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Where is Islam in Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

If you really met her as you say then you are very lucky. No I never met her, not even my parents were born at the time of independence of Pakistan. Not even my grandparents ever met the Jinnah family, but they were strong supporters of the Pakistan movement.

Let me be clear. I only "met" Ms. Jinnah in late 1964, one time, in a political setting when I was 24 years old. A same age as me Pakistani friend in the Pakistani Foreign Service introduced me. That was it.

Reviewing history Ms. Jinnah died in 1967, roughly two years after the 1965 Pak Presidential election. She was around age 72 or 73, thereabouts, when she passed away.

My life remains simple. I am personally an Eisenhower style Republican in a political sense. Ike believed in the people to people goodwill ambassador program and so did and still do I. Thus I went out of my way to get to know more than just in a business sense my Pakistani counter parts, and due to social events wherein I was luckily invited I got to know some very nice, well educated Pakistanis, primarily in Karachi.

I did my personal part to build goodwill with my Pakistani friends but the 1965 War seemed to partially nullify that effort. My closest Pakistani friends threw a going away party for me, dumped me fully clothed in the old fountain at the Karachi Civil Airport just before I took off headed via Europe back to the US. Getting on the plane dripping wet was an "unusual" experience which got me extra pillows and blankets, and even some hand towels, from the old Pan American Airways stewardesses who took pity on me.
thank you ... now if you notice we have further complication here there are many other sects who do not agree thats why an Islamic based system cannot be implemented in Pakistan its a very diverse country , and if i practice or not its btw me and Allah and has nothing to do with the business of state
If you were non-muslim I am not allowed to force you to convert to Islam but actually only influence you to convert to islam thats why we have to be good muslims front of them.
But In islam it is our duty to guide fellow muslims.

Please read... this must be the 10th time i am posting this..

Amongst the greatest obligations are amr-bil-Ma’roof (ordering for acknowledged virtues) and nahi anil munkar (forbidding from sin). Allah (SWT) says: “And there should be a group amongst you who invite towards good, order for acknowledged virtues, forbid from sin and these it is that are the successful ones” (Ale Imran: 104).

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: “How will it be for you when your women will commit sins and your youth will transgress and you will not order for acknowledged virtues nor forbid from sin? It was said to him: “Will that happen O messenger of Allah?” Then he (S.A.W.) said: Yes. Then he said: “How will it be for you when you order for sins and forbid from acknowledged virtues?” Then it was said to him: “O messenger of Allah(S.A.W.)! Will that happen?” Then he said: “Yes and worse than that how will it be for you when you perceive acknowledged virtue as sin and perceive sin as acknowledged virtue?”

Indeed it has also reached from them (the ahlulbayt) – may peace be upon them – “Surely it is through ordering for acknowledged virtues that responsibilities stand ground, ideologies are safeguarded, earnings become permissible, oppression resisted, the earth inhabited, oppressed met with justice against oppressor and the people do not receive any good when they do not order for the acknowledged virtues nor forbid from sin nor co-operate in doing good. Hence, when they do not do that blessings withdraw, some of them over-power others and there is no aide for them in the earth nor in the sky.”

Ordering for wajib actions and forbidding from haram is at times wajib e Aini and at times Wajib e Kifai. Abm/Nam is Wajib e Aini by means of expressive actions (not manhandling) or words. Through these, ones discomfort towards the action is expressed. In such case if one person performs Abm/Nam then others are not absolved from it. Ameer-ul-Momineen (A.S.) said: “The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) ordered us that we should meet the sinful with sullen faces” – as quoted by Ayatullah Sistani in Masael-ul-Muntakhabah. But if the situation is such that Abm/Nam is possible only through physical compelling like hitting and detaining then it is only Wajib e Kifai - In such case if one person does it then others are absolved from it but if no one does it then everyone turns out to be sinners and all are deserving of punishment.

If the acknowledged virtue is recommended then ordering for it is also recommended. Hence, such an ordering is worthy of reward and if someone does not do this then there is no sin on him or punishment. Similar is the case with preventing from Makrooh. But with Abm/Nam for Mustahab or Makrooh, the person addressed should not be put to any trouble or disrespect. It is necessary to be brief in this up to such an extent that it does not cause the person addressed any kind of difficulty and he does not withdraw away from religion.
We are talking about people not animals. And yes people are born equal and are sentient.

