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Who Invented Lebanon?

The good thing about Jordan is that 99% of it's Muslims are Sunni, practice the same faith, although there are few Sufies. So, I have never met or known a Durzi. However there are a couple of thousands in an area called Al-Azraq.

Yes actually, they always shift alliance and support the stronger whether they are occupiers or oppressors.

They are probably friendly people. I was more referring to if you know about their customs from first hand because I find them to be a strange group of people just like the Nusayris.

I know about Jordan being a homogenous country despite also having many minorities.

Well colonization is two kind direct and indirect yours indirect and its the worst.

Stick to your entity now controlled by Iran. And before by the West. And most recently by the Americans.

KSA, the ancient land of the Prophets, is too powerful not to have its own agendas. The West knew that hence they could not colonize it like all countries around it despite knowing that it was the biggest and most important country both in terms of religious importance, geographical location, land area and in terms of natural resources.
They are probably friendly people. I was more referring to if you know about their customs from first hand because I find them to be a strange group of people just like the Nusayris.

I know about Jordan being a homogenous country despite also having many minorities.
Never heard of them making troubles. But by looking at them in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria they can't be trusted as they are ready to collaborate with strangers if their countrymen are in trouble.
The good thing about Jordan is that 99% of it's Muslims are Sunni, practice the same faith, although there are few Sufies. So, I have never met or known a Durzi. However there are a couple of thousands in an area called Al-Azraq.

99% belong to the same sect - So boring ! :P

Wheres the flavor ? :azn:
Stick to your entity now controlled by Iran. And before by the West. And most recently by the Americans.
Changing opinion often is a disorder.

KSA, the ancient land of the Prophets, is too powerful not to have its own agendas. The West knew that hence they could not colonize it like all countries around it despite knowing that it was the biggest and most important country both in terms of religious importance, geographical location, land area and in terms of natural resources.

Ancient ? our history in ancient times is something you forgot ? I mean it is bigger eh. In 1990 the US and the coalition mobilized close to 1 million military forces inside Saudi Arabia, what does that mean Hassani ? yet you like to open your mouth about others and colonization and being controlled.

Theres nothing else but to lol about it.
Changing opinion often is a disorder.

Ancient ? our history in ancient times is something you forgot ? I mean it is bigger eh. In 1990 the US and the coalition mobilized close to 1 million military forces inside Saudi Arabia, what does that mean Hassani ? yet you like to open your mouth about others and colonization and being controlled.

Theres nothing else but to lol about it.

I am not changing any opinions. Giving the idiot his own medicine. He is just angry that his country was colonized and not KSA that he hates. Not my problem.

Yes, ancient. Semitic people are all originally from the Arabian Peninsula. One of the earliest traces of the first civilizations on earth are found on the Arabian Peninsula. Made threads about it on this forum. The first human migrations outside of Africa happened in the Arabian Peninsula. All widely known. Many ancient civilizations (among the oldest in the world) from Dilmun to all those Yemeni ones, Hijaz etc. were native to the Arabian Peninsula. Assyrians, Babylonians, Akkadians etc. all migrated from the Arabian Peninsula and Southern Levant to Iraq in ancient times. In fact they ruled parts of the Arabian Peninsula. Some Bayblonian King I don't remember the name of emigrated to an ancient city of Northern KSA (that city is over 4000 years old) to live there.

And we all know which people funded the greatest empires/biggest empires the world had seen (at that time) after the appearance of Islam and where they came from and which cities they funded, including in your country.

Also this is not any competition of any sorts. Iraq as many other countries (territories) have ancient history too. A fellow ancient Semitic history. Nobody denies that.

It means that the military was not prepared for an attack by a so-called friend in Saddam Hussein. Nothing more nothing less.

We were not talking about 1990. We were talking about the time 90-100 years ago when the British and French started to colonize the Middle East. They wanted to colonize KSA but failed to do it directly although they plotted in many other ways. I am stating that.

Tell your Shia friend who claims to be an Arab and has an Yemeni Arab as a username to stop bothering us in every topic and writing nonsense. Just another dumb Mullah. Send him to Syria and fight for the Iraqi Shia militias there.
I am not changing any opinions. Giving the idiot his own medicine. He is just angry that is country was colonized and not KSA that he hates. Not my problem.
Who cares, Egypt was colonized also, and what colonization, a very short amount of time that is a joke not even visible part in the history of the country, and what makes you think Saudi Arabia has not been colonized for some sort ? there are many kinds of colonizations get to know it because you know what I mean.

