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Let us continue here brother.

I have strong faith that Islamic resurgence is coming. We have been laying the ground work. Now Allah swt is shifting the weak Muslims out and leaving those committed to His cause.

We are seeing apocalyptic changes among our people. You are witness to the hardships Pakistan has been through and I am sure you have seen Arabs' situation also which is equally difficult.

Allama Iqbal said, "When the night is darkest, that is when a thousand stars are born," about the Ottoman empire collapsing.

Yes I agree with you brother, we are going through 'Tamhees' prolonged phase which is what God will put us through to purify us and push us back into right direction. Before the 2000's things happened in Muslim world but not many people thought much about it or tried to tie it to Islam's resurgence. After 2000's lots of things changed. We had a significant event in 9/11 attacks that put us on spotlight and brought much negative attention to us. Then we had some conflicts then Arab Spring came about. People in Arab world thought that the Arab Spring was the resurgence that would bring change but 9 years later we see it is chapter in this greater phase God is putting us through.

God isn't simply trying to spark a political resurgence for Muslims, he wants us to make tawbah which we all desperately need as a whole Muslim ummah, a kind of spirtual resurgence which will also take place like a phase. Because tawbah has its stages, it's not gonna happen overnight, it starts people having the imaan to admit there is a problem and we are slacking in our obligations towards the Lord. Then what follows is change in heart. Then change in preaching and change in action.

So we are experiencing that God will renew this faith every century and he is also giving chance for everyone to return to him and observe/recognize their creator. I'm sure the coronavirus is of his doing, and we are not going back to the same 'normal' anymore. He is phasing us out of our lifestyle which deeply affected us and led us to fall into delusions but doing so in merciful and slower, less-chaotic manner. There are a lot of messages the Lord is sending and without a doubt it is the end times but we shouldn't be scared or rush things. Allah will send who he needs to send and it will be more natural transitioning than people think imo. Even if it still requires some time like some several years.
Yes I agree with you brother, we are going through 'Tamhees' prolonged phase which is what God will put us through to purify us and push us back into right direction. Before the 2000's things happened in Muslim world but not many people thought much about it or tried to tie it to Islam's resurgence. After 2000's lots of things changed. We had a significant event in 9/11 attacks that put us on spotlight and brought much negative attention to us. Then we had some conflicts then Arab Spring came about. People in Arab world thought that the Arab Spring was the resurgence that would bring change but 9 years later we see it is chapter in this greater phase God is putting us through.

God isn't simply trying to spark a political resurgence for Muslims, he wants us to make tawbah which we all desperately need as a whole Muslim ummah, a kind of spirtual resurgence which will also take place like a phase. Because tawbah has its stages, it's not gonna happen overnight, it starts people having the imaan to admit there is a problem and we are slacking in our obligations towards the Lord. Then what follows is change in heart. Then change in preaching and change in action.

So we are experiencing that God will renew this faith every century and he is also giving chance for everyone to return to him and observe/recognize their creator. I'm sure the coronavirus is of his doing, and we are not going back to the same 'normal' anymore. He is phasing us out of our lifestyle which deeply affected us and led us to fall into delusions but doing so in merciful and slower, less-chaotic manner. There are a lot of messages the Lord is sending and without a doubt it is the end times but we shouldn't be scared or rush things. Allah will send who he needs to send and it will be more natural transitioning than people think imo. Even if it still requires some time like some several years.

Read my links when you get some time brother. Feel free to send me stuff also if you find something good.

I will go now. Nice conversation we had. Please take care. Assalam alaikum wrwb.
I don't know @Falcon29 If you have much influence with Sufi poetry, but here is something you should check out which goes with the themes we were discussing.

Allama Iqbal wrote this poem called Shikwa complaining to Allah swt on the plight of Muslims when everything seems dark and hope is lost. Some ulema even made takfir on him, they didn't understand him.

SHIKWA with English translation.

He wrote a succeeding piece called Jawab e Shikwa meaning the answer to the complaint. Here Allah swt gives the answers to the questions of demoralized Muslims and what they should do to recover their pride and honor.

JAWAB E SHIKWA with English translation

I am sure you know brother, Allama Iqbal was the spiritual ideologue of Pakistan and our national poet/philosopher. He also was the next major Sufi poet after Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi.

I did not know about Allama Iqbal, was he a scholar? I do not have much experience with Sufi poetry, I was mostly trying to learn things about God growing up. Could you tell me more about the scholar, Iqbal?