Go and check the Republican and Democrate parties of USA symbols, u will find some animals there like Elephant and Donkey, so animals r relevent for democrates.

Yes people r born equal but in societies where a uneducated person can and will sell his vote for pepsi or 100 rupee than democracy becomes sham.
Muslims demanded a separate state, these Muslims hailed from multiple sects and the only two religious groups to give their full support to the idea of Pakistan were Agha Khani's and Ahmadis.

Many Parsis, Hindus, Christians amongst others also decided to support the idea of Pakistan and the nations founding fathers addressed them to assure them of their safety in Pakistan.

It was minority groups who put their money into the treasury when Pakistan was born and Jinnah in return appointed members from groups who had a big contribution in making Pakistan.

Here is a brief history of 'minority' support for Pakistan:

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Do you understand minorities are hardly 10%! So because of them Muslims must be ruled by a govern system that was created by humans over the system that was permitted by allah?
And again, Islam is not a personal practice that should be left at home when going to public.
Again, if it was not Muslims who wanted a separate state for muslims Jinnah would have gone no where.
Do you understand minorities are hardly 10%! So because of them Muslims must be ruled by a govern system that was created by humans over the system that was permitted by allah?
And again, Islam is not a personal practice that should be left at home when going to public.
Again, if it was not Muslims who wanted a separate state for muslims Jinnah would have gone no where.

Here are some of Jinnah quotes:

“…..Religion should not be allowed to come into Politics….Religion is merely a matter between man and God”…..(Jinnah, Address to the Central Legislative Assembly, February 7, 1935)

“…..in the name of Humanity, I care more for them [the Untouchables] than for Mussalmans…..” (Jinnah, Speaking about the Shudras or Untouchables, during his address at the All India Muslim League session at Delhi, 1934)

“…..I am NOT fighting for Muslims, believe me, when I demand Pakistan…..” (Jinnah, Press Conference, November 14, 1946)
Do you understand minorities are hardly 10%! So because of them Muslims must be ruled by a govern system that was created by humans over the system that was permitted by allah?
And again, Islam is not a personal practice that should be left at home when going to public.
Again, if it was not Muslims who wanted a separate state for muslims Jinnah would have gone no where.

Care about 10per minority and leave Allah's deen behind bcz they supported us in the time of struggle
When i was in 1 class our teachers were teaching us that Pakistan is established bcz muslim can live their according to Islam.nd now it is unacceptable that due to 10per of minorities so many muslims should leave their way of living through Islam
Is this a Justice???
Here are some of Jinnah quotes:
“…..Religion should not be allowed to come into Politics….Religion is merely a matter between man and God”…..(Jinnah, Address to the Central Legislative Assembly, February 7, 1935)

“…..in the name of Humanity, I care more for them [the Untouchables] than for Mussalmans…..” (Jinnah, Speaking about the Shudras or Untouchables, during his address at the All India Muslim League session at Delhi, 1934)

“…..I am NOT fighting for Muslims, believe me, when I demand Pakistan…..” (Jinnah, Press Conference, November 14, 1946)

And his words are more important then allah's and his prophets?

“…..I am NOT fighting for Muslims, believe me, when I demand Pakistan…..” (Jinnah, Press Conference, November 14, 1946)

Now this is where Jinnah is WRONG! Many Pakistanis believe he is flawless and saint.
Do you know its a sin to say something and do something else? How did Jinnah demand Pakistan? It was because MUSLIMS supported him and they all demanded a land for MUSLIMS!

Maybe to you Jinnah's words are more important but not to me because of the fallowing Hadiths

The Prophet (pbuh)said: "You will not enter paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I not guide you to something which if you carry out you will love one another? Spread salaam amongst yourselves." [Muslim]

The Prophet (pbuh) described the Ummah as one body; if one member becomes sick then the other members of this one body will take care of the sick one
"The Believers, in their mutual love, mercy and compassion, are like one body: if one organ complained, the rest of the body develops a fever." [Bukhari & Muslim]

The Prophet (pbuh)said: "Do not have malice against a Muslim; do not be envious of other Muslims; do not go against a Muslim and forsake him. O the slave of Allah! Be like brothers with each other. It is not allowed for a Muslim to desert his brother for over three days."