Yes, ancient. Semitic people are all originally from the Arabian Peninsula.
Nice to know, People are from Africa.

One of the earliest traces of the first civilizations are found on the Arabian Peninsula.
Cool story bro

The first human migrations outside of Africa happened in the Arabian Peninsula. Many ancient civilizations (among the oldest in the world) from Dilmun to all those Yemeni ones, Hijaz etc. were native to the Arabian Peninsula.
That’s Yemen, not "land of the prophets" which you call which is a joke, there are a few holy sites and that is what is "holy for some religions" nah, when I step on the Saudi border from the Omani desert I don’t suddenly enter Holy land.

Assyrians, Babylonians, Akkadians etc. all migrated from the Arabian Peninsula and Southern Levant to Iraq in ancient times.
All migrated from Africa to the Arabian peninsula before that ^^ according to the theory you follow.

It means that the military was not prepared for an attack by a so-called friend in Saddam Hussein. Nothing more nothing less.
1 million kuffar sons of pigs and apes on the "holy land" to defend it, smells like colonization, something in that direction indeed, an alliance that strong is colonization, even we Safavids we aren’t that friendly towards Iran you know, last time they tried to enter some oil rig tensions got high ( 200 9 ).

We were not talking about 1990. We were talking about the time 90-100 years ago when the British and French started to colonize the Middle East. They wanted to colonize KSA but failed to do it directly although they plotted in many other ways.
Or they just made a deal with him to fuckup the region ?

Tell your Shia friend
He’s not my friend I don’t know him.

who claims to be an Arab and has an Yemeni Arab as a username to stop bothering us in every topic and writing nonsense. Just another dumb Mullah. Send him to Syria and fight for the Iraqi Shia militias there.
He’s not under my command.

Could well be.

Britain making a deal with some Saudi rulers, they send "kings" to Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Egypt ? some others, for example the oil was flowing to Britain for free for many years. All these monarchies collaborated with them so don't give me this Britain was too weak for Saudi Arabia, they made a deal, they could easily take Saudi Arabia.

Explains the Jordanian king betraying the other Arab states during a war with Israel warning them, explains oil flowing to Britain for free through Israel, explains why all Arab monarchies are on US alliance.
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You speak Dutch. Must understand this German documentary. The city is called Tayma. Several thousand years old. Located in northern Hijaz.

Tayma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One Island in KSA located in the Gulf called, Tarout Island, has a history of 7000 years.

Tarout Island - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not going to discuss this with people when they don't know such things. Let them believe that we have no history if that makes them happen. The reality is a completely different one. It is evident just by looking at the history and for the sole fact that the Arabian Peninsula is located on one of the most central crossroads of the world.


To answer your new post.

So what? The point was that we were not colonized despite the foreigners wanting to do it. Nothing you or I can change about it. We were not colonized by any Western power. Maybe you know something I don't?

Yes, that is a pretty strong point. Means that our land gave a lot of rich people that emigrated to other parts of the Middle East and world and made great cultures. Dilmun (trading partner with Mesopotamia and Indus Valley - way before any Persia was known for example) is not located in Yemen last time I checked but in current day KSA (Eastern Province). Besides I was talking about the Arabian Peninsula as a whole. Which is nearly not excavated at all. It is known as unknown territory for many archaeologists.

KSA borders' are just 81 years old. You know that right? You also know that the Gulf once covered half of Southern Iraq? Ever wondered by Southern Iraq is a depression? Borders change, people immigrate, landscapes change etc.

Yes, it is the lands of Prophets. Many prophets from Ibrahim (as), Ismail (ra) to others lived in what is now KSA. Not to mention the must important of them.
Besides you can go read scriptures such as the Torah, Bible etc. who talk about many areas that are rumored (strong indications) of being located in KSA or who we know where located in present day KSA.
Yes, but that was well before people became Semitic etc. In very recent times we are talking about. Less than 10.000 years. Small part of the human history if we believe science.

Very funny. Sitting in their small bases for a few years is not colonization last time I checked. Maybe you know something more than I do not again?

Which deal and which who? It seems to me that you have been watching PISSTV too much. They also like to mention all those theories of Al-Saud being Jewish agents etc. We know the story.

KSA was too vast to control it and too difficult. The only thing the British did was help the Arab revolt which made the Arab countries independent. Maybe if they did not do that Iraq and others would still be part of the Ottomans, including parts of KSA. Who knows?

