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Can you please explain this graph as well?

It shows that there is Deep Disconnect between real economy and QE induced StockMarkets where Fed are flooding the market with too much liquidity...

In otherwords, we are looking at the onset of GreatRecession!

PS. it is a trendline y on y basis... sad really!!!

Hi guys - finished work at about 2 - came home and was informed 4 men burst into the house and burgled us. They got my boy (5 year old ) was held at knife point until cash and gold was handed over. Thankfully mum wife and child are ok - they realised the police were alerted and did a runner literally minutes before cops me and friends turned up.
Bit of £ and gold is minor compared to potentially what could have happened.
The reason for my post is be careful guys there is some real scum out their - any animals that can threaten a 5 year olds life - need putting away for good.
We are safe and I want you guys to take an extra minute or 2 to make sure of your security for your family and yourselves.
Thanks for listening to the little rant.

Hi guys - finished work at about 2 - came home and was informed 4 men burst into the house and burgled us. They got my boy (5 year old ) was held at knife point until cash and gold was handed over. Thankfully mum wife and child are ok - they realised the police were alerted and did a runner literally minutes before cops me and friends turned up.
Bit of £ and gold is minor compared to potentially what could have happened.
The reason for my post is be careful guys there is some real scum out their - any animals that can threaten a 5 year olds life - need putting away for good.
We are safe and I want you guys to take an extra minute or 2 to make sure of your security for your family and yourselves.
Thanks for listening to the little rant.

I'm so sorry and heartbroken to hear this. My prayers and dua are with you and your family. The most important thing is that you and your family are fine and not harmed. Anyone who puts a knife to a small child should be publicly executed.

Definitely going to take extra precaution and safety measures bro.

Hi guys - finished work at about 2 - came home and was informed 4 men burst into the house and burgled us. They got my boy (5 year old ) was held at knife point until cash and gold was handed over. Thankfully mum wife and child are ok - they realised the police were alerted and did a runner literally minutes before cops me and friends turned up.
Bit of £ and gold is minor compared to potentially what could have happened.
The reason for my post is be careful guys there is some real scum out their - any animals that can threaten a 5 year olds life - need putting away for good.
We are safe and I want you guys to take an extra minute or 2 to make sure of your security for your family and yourselves.
Thanks for listening to the little rant.
My word! Thank Allah you're all okay! Absolutely shocking. This is an appalling thing and thank goodness your family stayed calm and the situation is resolved.

We were broken into in October - Britain is a bit less safe than it used to be. Luckily the house was vacant at the time.

If I may, please invest in two things - 24 hr cameras which are visible to would-be intruders, and metallic grills that slide across patio doors or vulnerable windows. If you need phone numbers for the companies I used for both of these items, let me know.
I'm so sorry and heartbroken to hear this. My prayers and dua are with you and your family. The most important thing is that you and your family are fine and not harmed. Anyone who puts a knife to a small child should be publicly executed.
There’s some real scum out their bro - we must be vigilant as this country goes into recession their will be more and more low life coming out of the woodwork.Dont think it’s sank in but just think locks fence cameras etc - we got electric gates and they still did this ?

My word! Thank Allah you're all okay! Absolutely shocking. This is an appalling thing and thank goodness your family stayed calm and the situation is resolved.

We were broken into in October - Britain is a bit less safe than it used to be. Luckily the house was vacant at the time.

If I may, please invest in two things - 24 hr cameras which are visible to would-be intruders, and metallic grills that slide across patio doors or vulnerable windows. If you need phone numbers for the companies I used for both of these items, let me know.
Got cameras sorted but could definitely do with metal grills too..... thanks
There’s some real scum out their bro - we must be vigilant as this country goes into recession their will be more and more low life coming out of the woodwork.Dont think it’s sank in but just think locks fence cameras etc - we got electric gates and they still did this ?

Very true. We need to remain more vigilant in these testing times. Going to read Asr now and make dua for you and your family. Make no mistake, YOU and your family will get through this Inshallah.
Get taser or metal bb guns for yourselves and family.

Get trained and train family in how to use it for home defence.

Since you guys can't get real guns.

Taser and stung guns are a good option as well.
There’s some real scum out their bro - we must be vigilant as this country goes into recession their will be more and more low life coming out of the woodwork.Dont think it’s sank in but just think locks fence cameras etc - we got electric gates and they still did this ?

Got cameras sorted but could definitely do with metal grills too..... thanks
There’s some real scum out their bro - we must be vigilant as this country goes into recession their will be more and more low life coming out of the woodwork.Dont think it’s sank in but just think locks fence cameras etc - we got electric gates and they still did this ?

