to do with foreign policy. The details of a country's foreign policy are not static. It is highly dynamic because of the diverse ideological and moral differences between parties. Those differences demands flexibilities in inter-states relations. The US does it. Pakistan does it. China does it. Everyone does it.

In the 'old days', it is easy for locals to associate the nature of a country based upon its foreign policy towards the locals' country. That is no longer the case. Are YOU that ignorant about US as a society? So the rallying call 'Death to America' is not really about America's foreign policy in particular but about doing with US altogether. Thanks for your hatred of US.

never found a better use for this

its natural buddy, they came as allies(we didnt know their threatening part then) and then they started to attack us who are allied with them,

let me give an example, its like a person who has pledged never to harm one suddenly back stabs you, and you cant retaliateand because of which you feel anger for getting betrayed and humiliated and then getting injured as the result of betrayal and then you know that injury will make you weak and dejected and all your life pleasures are over for time being, same is the case with pakistan and pakistan w.r.t american WoT..
We can say the same for many things for Pakistan, no? :lol:

you can, you should, because we do.

but that does not detract for the epic facepalm you came out with, for which i dont think the senior members should even bother attempting to address.

you are hated because of iphones, thats it, its those damn iphones.

if you a real american military professional then dear god help us all.:usflag:
Christians and minority sect Muslims are being slaughtered by terrorist suicide bombers while idiots argue over trivia and pretend to know what is happening in SW Asia from their safe coffee shops in Canada, Australia, and Norway.




Terrorism | 02.01.2011

Fears of sectarian violence mount in Egypt after deadly church attack

Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Egyptian Christians were outraged by the attackHundreds of Christians took to the streets of Alexandria, Egypt, to vent their anger over a deadly church bombing on New Year's Day. Observers say the attack may have been intended to spark a civil war.

Egyptian Christians prayed Sunday at a church in Alexandria that was targeted by a suicide bomber who killed 21 people on New Year's Day. Outside the church, protesters clashed with police and refused to accept official condolences for the attack.

"With our soul and our blood we will redeem the Holy Cross," the grieving congregation chanted at the Coptic Al-Qiddissin Church, on the facade of which bloodstains from Saturday's attack were still visible.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but al-Qaeda has called for punishment of Egypt's Coptic Christians and made claims that two priests' wives who converted to Islam were being held by against their will.

Egyptian security officials said on Sunday that investigations were focusing on a local group of Islamic hardliners that is inspired by but not linked to al-Qaeda.

Anti-government anger

At least 5,000 people attended funerals late on Saturday for the victims at a monastery outside Alexandria, where crowds of mourners shouted slogans directed at Egyptian officials whom they blame for failing to protect them from the attack.

The attacks shocked Egypt's Christian population

"No, no, no," the crowd shouted as a church official tried to read out condolences from Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

Mubarak said the attack bore the hallmark of "foreign hands," and the Egyptian Interior Ministry also blamed "foreign elements" - euphemisms which point to Islamist militants such as al-Qaeda loyalists.

The Egyptian president pledged in televised remarks on Saturday that he would "cut off the head of the snake, confront terrorism and defeat it" and urged Christians and Muslims to unite in the face of a common enemy.

Threat of civil war

Government and independent newspapers in Cairo warned on Sunday that "civil war" could break out unless Christians and Muslims close ranks.

"Someone wants to make this country explode. We must realize that there is a plot aimed at triggering religious civil war," the pro-government daily Rose el-Yussef said.

Newspapers said violence could erupt in Egypt

The papers also urged the government to give serious consideration to the plight of the Copts, who account for up to 10 percent of Egypt's 80-million citizens and often complain of discrimination.

The independent daily Al-Masri Al-Yom urged the authorities to take the bull by the horns and look beyond the security implications of Saturday's bombing, including at the political, social and cultural aspects.

"We should not hide our heads in the sand," the paper wrote. "Some say that foreign hands are probably behind this crime. But we believe that if the national fabric is solid enough, no foreign faction could set the fire in our midst."

International condemnation

Leaders around the world on Sunday condemned the deadly attack, with Pope Benedict XVI urging the international community to defend Christians against abuse.

Pope Benedict called the attack a cowardly gesture of death

"This cowardly gesture of death, like that in which bombs were left near the homes of Christians in Iraq to force them to leave, is an offence against God and all humanity," Benedict said on Sunday in St. Peter's Square.

US President Barack Obama denounced the bombing as a "barbaric and heinous act." French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, on a private visit in the southern Egyptian city of Aswan, said on Sunday that he prayed for the souls of the victims.

The World Council of Churches (WCC) condemned "the vicious attack" and called for "proactive engagement in dialogue and partnership between Christians and Muslims in Egypt."

A mosque nearby the bombed Christian Church collapsed from the concussion and impact of the terrorist bomb at the church, killing over 30 Muslim worshipers and wounding scores more.
Author: Gabriel Borrud (Reuters, AFP)

Editor: Sean Sinico
mr **** gambit

Post reported.
Don't do it again.

I predict that regardless of Fox News, which am still amazed that those who hate US attributed so much power to one of the many news outlets in the US, Americans will demand our government to be more selective in association to other countries.

A far more likely scenario is a deepening divide -- we are seeing it already -- between the warmongers and the centrists. The Republican party is becoming all but irrelevant, with the Tea Party crowd siphoning their support base.

Fuax News is setting the trend for American media at large. O'Reilly, Beck and Hannity spawned Olberman. Larry King has been replaced by Pierce Morgan. People like Charlie Rose and Jim Lehrer are losing audience share.

America is headed towards a much more polarized electorate and it will be interesting to see how things pan out.
you can, you should, because we do.
Live up to your handle and think. What is the greatest expression of a foreign policy? War. And how many times, in recent memory, did the US unilaterally made such expressions? Panama does not even count so that leave Iraq and Afghanistan. Less than war then any particular foreign policy is a two-way street where both parties share the credit and the blame. You can hate US foreign policy towards Pakistan but you cannot deny the fact the this is a two-way street relationship.

Death to America -- as the muslims call.

if you a real american military professional then dear god help us all.:usflag:
May be not even Him. How many Iraqis called and got no answer?

The following was a top rated comment under the video:

"OK, this explains why Muslims are angry at America and the West. So why are Muslims angry at Thailand, and the Philippines? Why are Muslims angry at India? Why are Sunni Muslims angry at Shia Muslims. Why are Muslims fighting in Nigeria? Why is it everywhere you go on earth Muslims are angry at someone? Please make more videos so we can understand."
I believe msot people hate the US Goverment but like the Concept and People of America.
A country like the US cannot afford to look like the 'evil guy' but its image has been getting teared apart ever since the Iraq War.
USA has to sort out its own problem and should sort it out its own self and let other countries be. Afterall USA will no longer be the World's Super-Power in 2020, China is coming and the BRIC are gaining power everyday, soon the World will look at others for inspiration, the cycle goes on. :D
What a remarkably hateful statement.

It is kinda like saying: ................................................
Well never mind, LOL. That would become a thread of it own.
Plus I dont like to drag in other people's religion.
My comment on this tread addresses the topic "Why am I hating America everyday more?" The Egyptian based attack is on Christanity, which is heavily identified with America. That was my point.
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