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when first muslim and pakistani will lay it foot on moon

That is a silly thing to say! We only pray in the direction of the Qa'ba because of the sake of unity! Our minds are directed towards Allah! In space, one would pray in the direction of the Earth!

It really doesn't work, does it? since there is so much disunity within Islam even after praying in the same direction for last so many centuries.

The dark side of the moon never sees the earth.
Also, What if when a Muslim is in earth orbit and Mecca is on other side. Should the man is look straight down at earth to do namaz?
Earth has many other places of worship other than qa'ba, including the idols of many other religions. Does it mean when a Muslim in space is facing earth for namaz, is also praying to all these other idols?
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Don't worry about us we can get to the moon in less than a year by ourselves, if we truly wanted too.

Less than a year??:woot:.....you can bring in the moon to Pakistan probably??:whistle:
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Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was elected to the Presidency during the rule of zionist hindu BJP government.
The secular congress party didn't even give him a second term.

I smell communist party here.:whistle:....just curious about ur flags.:D
Iran has the potential for a manned space mission to moon but they are screwing with everybody in the UN. If they can focus on their economy there is a chance for Pakistan-Iran cooperation in future. But as of now, the manned mission is just pointless as far as Iran's and Pakistan's economic and social situation is concerned.
Well , Taliban or some other fanatic groups can hijack the lunar module , kill all astronauts and crash on the moon.
Now that would be a high for terrorism !!

Lolzz... most undeveloped country of the world manage to reach moon.. funny, but nice idea for talibans..

Ps: I don't believe even US landed on moon? If US did that then we might had flights to the mars today with the technologies like today, super fast computers (as compare to 1969), other technologies etc
in that case you have to wait at least 25+ years if not more

Don't think so, if pakistan can purchase a sattlight from China and send on the space. Pakistan can even purchase Apollo type Capsule from US and send it to Moon.

Iran has the potential for a manned space mission to moon but they are screwing with everybody in the UN. If they can focus on their economy there is a chance for Pakistan-Iran cooperation in future. But as of now, the manned mission is just pointless as far as Iran's and Pakistan's economic and social situation is concerned.

Do you know what Iran send on the space? It was 3 stage Space sattlight (the thing only done by US). It even have capability of military monitoring, but other stages are expected to have capability of carrying weapons. (I read on newscientist and other scientific magazines). So manned mission isn't big issue atleast for Iran. They just need some time thats it. Also they aren't much worried about economy, since they have oil. If KSA and Iran just shake hand in case of moon mission i think they can send manned mission to the moon just within 5 yrs (US will return to moon in 2020).

& so far pakistan concern, if we just manage to remove corruption from the state. Then there is nothing Impossible for them. But corruption eats major share of the economy, thats why we are still sticked to the loadshadding forget manned moon mission :s
Good attempt. If Pakistan gets nuked by India it will be due to a muslim Indian, if the missile was sent from a distance due to a Christian Indian lady , If Pakistan got cut into 2 it was because of a Jewish Indian(Jacob) and a Parsi Indian(Manekshaw). In the current scenario order mostly to be given by a Sikh(nuclear war) or a Christian(non-nuclear war) with backing of another Christian lady. We need to get a Buddhist and a Jain now into the picture for a complete story. Pretty important stuff by minorities.:coffee:

Well with regard to 1971, you forgot to mention Air Chief Marshal Idris Hasan Latif (Hon'ble Air Chief Marshal Idris Hasan Latif, PVSM) who was chief of planning for IAF and played an important in achieving air superiority over then East Pakistan. He later went on to become chief of Air staff. He got awarded the PVSM for his service.

One curious thing. How does a devout Muslim person do the obligatory Islamic rituals when in space/on moon, like doing the Namaz, Ramadan rituals etc. How do decide the direction of Mecca in space or on the dark side of the moon?

And with regard to muslim astronauts and discharging their religious obligations, there have already been about 9-10 muslim astronauts and some guidance issued for them.

1. For prayer, he can follow roughly times for the city of mecca i.e. whatever times the prayers fall in mecca, he/she prays at that time. So no need to worry about sunrise/sunset e.t.c

2. On facing the Qibla, he can try to face mecca, but if that's not possible to maintain he can just face the earth. If that is not possible, then he can face in any direction. This is similar to the practice you would follow if you are praying on plane or on a train for example as the direction of Qibla would keep changing
The important thing is the intention in your heart that you are praying to God. After all you are not praying to the Kabah, you are praying to your creator and he can see and hear you anywhere.

3. On fasting, the astronaut is given a choice that he/she may either keep the fast or make up for the fast when he/she returns. This is already applied for example when a muslim has to travel. He does not have to fast during the travelling period, but makes up for it once he reaches the destination.

Most of these were issued by ulema from Malaysia. Islam is suppose to be an easy to follow religion and can cater for any type of requirement to make it easy to follow its requirements.
Malaysian Guide for Muslim Astronauts - IslamOnline.net - News
pakistan should ask China for space tech....coz on its behalf they will not be able to make a space part for more than 100 yrs......

Indian P.M. you are far from true insight, India has yet to make a good jet, only copy Russian stuff, failing in Tank making and begging Israel to help it in every sphere, so don't go throwing stones on others when you yourself live in glass house.

India is a country which brought Israel in picture in the continent, India brought Russia in the picture and supported its invasion of Afghanistan for which Pakistan is paying the heavy price.

India supported Russians in Vietnam, how would you feel as living U.S. when knowing fully well that thousands of Americans lost their lives in Vietnam.
It really doesn't work, does it? since there is so much disunity within Islam even after praying in the same direction for last so many centuries.