I have heard about some Sufi scholars recently like Ibn Arabi and Al-Rumi. I did not read much into their writings but did look at some stuff from Ibn Arabi. There seemed to be a dispute about whether he wrote some things or not, I'm not sure personally but I had a hard time understanding what he was saying. In the arabic language at least. Although I know some of it was about God and committing to God.

Otherwise I never really have read about scholars or famous influencers in Islam. Mostly was reading about God and Mohammed. Also some things about Jesus.

Read my links when you get some time brother. Feel free to send me stuff also if you find something good.

I will go now. Nice conversation we had. Please take care. Assalam alaikum wrwb.

Salam brother, take care, yes we will continue this discussion tomorrow as it is getting quite late.
A hungry fire is just getting bigger.

And hungrier.

The Saoshyant is awaited.

His time is nigh.

There will be no peace till the Atash is restablished on His throne.

Pak Iranshah.

Ushta te.
I did not know about Allama Iqbal, was he a scholar? I do not have much experience with Sufi poetry, I was mostly trying to learn things about God growing up. Could you tell me more about the scholar, Iqbal?

I have heard about some Sufi scholars recently like Ibn Arabi and Al-Rumi. I did not read much into their writings but did look at some stuff from Ibn Arabi. There seemed to be a dispute about whether he wrote some things or not, I'm not sure personally but I had a hard time understanding what he was saying. In the arabic language at least. Although I know some of it was about God and committing to God.

Otherwise I never really have read about scholars or famous influencers in Islam. Mostly was reading about God and Mohammed. Also some things about Jesus.

Salam brother, take care, yes we will continue this discussion tomorrow as it is getting quite late.

Allama Iqbal was both a traditional scholar of Islam from his youth, learned in Western philosophy from Germany, and gifted with clairvoyance as a Sufi poet and philosopher as well.

He took Quaid e Azam, Pakistan's founder under his wing as a student and armed him with what he needed to found Pakistan.

Other than this, he is widely read in Afghanistan and Iran. He also is famous in Turkey as well.

Wrote most of his poems in Urdu and later went on to use Dari, Persian language dialect of Afghanistan and pre-British Pakistan land.

When you read his words you will understand.

Salam brother, take care, yes we will continue this discussion tomorrow as it is getting quite late.

Yes in sha Allah. Another very good Afghan brother @H. Dawary Is reading Allama Iqbal's English book Reconstruction of Islamic Thought at my insistence.

He may have some insights as well.

My links are short and easy to read, please check them.
Why are you issuing certificates?

@HalfMoon and @AfrazulMandal are 100 pc Muslim.
Half-moon is not. Just a butt hurt.


Let us continue here brother.

I have strong faith that Islamic resurgence is coming. We have been laying the ground work. Now Allah swt is shifting the weak Muslims out and leaving those committed to His cause.

We are seeing apocalyptic changes among our people. You are witness to the hardships Pakistan has been through and I am sure you have seen Arabs' situation also which is equally difficult.

Allama Iqbal said, "A thousand stars must die before the dawn comes," about the Ottoman empire collapsing.

I don't know @Falcon29 If you have much influence with Sufi poetry, but here is something you should check out which goes with the themes we were discussing.

Allama Iqbal wrote this poem called Shikwa complaining to Allah swt on the plight of Muslims when everything seems dark and hope is lost. Some ulema even made takfir on him, they didn't understand him.

SHIKWA with English translation.

He wrote a succeeding piece called Jawab e Shikwa meaning the answer to the complaint. Here Allah swt gives the answers to the questions of demoralized Muslims and what they should do to recover their pride and honor.

JAWAB E SHIKWA with English translation

I am sure you know brother, Allama Iqbal was the spiritual ideologue of Pakistan and our national poet/philosopher. He also was the next major Sufi poet after Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi.
The problem is that Islam as a political power is in decline since the 17th century. :-(
How Exactly Do You Catch Covid-19? There Is a Growing Consensus
Surface contamination and fleeting encounters are less of a worry than close-up, person-to-person interactions for extended periods

By Daniela Hernandez, Sarah Toy and Betsy McKay
Updated June 16, 2020 10:39 am ET
Six months into the coronavirus crisis, there’s a growing consensus about a central question: How do people become infected?

It’s not common to contract Covid-19 from a contaminated surface, scientists say. And fleeting encounters with people outdoors are unlikely to spread the coronavirus.