Anyway this is not the topic any of it. It is about Lebanon.

I just reacted to your troll compatriot that seems obsessed about KSA and calls us Arab traitors all the time. He started it. Blame him. We know his views.
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Not going to discuss this with people when they don't know such things. Let them believe that we have no history if that makes them happen. The reality is a completely different one.
Didn’t say you don’t have history, I said something else.

So what. The point was that we were not colonized despite the foreigners wanting to do it. Nothing you or I can change about it. We were not colonized by any Western power. Maybe you know something I don't.
Yes you were colonized by diplomacy, and if that is not enough for you then you were colonized militarily in 1990-1991 by a western coalition.

Yes, that is a pretty strong point. Means that our land gave a lot of rich people that emigrated to other parts of the Middle East and world and made great cultures. Dilmun (trading partner with Mesopotamia and Indus Valley - way before any Persia was known for example) is not located in Yemen last time I checked. Besides I was talking about the Arabian Peninsula as one thing. KSA borders' are just 81 years old. You know that right? You also know that the Gulf once covered half of Southern Iraq. Borders change, people immigrate, landscapes change etc.
Means the south of the Arabian plate is the closest to Africa, passing the South of the Arabian Peninsula to get further to todays Iraq and Syria requirs to cross the Arabian peninsula when coming from Africa according to how humans came to the world, that’s all it means, during that time people were killing and eating.

Yes, it is the lands of Prophets. Many prophets from Ibrahim, Ishmael to others lived in what is now KSA. Not to mention the must important of them.
Wheres Ibrahim from ? let me play holy land person now.
Anyway, do you know about the desert between Iraq and Saudi, when I jump over the border to Saudi Arabia am I suddenly in holy land ? are you really believing this santa story ?

Besides you can go read scriptures such as the Torah, Bible etc. who talk about many areas that are rumored (strong indications) of being located in KSA.
Yes, but that was well before people became Semitic etc. In very recent times we are talking about. Less than 10.000 years. Small part of the human history if we believe science.
Al Qaeda which you support would behead you for that.

Very funny. Sitting in their small bases for a few years is not colonization last time I checked. Maybe you know something more than I do not again?
800.000 + are not small bases, but larger forces than most state armies, a size of world power militaries that is, nothing funny about that.

Which deal and which who? It seems to me that you have been watching PISSTV too much. They also like to mention all those theories of Al-Saud being Jewish agents etc. We know the story.
Arab monarchies allied with the US, UK, Jordanian king betrayed Arabs by warning Israel, more about them at the end of my previous post.
Didn’t say you don’t have history, I said something else.

Yes you were colonized by diplomacy, and if that is not enough for you then you were colonized militarily in 1990-1991 by a western coalition.

Means the south of the Arabian plate is the closest to Africa, passing the South of the Arabian Peninsula to get further to todays Iraq and Syria requirs to cross the Arabian peninsula when coming from Africa according to how humans came to the world, that’s all it means, during that time people were killing and eating.

Wheres Ibrahim from ? let me play holy land person now.
Anyway, do you know about the desert between Iraq and Saudi, when I jump over the border to Saudi Arabia am I suddenly in holy land ? are you really believing this santa story ?

Al Qaeda which you support would behead you for that.

800.000 + are not small bases, but larger forces than most state armies, a size of world power militaries that is, nothing funny about that.

Arab monarchies allied with the US, UK, Jordanian king betrayed Arabs by warning Israel, more about them at the end of my previous post.

Ok, something new at least compared to the trolls.

I already said that we did not have a strong enough military and that Iraq had a way stronger military but at what cost? Do we need to discuss what Saddam did? Or how he spent all of the oil and gas money on his personal fiefdom and an extravagant military that could not save him anyway or win the war against Iran, prevent Israel from striking, prevent Turkey's meddling in Northern Iraq to fight the Kurdish militias or Syria's hostility or the American invasions two times over?

KSA was not prepared and the Americans being an ally and interested in the security of the region so they could continue the stability of the oil and gas sector reacted. Besides I don't think that Saddam Hussein could conquer all of KSA. There would be great resistance and the KSA military at that time might have been significantly weaker than Iraq's (nobody has denied this so not sure why you mention it) but they were not THAT bad. Could have resisted.