The dark side of the moon never sees the earth.
Also, What if when a Muslim is in earth orbit and Mecca is on other side. Should the man is look straight down at earth to do namaz?
Earth has many other places of worship other than qa'ba, including the idols of many other religions. Does it mean when a Muslim in space is facing earth for namaz, is also praying to all these other idols?

You are assuming too many mischievous things, and you know what they say about mischief's, a trouble maker working unlawfully.

Now for your little mind about your query.

Allah. S.W.T. is the Lord of all universe and we pray to him and not to any other thing or symbol, so in space we turn to earth and even if we are in mars we turn to what would be known to the space traveler direction to earth.

I as Muslim have top be truthful and not make a mockery of things and people, and that is why i answered you in things simple manners, I could insult you or be angry but that is not acting as Muslim, so I will keep decent, honest and answer the questions with dignity and honesty, no matter how silly u guys become.

And that is the Greatness of Islam.
No intentions to hurt anybody but.....I believe islamic nations are busy building brotherhood between Islamic nations only and everybody else are either considered infedals or idol worshippers......and for some reason all the nations that are pioneered in space tech in Non-Islam centric secular nations. The day they break the lock of religious confined space then there is a hope.

Fairly silly logic. As if the Muslim nations do not deal with others via trade, transfer of technology, education etc. The problem here is your understanding of ummah and the need to stop linking the ummah as being against *everything* not part of the ummah.

Exploring the space is all fine and dandy but currently the Muslim world faces problems that are of a more basic nature such as malnutrition, paucity of clean water etc. etc. Maybe when that is sorted out then money can be spent on a space program. Currently it would be criminal for anyone in the Muslim world to spend money on space exploration when hungry mouths have to be fed. Its a matter of priorities. Nothing being done in space exploration is of a nature which becomes an absolute necessity for all to enter this race.
It really doesn't work, does it? since there is so much disunity within Islam even after praying in the same direction for last so many centuries.

The dark side of the moon never sees the earth.
Also, What if when a Muslim is in earth orbit and Mecca is on other side. Should the man is look straight down at earth to do namaz?
Earth has many other places of worship other than qa'ba, including the idols of many other religions. Does it mean when a Muslim in space is facing earth for namaz, is also praying to all these other idols?

Another case of flawed thinking to put down Islam and Muslims. When you do not know the direction of Mecca, then you pray in whatever direction. It does not matter. If you find the true direction of the Kaaba, then you pray towards it. If you are in motion, then you can pray in any direction. Simple as that!

Before criticizing a religion on specific issues, it would make sense to understand the logic and the technicalities.

Secondly the differences in Muslims are similar to that of other organized religions which include Christianity and Judaism.
Secondly the differences in Muslims are similar to that of other organized religions which include Christianity and Judaism.

There is discord in every faith, indeed it was predicted that there would be as many as 72 sects in Islam (sadly).

However, when it comes to the fundamentals I must say that Islam is more united than most other faiths, especially the Abrahamic faiths.

Every Muslim acknowledges praying 5 times a day, accepting prophethood of all the prophets, fasting, giving to charity, going to Hajj, believing in the revealed books etc etc. whether or not they practice it is a different matter, however they certainly view them as duties.

Our concept of Allah is also the same, shiahs and sunnis and all the sub-sects thereof have as their primary differences little issues that do not necessarily conflict with their respective core principles.

However, in Christianity for example they can't even decide whether or not Jesus is god. I have conversed with many Christians and no two come up with the same formulations with regards to God and salvation. They have thousands of versions of the Bible, whereas today all the Qurans you buy are exactly the same. One who has memorised the entire Quran (hafiz) from the USA could sit in front of a hafiz from China and their recitation would be exactly the same.

A Pakistani Imam could go to any mosque around the world and lead the Friday prayer without any confusion in the alien congregation.

In Christendom there is great difference with regards to prayers and they do not even pray like Jesus and all the prophets before him prayed. Some dance about, some sing, some go crazy, some start talking gibberish (talking in tongues) and some just sit and watch – when in actual fact Jesus (upon him be peace) and all the other prophets, including the last of them all (peace be upon him) worshiped Allah in exactly the same way. I can prove this from the Bible upon request.
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Earth has many other places of worship other than qa'ba, including the idols of many other religions. Does it mean when a Muslim in space is facing earth for namaz, is also praying to all these other idols?

You don’t understand, or perhaps you don’t want to understand that we do not pray to the Kabah, or worship it (nauzbullah) to begin with and so the notion of worshiping anything in front of it becomes irrelevant.

When I pray at home, facing the Qiblah, there is a brick wall in front of me; that doesn’t mean I am worshiping the brick wall does it?

Qiblah simply means orientation, or direction of prayer. We do not worship it, in fact that would take you out of Islam as we do not worship the creation.

With regards to offering the salah in space, I am sure that the scholars will derive a fatwa when the case arises. By Allah, we will worship Him everywhere whenever the opportunity arises and only the fools, trouble makers and rebellious folk will have an issue with it.
Maybe we can :rofl:
We all know the moon landing was fake wasnt it :enjoy:

I dont know about you but i firmly believe NASA's Moon landing was for real. I personally visited NASA's mission control center, Houston and i was quiet impressed by what they were capable at that time. They are very open to public and preserved most of the history for future younger generations. Some people believe in conspiracy theories and some believe in scientifically proven theories, so i belong to the second group.:agree:

^^^As of now, this is all i can do for you buddy.
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