Instead, the major culprit is close-up, person-to-person interactions for extended periods. Crowded events, poorly ventilated areas and places where people are talking loudly—or singing, in one famous case—maximize the risk.

These emerging findings are helping businesses and governments devise reopening strategies to protect public health while getting economies going again. That includes tactics like installing plexiglass barriers, requiring people to wear masks in stores and other venues, using good ventilation systems and keeping windows open when possible.

Two recent large studies showed that wide-scale lockdowns—stay-at-home orders, bans on large gatherings and business closures—prevented millions of infections and deaths around the world. Now, with more knowledge in hand, cities and states can deploy targeted interventions to keep the virus from taking off again, scientists and public-health experts said.

That means better protections for nursing-home residents and multigenerational families living in crowded conditions, they said. It also means stressing physical distancing and masks, and reducing the number of gatherings in enclosed spaces.

“We should not be thinking of a lockdown, but of ways to increase physical distance,” said Tom Frieden, chief executive of Resolve to Save Lives, a nonprofit public-health initiative. “This can include allowing outside activities, allowing walking or cycling to an office with people all physically distant, curbside pickup from stores, and other innovative methods that can facilitate resumption of economic activity without a rekindling of the outbreak.”

The group’s reopening recommendations include widespread testing, contact tracing and isolation of people who are infected or exposed.

A Recipe for Infection
Getting the Covid-19 virus involves three steps.

Coughing, talking and breathing creates virus-carrying droplets of various sizes.
Enough virus has to make itself over to you or build up around you over time to trigger an infection.
The virus has to make its way into your respiratory tract and use the ACE-2 receptors there to enter cells and replicate.
Illustration: Erik Brynildsen/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
One important factor in transmission is that seemingly benign activities like speaking and breathing produce respiratory bits of varying sizes that can disperse along air currents and potentially infect people nearby.

Health agencies have so far identified respiratory-droplet contact as the major mode of Covid-19 transmission. These large fluid droplets can transfer virus from one person to another if they land on the eyes, nose or mouth. But they tend to fall to the ground or on other surfaces pretty quickly.

Some researchers say the new coronavirus can also be transmitted through aerosols, or minuscule droplets that float in the air longer than large droplets. These aerosols can be directly inhaled.

That’s what may have happened at a restaurant in Guangzhou, China, where an infected diner who was not yet ill transmitted the virus to five others sitting at adjacent tables. Ventilation in the space was poor, with exhaust fans turned off, according to one study looking at conditions in the restaurant.

Aerosolized virus from the patient’s breathing or speaking could have built up in the air over time and strong airflow from an air-conditioning unit on the wall may have helped recirculate the particles in the air, according to authors of the study, which hasn’t yet been peer-reviewed.

Sufficient ventilation in the places people visit and work is very important, said Yuguo Li, one of the authors and an engineering professor at the University of Hong Kong. Proper ventilation—such as forcing air toward the ceiling and pumping it outside, or bringing fresh air into a room—dilutes the amount of virus in a space, lowering the risk of infection.

A gym in Chino Hills, Calif., on June 12.
Another factor is prolonged exposure. That’s generally defined as 15 minutes or more of unprotected contact with someone less than 6 feet away, said John Brooks, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s chief medical officer for the Covid-19 response. But that is only a rule of thumb, he cautioned. It could take much less time with a sneeze in the face or other intimate contact where a lot of respiratory droplets are emitted, he said.

At a March 10 church choir practice in Washington state, 87% of attendees were infected, said Lea Hamner, an epidemiologist with the Skagit County public-health department and lead author of a study on an investigation that warned about the potential for “superspreader” events, in which one or a small number of people infect many others.

Members of the choir changed places four times during the 2½-hour practice, were tightly packed in a confined space and were mostly older and therefore more vulnerable to illness, she said. All told, 53 of 61 attendees at the practice were infected, including at least one person who had symptoms. Two died.

Several factors conspired, Ms. Hamner said. When singing, people can emit many large and small respiratory particles. Singers also breathe deeply, increasing the chance they will inhale infectious particles.

Similar transmission dynamics could be at play in other settings where heavy breathing and loud talking are common over extended periods, like gyms, musical or theater performances, conferences, weddings and birthday parties. Of 61 clusters of cases in Japan between Jan. 15 and April 4, many involved heavy breathing in close proximity, such as karaoke parties, cheering at clubs, talking in bars and exercising in gyms, according to a recent study in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases.

