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When the true downfall of Pakistan began

yeah but that was what 40-50 years ago, great nations are known for course corrections
instead of crying we should correct our course (B- Zia brought mass corruption in politics, army, bureaucracy, radicalization aside)
yeah but that was what 40-50 years ago, great nations are known for course corrections
instead of crying we should correct our course (B- Zia brought mass corruption in politics, army, bureaucracy, radicalization aside)
bleek saheb wants to see a war between Afghanistan and Pakistan. he will forgive every sin of Pakistan/Pakistanis the minute they declare war
jub tak ksi dictator ko article 6 laga kar phansi nhi do gay yeh saly kom ka balatkaar karty rahin gay
jub tak ksi dictator ko article 6 laga kar phansi nhi do gay yeh saly kom ka balatkaar karty rahin gay
Democracy is overrated.

Democracy is not the solution, it never has been.

China is thriving under CCP.

Your issue is not dictators or democracy, your issue is that every other Pakistani is a haram khor opportunistic selfish and greedy bastard.

Liaqat Ali Khan.
Bhai pehle video dekh lo or comment karlo. Nationalisation policies ke bare me.

long cherished dream of vasanīks of bharat
Stop derailing this thread with your delusions my dalkhor friend.
The real question is—why does Bleek have a YouTube channel with PakFactor pfp? And if it's not his, how did it upload it so fast?
Accountability across the board and mass hangings. Than anything else.

We must start with the Sharifs, Zaradaris, Bhuttos, and Co.

Then move onto military Inc, and those who have been controlling an unfair monopoly on industries while refusing to pay tax.

We must start with the Sharifs, Zaradaris, Bhuttos, and Co.

Then move onto military Inc, and those who have been controlling an unfair monopoly on industries while refusing to pay tax.
Anyone involve in public corruption and terrorism. Starting with big fishes to local govt officers and TTP, BLA,MQM foot soldiers and their local neighborhood facilitators. Any one involved in crime against general public. Hang them and confiscate their property.
Privatisation makes sense especially for a corrupt society like Pakistan.

People only truly put their 100% into something they directly benefit off. (In this example owning the company) This forces them to implement meritocratic practises if they want their company to not only survive but also thrive in a competitive environment.

It also forces productivity in the workers to meet standards and requirements.

Pakistanis are a race that require the stick to work at full efficiency, government controlled institutions with tax money are not suitable. Only private sector which forces people to meet standards and do their job works.

Too much nationalisation in Pakistan will lead to inefficiency and productivity due to the socioculture of its people. Maybe after some decades/generations of this system people will begin to value meritocracy, and stand against nepotism and corruption as a society.

Government should really only control things related to security and public education. In reality all it really needs to is regulate the market and apply certain measures.

Like schools must do X, healthcare must follow X.

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