Got cameras sorted but could definitely do with metal grills too..... thanks
I shall give you the company name and number tomorrow - I keep such docs at work for filing so will let you know when I'm at my desk. Meanwhile, glad your family is fine and I hope the boy isn't too shook up.

Hi guys - finished work at about 2 - came home and was informed 4 men burst into the house and burgled us. They got my boy (5 year old ) was held at knife point until cash and gold was handed over. Thankfully mum wife and child are ok - they realised the police were alerted and did a runner literally minutes before cops me and friends turned up.
Bit of £ and gold is minor compared to potentially what could have happened.
The reason for my post is be careful guys there is some real scum out their - any animals that can threaten a 5 year olds life - need putting away for good.
We are safe and I want you guys to take an extra minute or 2 to make sure of your security for your family and yourselves.
Thanks for listening to the little rant.

Thanks to Allah everyone is safe!

Please, perform sadqa ... and offer dua e shukar!

May Allah keep all Paks safe everywhere.
Get taser or metal bb guns for yourselves and family.

Get trained and train family in how to use it for home defence.

Since you guys can't get real guns.

Taser and stung guns are a good option as well.

Bro - Taser is illegal too - long jail sentence for 1 of them - but I wish I had one.

I shall give you the company name and number tomorrow - I keep such docs at work for filing so will let you know when I'm at my desk. Meanwhile, glad your family is fine and I hope the boy isn't too shook up.
Thank you kindly....

Thanks to Allah everyone is safe!

Please, perform sadqa ... and offer dua e shukar!

May Allah keep all Paks safe everywhere.

Thank you sir - we indeed are doing this as we speak

Hi guys - finished work at about 2 - came home and was informed 4 men burst into the house and burgled us. They got my boy (5 year old ) was held at knife point until cash and gold was handed over. Thankfully mum wife and child are ok - they realised the police were alerted and did a runner literally minutes before cops me and friends turned up.
Bit of £ and gold is minor compared to potentially what could have happened.
The reason for my post is be careful guys there is some real scum out their - any animals that can threaten a 5 year olds life - need putting away for good.
We are safe and I want you guys to take an extra minute or 2 to make sure of your security for your family and yourselves.
Thanks for listening to the little rant.
Very sorry and shocked to hear about your ordeal.
Glad the little boy and the rest of the family are safe but keep an eye on him, he may be in shock and the experience may traumatise him. Give him lots of reassurance and make sure an adult sleeps by him for a few nights in case he has nightmares.
We were burgled a few years ago while we were away on holiday. They took our patio door off it's hinges and they got away with my mother's jewellery, they were never caught. We made sure our children never saw the house in the state they had left it (it was a proper mess, they turned it inside out searching for any valuables) to avoid them being traumatised.
We left the kids at my brother's house and came home to tidy and clear up before we brought the kids home.
Money comes and goes but psychological trauma can be deep and long lasting.

My word! Thank Allah you're all okay! Absolutely shocking. This is an appalling thing and thank goodness your family stayed calm and the situation is resolved.

We were broken into in October - Britain is a bit less safe than it used to be. Luckily the house was vacant at the time.

If I may, please invest in two things - 24 hr cameras which are visible to would-be intruders, and metallic grills that slide across patio doors or vulnerable windows. If you need phone numbers for the companies I used for both of these items, let me know.
Although these things are a wise precaution, the danger is that you allow yourself to be induced into a siege mentality which then begins to affect your life and the decisions you make.
I find that these things are a once in a lifetime event. Although it's possible, it's likely it will never happen to you again. It's better to treat it that way and move on rather than let it take over your life.
Very sorry and shocked to hear about your ordeal.
Glad the little boy and the rest of the family are safe but keep an eye on him, he may be in shock and the experience may traumatise him. Give him lots of reassurance and make sure an adult sleeps by him for a few nights in case he has nightmares.
We were burgled a few years ago while we were away on holiday. They took our patio door off it's hinges and they got away with my mother's jewellery, they were never caught. We made sure our children never saw the house in the state they had left it (it was a proper mess, they turned it inside out searching for any valuables) to avoid them being traumatised.
We left the kids at my brother's house and came home to tidy and clear up before we brought the kids home.
Money comes and goes but psychological trauma can be deep and long lasting.
Am worried about him tbh because they want to do a video interview tomorrow alone - he seems to be ok and is calling them ninjas - am concerned about any scars

Feel we should have had more security but the horse seems to bolted now and am responding now to put my mum and the rest mind at rest. Thanks for the advice
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