The so-called attack rate—the percentage of people who were infected in a specific place or time—can be very high in crowded events, homes and other spaces where lots of people are in close, prolonged contact.

An estimated 10% of people with Covid-19 are responsible for about 80% of transmissions, according to a study published recently in Wellcome Open Research. Some people with the virus may have a higher viral load, or produce more droplets when they breathe or speak, or be in a confined space with many people and bad ventilation when they’re at their most infectious point in their illness, said Jamie Lloyd-Smith, a University of California, Los Angeles professor who studies the ecology of infectious diseases.

But overall, “the risk of a given infected person transmitting to people is pretty low,” said Scott Dowell, a deputy director overseeing the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Covid-19 response. “For every superspreading event you have a lot of times when nobody gets infected.”

The attack rate for Covid-19 in households ranges between 4.6% and 19.3%, according to several studies. It was higher for spouses, at 27.8%, than for other household members, at 17.3%, in one study in China.

Rosanna Diaz with her son Tomas.
Rosanna Diaz lives in a three-bedroom apartment in New York City with five other family members. The 37-year-old stay-at-home mother was hospitalized with a stroke on April 18 that her doctors attributed to Covid-19, and was still coughing when she went home two days later.

She pushed to get home quickly, she said, because her 4-year-old son has autism and needed her. She kept her distance from family members, covered her mouth when coughing and washed her hands frequently. No one else in the apartment has fallen ill, she said. “Nobody went near me when I was sick,” she said.

Being outside is generally safer, experts say, because viral particles dilute more quickly. But small and large droplets pose a risk even outdoors, when people are in close, prolonged contact, said Linsey Marr, a Virginia Tech environmental engineering professor who studies airborne transmission of viruses.

No one knows for sure how much virus it takes for someone to become infected, but recent studies offer some clues. In one small study published recently in the journal Nature, researchers were unable to culture live coronavirus if a patient’s throat swab or milliliter of sputum contained less than one million copies of viral RNA.

What to Expect When Flying Now (and in the Future)


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What to Expect When Flying Now (and in the Future)
What to Expect When Flying Now (and in the Future)
Air travel is full of opportunities for coronavirus transmission. Touchless check-in, plexiglass shields, temperature checks, back-to-front boarding and planes with empty middle seats are all now part of the flying experience, and the future may bring even more changes. Illustration: Alex Kuzoian
“Based on our experiment, I would assume that something above that number would be required for infectivity,” said Clemens Wendtner, one of the study’s lead authors and head of the department of infectious diseases and tropical medicine at München Klinik Schwabing, a teaching hospital at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

He and his colleagues found samples from contagious patients with virus levels up to 1,000 times that, which could help explain why the virus is so infectious in the right conditions: It may take much lower levels of virus than what’s found in a sick patient to infect someone else.

Changing policies
Based on this emerging picture of contagion, some policies are changing. The standard procedure for someone who tests positive is to quarantine at home. Some cities are providing free temporary housing and social services where people who are infected can stay on a voluntary basis, to avoid transmitting the virus to family members.

The CDC recently urged Americans to keep wearing masks and maintaining a distance from others as states reopen. “The more closely you interact with others, the longer the interaction lasts, the greater the number of people involved in the interaction, the higher the risk of Covid-19 spread,” said Jay Butler, the CDC’s Covid-19 response incident manager.

If the number of Covid-19 cases starts to rise dramatically as states reopen, “more extensive mitigation efforts such as what were implemented back in March may be needed again,” a decision that would be made locally, he said.

CDC guidelines for employers whose workers are returning include requiring masks, limiting use of public transit and elevators to reduce exposure, and prohibiting hugs, handshakes and fist-bumps. The agency also suggested replacing communal snacks, water coolers and coffee pots with prepacked, single-serve items, and erecting plastic partitions between desks closer than 6 feet apart.

A crowd gathered at a bar in Columbus, Ohio, on May 15.
Current CDC workplace guidelines don’t talk about distribution of aerosols, or small particles, in a room, said Lisa Brosseau, a respiratory-protection consultant for the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy.

“Aerosol transmission is a scary thing,” she said. “That’s an exposure that’s hard to manage and it’s invisible.” Ensuring infected individuals stay home is important, she said, but that can be difficult due to testing constraints....
Eh, no dummy. Go back to your Topic which has been closed.

