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Dear @Valar.

Veer, Where you at man?

Thinking about you

Missing you

Yours truly

Maula Jutt
Phat gayi.

Looks like I'm in trouble.


Let's wait for the memo.

Instructor Benjamin is perhaps the only Muslim scholar who came up with a scientific explanation of chakras wrt not only Islam but almost every religion -------. I thought it may intrigue you .
Instructor Benjamin is perhaps the only Muslim scholar who came up with a scientific explanation of chakras wrt not only Islam but almost every religion -------. I thought it may intrigue you .
I did look at the attachment in the first instance. It has nothing to do with the theory of chakras as expounded by some yoga practitioners, and is meaningless mumbo-jumbo, so I ignored it.

Who is Instructor Benjamin? I have no idea. If he is the person responsible for what I read in the attachment, he really has zero credibility. The trouble is that Yoga can be considered at different dimensions and in different ways. The way it is practised by the secular practitioner is as a method of exercise, and of physical development, using both exercise and physical development in a very loose way.

This has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with the philosophical system known as Yoga, one of the root six philosophical systems of somewhat archaic Hindu philosophy. The closest interpretation of the philosophy available to the secular student is by Feuerstein, and it is not one that is very encouraging. To even try to take somebody into the heart of that system, for that matter, into the heart of the other five, Sankhya, Nyaya, Vaiseshika, Mimamsa, and the only really surviving one, the only one in practical use in the present day, Vedanta, is like having a conversation in Starbucks, and proposing to set out immediately on an ascent of Everest.

Even Vedanta exists today in divided and fractured form. It is practised and taught in three main schools, Advaita, Vishishtadvaita, Dvaita and one more school from the north that I do not even want to go near (the purist will prefer to deal with it in five sub-variants, but let us confuse things one step at a time, and talk of the main schools, three of them). Sankaracharya expounded the Advaita form first; after two centuries or so, Ramanujacharya expressed his differences as Vishishtadvaita; finally, long after both of them, Madhacharya contradicted them both rather severely, and expounded the Dvaita variant.

Now do you see how difficult it is to relate to what that attachment showed? In terms of Yoga, even at the secular, let us say, layman level, it lacks credibility, and we can completely forget about it having any weight at serious levels.
I did look at the attachment in the first instance. It has nothing to do with the theory of chakras as expounded by some yoga practitioners, and is meaningless mumbo-jumbo, so I ignored it.

Who is Instructor Benjamin? I have no idea. If he is the person responsible for what I read in the attachment, he really has zero credibility. The trouble is that Yoga can be considered at different dimensions and in different ways. The way it is practised by the secular practitioner is as a method of exercise, and of physical development, using both exercise and physical development in a very loose way.

This has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with the philosophical system known as Yoga, one of the root six philosophical systems of somewhat archaic Hindu philosophy. The closest interpretation of the philosophy available to the secular student is by Feuerstein, and it is not one that is very encouraging. To even try to take somebody into the heart of that system, for that matter, into the heart of the other five, Sankhya, Nyaya, Vaiseshika, Mimamsa, and the only really surviving one, the only one in practical use in the present day, Vedanta, is like having a conversation in Starbucks, and proposing to set out immediately on an ascent of Everest.

Even Vedanta exists today in divided and fractured form. It is practised and taught in three main schools, Advaita, Vishishtadvaita, Dvaita and one more school from the north that I do not even want to go near (the purist will prefer to deal with it in five sub-variants, but let us confuse things one step at a time, and talk of the main schools, three of them). Sankaracharya expounded the Advaita form first; after two centuries or so, Ramanujacharya expressed his differences as Vishishtadvaita; finally, long after both of them, Madhacharya contradicted them both rather severely, and expounded the Dvaita variant.

Now do you see how difficult it is to relate to what that attachment showed? In terms of Yoga, even at the secular, let us say, layman level, it lacks credibility, and we can completely forget about it having any weight at serious levels.
If I was reading the explanation of a Hindu jurist , complicating the matter needlessly :P ?

Instructor was rather focusing on the chakras to maintain a balance between physics and meta-physics. Anyways thanks for presenting the intricacies Hindu jurists took upon themselves . I personally am witnessing more grammatical sabotage than actual substance from clergy across the globe .
If I was reading the explanation of a Hindu jurist , complicating the matter needlessly :P ?

Instructor was rather focusing on the chakras to maintain a balance between physics and meta-physics. Anyways thanks for presenting the intricacies Hindu jurists took upon themselves . I personally am witnessing more grammatical sabotage than actual substance from clergy across the globe .
Physics within Yoga? The chakras, and that farrago of nonsense as a balance between physics and metaphysics?

Get attention, urgently. And stay away from "Instructor", whoever or whatever he might be.
Man, I love this song on an emotional level Reminds me of bygone times, my big brother used to blast out this song in our car whenever we went out
BBQ ,get togethers- you name it, we played it
Whenever our father heard "tequila aale shots", he'd get angry with us for playing this song

Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days 💔🥺
.... And Ngl

This song still finds its way into my playlist from time to time. Back in my university days, I had a ritual of playing it two or three times just before an exam. I vividly remember listening to it before my interview as well.
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Man, I love this song on an emotional level Reminds me of bygone times, my big brother used to blast out this song in our car whenever we went out
BBQ ,get togethers- you name it, we played it
Whenever our father heard "tequila aale shots", he'd get angry with us for playing this song

Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days 💔🥺
.... And Ngl

This song still finds its way into my playlist from time to time. Back in my university days, I had a ritual of playing it two or three times just before an exam. I have a vividly remember listening to it before my interview as well.
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