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Hi guys - finished work at about 2 - came home and was informed 4 men burst into the house and burgled us. They got my boy (5 year old ) was held at knife point until cash and gold was handed over. Thankfully mum wife and child are ok - they realised the police were alerted and did a runner literally minutes before cops me and friends turned up.
Bit of £ and gold is minor compared to potentially what could have happened.
The reason for my post is be careful guys there is some real scum out their - any animals that can threaten a 5 year olds life - need putting away for good.
We are safe and I want you guys to take an extra minute or 2 to make sure of your security for your family and yourselves.
Thanks for listening to the little rant.

You went through quite an ordeal. May Allah swt make it easy for you.

Am worried about him tbh because they want to do a video interview tomorrow alone - he seems to be ok and is calling them ninjas - am concerned about any scars

Feel we should have had more security but the horse seems to bolted now and am responding now to put my mum and the rest mind at rest. Thanks for the advice

You cannot do anything about the past brother. Just make sure in sha Allah everything is safe. Your young one seems strong alhamdulilah.

May Allah swt keep you guys safe and secure. I hope they find those guys.

yes only because they have nowhere else to go and live in this country where you will be killed for questioning religon

Your mind is warped.

I grew up with minorities my whole life and I love them. Some of my best friends are Pakistani Christians, I spent my childhood playing with them and going in and out of their homes. They are still very close to me, we even used to attend their weddings and holidays when we were in Pakistan.
I grew up with minorities my whole life and I love them. Some of my best friends are Pakistani Christians, I spent my childhood playing with them and going in and out of their homes. They are still very close to me, we even used to attend their weddings and holidays when we were in Pakistan.
ok good
There’s some real scum out their bro - we must be vigilant as this country goes into recession their will be more and more low life coming out of the woodwork.Dont think it’s sank in but just think locks fence cameras etc - we got electric gates and they still did this ?

Got cameras sorted but could definitely do with metal grills too..... thanks
contact details of the company I used. They serve a wide region but I'm not sure if they serve the whole UK - you'd have to check on that.



Based in Worcestershire but serve a wide region.
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Why do you hate it so much. Its a married couple.

It also says that Indians and Pakistanis have the ability to get along with each other.
No they are both faggots. That Pakistani Bitch and her partner in crime Anjali can go to hell. Good that her family disowned her. Massive respect for them

I want to ask a question since you have good knowledge on aviation. Do you think KFX/IFX which is designed to use F414 engine can somehow use other engine which is not too different in diameter and length like RD33 ?

I need to ask this since I want to make sure whether Indonesia can still operate KFX/IFX (if the program is successful) if in case we get another US embargo.

I want to ask a question since you have good knowledge on aviation. Do you think KFX/IFX which is designed to use F414 engine can somehow use other engine which is not too different in diameter and length like RD33 ?

I need to ask this since I want to make sure whether Indonesia can still operate KFX/IFX (if the program is successful) if in case we get another US embargo.
Disclaimer: Not my professional area of expertise so take what I say with a grain of salt.

IF the aircraft is designed with having to operate with multiple engines in mind then changing the engine CAN be done. However, it must be planned for in the design for specific engines and it will still take time and money. What you shouldn't do is install an engine of a different thrust class as this will require strengthening of the airframe that will probably require serious modifications (that may not be visible on the outside).

Also just because two engines have same length and diameter does not mean they can be swapped without modification to the airframe. Aircraft engines are mounted very intricately. It has to be designed for it.
Disclaimer: Not my professional area of expertise so take what I say with a grain of salt.

IF the aircraft is designed with having to operate with multiple engines in mind then changing the engine CAN be done. However, it must be planned for in the design for specific engines and it will still take time and money. What you shouldn't do is install an engine of a different thrust class as this will require strengthening of the airframe that will probably require serious modifications (that may not be visible on the outside).

Also just because two engines have same length and diameter does not mean they can be swapped without modification to the airframe. Aircraft engines are mounted very intricately. It has to be designed for it.

Even the same engines family can have different weight mainly because of the differences in components parts (some become more lighter some gained weight) and too affect in center of gravity and require modification on fly by wire system so on
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