You - gave a link which was a year old. If you wanted to make a point, then you should have posted this tweet and attached a link that was current.
I didn't give any link doofus other than the original news report which is based on this tweet. Get used to being called out as safe haven for terrorists by the US and whoever is there. Closing down threads will not change anything.
Get used to being called out as safe haven for terrorists by the US and whoever is there.
Do you think we care what a report from 2019 by the US means to us? This is the same US that was asking us for help and is continuing for assistance with the Peace Talks in Afghanistan.

If you've been hiding under a rock for the past 01 Year or so - one thing has become quite apparent that India isn't standing where it stood 3 Years ago, or 4 Years ago or even 5 Years ago.

Nations well before the China/Nepal debacle were questioning you on Human Rights Violations in Kashmir and during the Delhi riots. Rejecting prominent figures such as US Senator Chris Van Hollen and later British MP Debbie Abrahams gave the World to rethink about their views about India. You didn't do yourself any favor when you denied Visa to a US Panel on religious freedom. What've you got to hide?

Howdy Modi & Namaste Trump didn't actually turn out the way you hoped it would. Infact, I think Trump isn't all too impressed either.

Anyways, feel free to start up another FATF 'Grey List/Black List' Topic just like how only your media seems to cover Pakistan - if that's how you get off.

If that doesn't work for you - I suggest you use a moist towel.
Closing down threads will not change anything.
Take it up with the Mods
Do you think we care what a report from 2019 by the US means to us? This is the same US that was asking us for help and is continuing for assistance with the Peace Talks in Afghanistan.

If you've been hiding under a rock for the past 01 Year or so - one thing has become quite apparent that India isn't standing where it stood 3 Years ago, or 4 Years ago or even 5 Years ago.

Nations well before the China/Nepal debacle were questioning you on Human Rights Violations in Kashmir and during the Delhi riots. Rejecting prominent figures such as US Senator Chris Van Hollen and later British MP Debbie Abrahams gave the World to rethink about their views about India. You didn't do yourself any favor when you denied Visa to a US Panel on religious freedom. What've you got to hide?

Howdy Modi & Namaste Trump didn't actually turn out the way you hoped it would. Infact, I think Trump isn't all too impressed either.

Anyways, feel free to start up another FATF 'Grey List/Black List' Topic just like how only your media seems to cover Pakistan - if that's how you get off.

If that doesn't work for you - I suggest you use a moist towel.

Take it up with the Mods
Without reading those verbal diarrhea, let me guess the gist, "it doesn't matter to us".

The point is, US is not relieving you from the hot seat anytime soon despite Afghan deals. You're still in worse situations economically, with FATF keeping a tight watch on your activities and continuous reports from the US over your sponsorship for terror groups. The fact that you have to bring India into it itself that too some right-wing group called USCIRF that has ties with evangelical org, their report is something India usually mock at FO press meets and nobody cared when we denied them visa. Did you hear any sharp rebuttal from any US federal agencies even state dept? No point in getting angry when shown the mirror, Pakistani.
I didn't give any link doofus other than the original news report which is based on this tweet. Get used to being called out as safe haven for terrorists by the US and whoever is there. Closing down threads will not change anything.
is this the same USA that Modi the scum begged for intervention when China shafted you a few days ago?
Do you really think anyone takes the USA serious anymore . Creating ISIS and creating havoc in the Middle East has left
The USA reputation in tatters. Only an Indian - wannabe super global warrior like you will treat it as gospel. White man speak so Sanghi believe it must be true.
Before pointing fingers and making accusations look at your own shit hole that you call home.
Every neighbour has a dispute with you - some recently have slaughtered your soldiers recently - some hold spies arrested
For trying to create terror - and you point the finger at Pakistan? You crawl back under the rock you came out of.
is this the same USA that Modi the scum begged for intervention when China shafted you a few days ago?
Do you really think anyone takes the USA serious anymore . Creating ISIS and creating havoc in the Middle East has left
The USA reputation in tatters. Only an Indian - wannabe super global warrior like you will treat it as gospel. White man speak so Sanghi believe it must be true.
Before pointing fingers and making accusations look at your own shit hole that you call home.
Every neighbour has a dispute with you - some recently have slaughtered your soldiers recently - some hold spies arrested
For trying to create terror - and you point the finger at Pakistan? You crawl back under the rock you came out of.
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