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Did you play this.

I thought gomutra is something which you chaddis revere. How come that is bigotry ? Even your leaders and ministers are big advocates for the same ?:D
Kafir in plain Arabic means non-believer. There is nothing offensive about it
Might there be certain 'instruction manuals' out there detailing ways for these believers to deal with the kafirs ?

Also, historic precedent, current events, recent history.. what people see happening to their neighborhoods.

In India, most/all communities are wary of the spread of Islam, religious sunni muslims in particular.

I happen to know personally some Ismaili business folk, very well to do, totally pro Modi, very nice people. There is also great distrust/dislike among the Shia population when it comes to the Sunnis too. Christians view them suspiciously as well.

The Tableeghi Jamaat now, which has been in the news lately, these guys exemplify the hardcore Sunni agenda... Indians of all hues are rather repulsed by these taliban looking people.

Indians have not otherized them from the mainstream.

The Tableeghi Jamaatis are the supremacist hateful ones who do not want anything to do with the rest, and India knows it well.

The Shia know it better than the rest.

It's just the way it is..


they locked that discussion, we can discuss here.
Might there be certain 'instruction manuals' out there detailing ways for these believers to deal with the kafirs ?

Also, historic precedent, current events, recent history.. what people see happening to their neighborhoods.

In India, most/all communities are wary of the spread of Islam, religious sunni muslims in particular.

I happen to know personally some Ismaili business folk, very well to do, totally pro Modi, very nice people. There is also great distrust/dislike among the Shia population when it comes to the Sunnis too. Christians view them suspiciously as well.

The Tableeghi Jamaat now, which has been in the news lately, these guys exemplify the hardcore Sunni agenda... Indians of all hues are rather repulsed by these taliban looking people.

Indians have not otherized themselves from them.

The Tableeghi Jamaatis are the supremacist hateful ones who do not want anything to do with the rest, and India knows it well.

The Shia know it better than the rest.

It's just the way it is..


they locked that discussion, we can discuss here.

Your stories are very fanciful and full of myths. Learn a little more before trying to wax eloquence on what Muslims are and are not.
I speak only from lived experience.

If we base all of our understanding of a religion or a country or a tribe or caste on our personal experiences, then we would not be doing justice to knowledge.

While personal experiences are an important learning experience, they simply are too limited.
If we base all of our understanding of a religion or a country or a tribe or caste on our personal experiences, then we would not be doing justice to knowledge.

While personal experiences are an important learning experience, they simply are too limited.
True, broadly agree. The point was, that I do not base any of my opinions based solely on dubious agenda driven mainstream news sources, of which there are many.

Totally disagree with the wholesale demonizing of any people. I look at people and situations on a case by case basis, individuals, not some stereotype garbage, but one learns to recognize repeating patterns over the years.

With ultra religious Sunni Muslim people in India, the type with long beards, no stache, skullcap, higher than ankle Pyjamas.. and women in all black, covered head to tail.. that kind of thing just makes people a bit uneasy/uncomfortable.

It's really weird, because virtually every other group, xtians, sikhs, parsis, jains, hindus, atheists..whathavyou.. all of us view that particular style of hardcore muslim as different from us, and not wanting to mix and be like us.. just very different from the rest of us Indians.

I'm irreligious, my better half was born into a xtian family (she atheist/agnostic), her dad is a Portuguese passport holder and not fan of Modi, her 2 brothers are in the forces (apolitical bots, which is awesome)

Basically, people feel they have strong reasons to be extremely suspicious of Tableegh type hardcore Sunni muslims. This type can and will never integrate into the mainstream here, hell, they won't integrate into the mainstream even in places like Pakistan.

Modi will win a landslide again, just wait and see.
With ultra religious Sunni Muslim people in India, the type with long beards, no stache, skullcap, higher than ankle Pyjamas.. and women in all black, covered head to tail.. that kind of thing just makes people a bit uneasy/uncomfortable.

If how people dress are making you uncomfortable, then sadly, that is your problem, not theirs. One day you will realize that people should not be hated for what they are or what they dress like or what they eat. I hope you get there one day.
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If how people dress are making you uncomfortable, then sadly, that is your problem, not theirs. One day you will realize that people should not be hated for what they are or what they dress like or what they eat. I hope you get there one day.

Since you are from Goa, you would not mind if I called you a "chedyecha" (joking of course)

I'm an immigrant to here, cow belti brahmin proper otherwise 8-)

and no, it's not about being shallow and judgemental about how people dress, far from it.

talking exclusively about the tableeghi variety of muslims here, yes they can be identified by appearance.. it's their ideology, not their garb.

That ideology is not welcome in India. Everybody rejects it, Shias, Xtians, Sikha, Parsis, regular Sunnis.. you name it.

Not welcome in India, and never will be.

No normal person wants that, they don't even like that lot in Pakistan FFS !!!!!!!!!!

I'm an immigrant to here, cow belti brahmin proper otherwise 8-)

and no, it's not about being shallow and judgemental about how people dress, far from it.

talking exclusively about the tableeghi variety of muslims here, yes they can be identified by appearance.. it's their ideology, not their garb.

That ideology is not welcome in India. Everybody rejects it, Shias, Xtians, Sikha, Parsis, regular Sunnis.. you name it.

Not welcome in India, and never will be.

No normal person wants that, they don't even like that lot in Pakistan FFS !!!!!!!!!!

You certainly do not know anything about the tableeghis or their ideology, but are jumping to conclusions based on some limited incorrect information that you may have received.

Tableeghis are an apolitical group focused only on bettering themselves and other Muslims. There is no sinister ideology involved and never do they even discuss any politics, Islamic or otherwise. In fact, if you even discuss the problems the Muslims face, they will always respond with, "Brother we should first better ourselves".

I do not follow their practices or their methods, but I do not find anything wrong with it. I will not throw them under the bus, just to satisfy the "collective conscience" of the country.

It would be better if you would read a little bit more about any particular group. There is enough material online, if you would choose to objectively research.
...do not find anything wrong with it. I will not throw them under the bus,...
I could say the same about the RSS..

anyway, enough.. let's debate in another thread when it pops up.

cheers for being civil and polite, it helps further good thought provoking discussions.

take care, peace out, don't hate your fellow Indians.
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