"The believers are nothing else than brothers. So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah, that you may receive mercy." [Al-Hujjurat, 49:10]

"And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah and be not divided among yourselves, and remember Allah's Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren, and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes His Ayat clear to you, that you may be guided." [Al-Imran, 3:103]


thank you
Here are some of Jinnah quotes:

Might i add one more to that.

4 : “…. You are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed. That has nothing to do with the business of the State.” [Jinnah, Presidential address to the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, Karachi, 11 August 1947]
Care about 10per minority and leave Allah's deen behind bcz they supported us in the time of struggle
When i was in 1 class our teachers were teaching us that Pakistan is established bcz muslim can live their according to Islam.nd now it is unacceptable that due to 10per of minorities so many muslims should leave their way of living through Islam
Is this a Justice???

Islam was the first system that gave rights to minorities. In fact Prophet Mohammed told us to leave them alone and treat them with respect. He did not force them to convert but infact they were moved by his teachings and faith.
If pakistan becomes a Islamic state it does not mean the minorities must be thrown away from our land and only then its a islamic state.
If you would have bothered to read Quran, islam was the first system to give rights to minorities. But in secularisim Islam hardly has any importance and Allah must be very proud.

Why would you care if it holds importance or not in the state it is your religion. If you hold it very dear then that is great and no one has the right to take that from you.
What Jinnah said, does not matter .... an equivalent number of quotations can be found Jinnah declaring that Shariah and Quran shall be the guiding principles of Pakistan.

Fact of the matter is I am not answerable to Jinnah, however upon my death I am answerable to Allah swt. Like every human being.

Eventually We all have to answer as to what we did to make Allah's word prevalent on Allah's Earth.

Is more argument required ?
I didn't say democracy is flawed because families rule - if families are elected by the people and they do excellent work then so be it. I said democracy is flawed because people are not exercising their right of voting properly, for various reasons.

We need to work on making our electorate more informed and give it more choices to make democracy work.

Exactly, sir. Now why dont you take this point as

If the elected Caliphs do excellent work, you dont need to vote.
Minorities rights in islam.

The first and the true system to give rights to minorities.

by Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

Following a flurry of unfortunate incidents that involved mass scale persecution of the Christian community in Gojra and the misrepresentation of the religious teachings, it is high time we initiated intellectual discourse aimed at identifying the factors, which led to this tragedy. The principal purpose behind this exercise should be to fashion a cohesive and comprehensive strategy to educate masses about the real teachings of Islam and preempt any similar untoward incident in future. It is also of equal importance to seek input of the representatives of all schools of thought and other sections of society like journalists, intellectuals, civil society activists, lawyers and professors etc. Ideally, the Islamic Ideology Council is well suited to spearhead this initiative and give it institutionalised base for the production of effective results. The second phase of such an arrangement may be geared to engage the minorities living within Pakistan in a constructive dialogue aimed at allaying their apprehensions and fears.

I am of the considered opinion that the long-term solution to such problems lies in changing the mindset through sustained engagement and projection of real teachings of Islam so that no bigoted mullah, having a limited understanding of Islam, could exploit the religious feelings of people for ulterior motives.

Islam seeks to establish such a society where all citizens of the state enjoy equal rights and religion does not become the basis for any discrimination. Islamic law holds both Muslims and non-Muslims equal and no superiority or privilege is given to the Muslims on any ground. The history of Islam is replete with such examples. Once, a Muslim, who was accused of killing a non-Muslim, was presented in the court of Hazrat Ali (ra). The evidence supported the accusation. When Hazrat Ali ordered the Muslim to be killed by way of qisas, the relatives of the murderer made the brother of the killed forgive by paying him the compensation money. When the Caliph came to know of it, he asked, "Perhaps these people may have coerced you into saying so." To this, he replied in the negative, saying that the killing would not bring his brother back. Since they were paying him blood money, it would help the family financially to some extent. The Caliph agreed to the deal but added that the principle underlying the functioning of his government was "the blood of those of our non-Muslim subjects is equal to our blood and his blood money is like our blood money." (Abu Yusuf, Kitab-ul-Khiraj, p. 187)