You are talking about ancient, ancient times. Where people hardly new how to make a fire. I am talking about fairly "recent times" - last 10.000 years. You do realize that most of the Arabian Peninsula just 10.000 years ago was covered in lush greenery and tropical forests just like you have remains of that in Southern Hijaz, the Southern regions of KSA, Yemen and Oman to this very day? Most tropical areas of all in the entire Middle East. Go search on Google and you will see. Where coffee, banana, tea etc. is growing.

The point is that Semitic history is very much tied to the Arabian Peninsula. That was all. Look at all those ancient statues of the various Semitic leaders from Babylonia to Yemen and see the similarities in look, facial structures, hair, nose etc. The one Saudi Arabian that died and was posted looks like one of the many statues of those Semitic rulers. Same hair, beard and most importantly nose. Take a look yourself. Not kidding. Just thought about it now when this discussion started since I was watching a documentary on Semitic history earlier tonight and they showed all those familiar statues with long curly hair and curly beards and those special "Semitic noses".

Where he is from? Nobody knows with certainty but according to Islam he lived in Hijaz thousands of years ago.

I have never said anything about any "holy land". You are not talking with a Zionist here! I just said that the territory of what is now KSA is a land where many Prophets have lived. As I said go study the 3 Abrahamic religions. Not my theories.

I already discussed that military part of your post. Yes, a big force. The Americans wanted to show the world that they were the undisputed world power in those days right after the Cold War had ended.

Yes, and the so-called Arab nationalists and socialists allied with the Soviets. Your point? Both are foreigners and both groups looked for world domination. Not sure how they differ other than the monarchies being 100 times more stable and prosperous even to this day. So maybe that was not such a bad alliance? What do you say?

Don't know about any betrayal and I am not the spokesman for any ruler, king or anybody here nor have I claimed them to be perfect even.
Besides @BLACKEAGLE will now counter your claim. He knows more than I do since he is older and that is his country.


Lastly watch this veteran American archeologist that was part of an archeology team in Hijaz and listen to what she has to say about the regions ancient history and some of the things I already told about. Or what she tells about the Arabian Peninsula being largely non-excavated despite the scientist/historians/archeologists/genetics knowing the significance of the region and that it might solve some of the mysteries of the region. Professional on the field.

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Ok, something new at least compared to the trolls.

I already said that we did not have a strong enough military and that Iraq had a way stronger military but at what cost? Do we need to discuss what Saddam did? Or how he spent all of the oil and gas money on his personal fiefdom and an extravagant military that could not save him anyway or win the war agains Iran, prevent Israel from striking, prevent Turkey's meddling in Northern Iraq to fight the Kurdish militias or Syria's hostility or the American invasions two times over.
Your the one that loves Saddam not me so don’t give me a speech on his bad behavior, whatever the reason is I compare it to colonization because what is the difference anyway.

Yes, and the so-called Arab nationalists and socialists allied with the Soviets. Your point? Both are foreigners and both groups looked for world domination. Not sure how they differ other than the monarchies being 100 times more stable and prosperous even to this day. So maybe that was not such a bad alliance? What do you say?
The US is the allie of Israel, the Soviet union was not, the monarchies are doing well simply because the US protects them, nothing more or less.

Don't know about any betrayal and I am not the spokesman for any ruler, king or anybody here nor have I claimed them to be perfect even.
Besides @BLACKEAGLE will now counter your claim. He knows more than I do since he is older and that is his country.

Blackeagle himself is a zionist, what is he going to counter.
Your the one that loves Saddam not me so don’t give me a speech on his bad behavior, whatever the reason is I compare it to colonization because what is the difference anyway.

The US is the allie of Israel, the Soviet union was not, the monarchies are doing well simply because the US protects them, nothing more or less.

Blackeagle himself is a zionist, what is he going to counter.

LOL, and since when am I a fan of Saddam Hussein or "supporter" as you call it? You are my friend since you always mention him in debates to show that Iraq had the strongest Arab military, maybe outside of Egypt. I am not using him. I am only using him when our Iranian friends are trolling and having wet dreams of controlling us "inferior" and ancient Semitic people. We know their posts here. A whole colony of them with such views.

We were talking about being colonized by the West which KSA never was and you are talking about Americans deploying troops during a war. Two different things.

Protects them until it suits them is the right answer. And why is that a problem? You would want a similar situation. To this day I am sure you rather want USA as a ally than Russia. Is that not right?

A Zionist? Stop the trolling.
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