Secondly, every member of an Islamic society is entitled to privacy and personal life. No one can be allowed to enter his house or interfere in his matters without his consent. The minorities enjoy similar rights in an Islamic state as the Muslims do. It is the fundamental principle of Islamic law that it enjoins the similar rights and duties on both Muslim and non-Muslim citizens without any discrimination.

Thirdly, Islam ordains people to worship Allah Almighty but it does not coerce followers of other religions to accept Islam and change their creed. Invitation to truth and use of coercion are mutually exclusive realities. The Holy Quran has communicated the Islamic message of truth in these words: "(O Glorious Messenger!) Invite towards the path of your Lord with strategic wisdom and refined exhortation and (also) argue with them in a most decent manner. Surely your Lord knows him well who strayed away from His path and He also knows well the rightly guided." (16:125)

Islam has strictly disallowed the adoption of such method of invitation, which affects the religious independence of the other party. Allah Almighty says at another place: "There is no coercion in religion. Verily, guidance has manifestly been distinguished from error." (2:256)

Fourthly, the non-Muslim minorities are free to undertake any business enterprise or profession in an Islamic state like their Muslim counterparts and no restriction can be imposed upon them in this regard. However, those businesses, which are collectively injurious for the society, would be completely prohibited both for the Muslims as well as the non-Muslims. The minorities are also free to adopt any profession they like. They would also be subject to same trade-related taxation as the Muslims.

Fifthly, as it is the responsibility of the Islamic state to provide for the disabled or the poor or the destitute or the old, in the same way, it is also under obligation to pay for the maintenance of a member of the minority community in case of his disability, old age or poverty. Minorities enjoy equal rights in terms of collective maintenance in an Islamic state. According to a tradition reported by Abu 'Ubaid in Kitab-ul-Amwal, "The Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave a donation to a Jewish family and it continued to be delivered even after (the Holy Prophet's departure from this world)."

Sixthly, Islamic state is responsible for the protection and security of minorities. If it has entered into an agreement with another nation, the protection and security of the latter also falls under its domain of responsibility.

One of the conditions that defined the agreements between Muslims and the conquered non-Muslim minorities was that the Islamic government would be responsible for provision of basic necessities and security of lives of the minorities. The Peace Agreement, which was struck with the residents of the Heera had the following written in it: "A non-Muslim who grows old and cannot work or becomes disabled due to a natural calamity or he was previously rich but has become poor due to some untoward happening, the government would not charge any tax from such calamity-stricken people. Rather these people and their families would be provided with the maintenance allowance out of official treasury." (Ibn Rushd, Badiyat-ul-Mujtahid, vol. 2, p. 310)

The minorities cannot be compelled to render defence services. Rather, it is the responsibility of the Islamic state to defend them. Since the Islamic state is responsible for the protection of lives, honour and property of the minorities and they do not have any other obligation with regard to defence, they are liable to contribute financially to the Islamic state in the form of a tax called Jizya. Even then, Islam has taught about justice and good manners when it comes to the imposition of Jizya on the minorities.

Due to space constraint, I cannot delve deeper into the Islamic history to prove empirically how minorities were treated in an Islamic state. The reprehensible Gojra-style incidents happen because of our society's lack of knowledge of actual teachings of Islam. The vacuum of knowledge so created is bridged by the semi-literate clergy with no exposure to the Islamic historical tradition, demands of contemporary age and challenges of future.
OOO so now it comes to Quaid's speech

Then add this too in which Jinnah said that ISLAM is the basis of Pakistan's creation:

"What was the motive of the demand for Pakistan and a separate electorate for Muslims? What was the need of the division of India? Its cause is neither the narrow mindedness of Hindus nor the tactics of Britishers, but is the basic demand of ISLAM"

Kon kehta tha k Quaid Pakistan ko secular bnana chahtey thay. . .
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