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Urdu Poetry
A kashmiri's Shikwa with India

Dil mai Aag si lagi hai,
jesy bolo'n tuo bhojao'n

Kash mou mai aisi zaban na hoti
Q k jab bol do'n tuo kesy Bhojao'n

jin Patharo'n ko Toda tm ny wo pathar hm hain.
kiya Khoob Tarasha hai k Kooh-e-Noor hm hain.

hath per rakho ya Sar per bethao k Shaan hain hm
Nigalnay ki koshish na krna k zehar bhi hm hain.

Agr Nigla tuo shayad na tm raho na Hm.
Rakh mai Dhondho gay tuo hm hi milay gain.

Zakham hm ny zaror diye mgr samhalny k lia.
tm ny tuo Aaza kaat diye hain apna bana kar.

Dil mai Aag si lagi hai,
jesy bolo'n tuo bhojao'n

Kash mou mai aisi zaban na hoti
Q k jab bol do'n tuo kesy Bhojao'n

Trying to complete it but stuck

Poetry by Shahbaz baig
Listen here, he doesnt start crap like he did in post #27 (in that thread)....I am fine with ignoring him and we go about our separate business.

If people like UKBengali are mature enough to simply go with the laurel and hardy routine when I go into some satire/banter....why not him...or just avoid altogether? This guy literally claims to have the designated awful upsetting people like me on "ignore"....so why is he clearly not ignoring them and doing as he himself says?...and worse moaning like a piece of crap when others decide to have conversation with me? Bluesky is right, this is a forum for all, not one for him on some notion of his.

I certainly will not tolerate his preening/self-serving-twink attitude (needing his twink safe space) when he was the one that came after both @bluesky and I...to get us both perma-banned for his emotional, paranoid and effeminate nonsense of bluesky being repeated/hacked account of mine with the mods in GHQ etc....with his dumb-*** Bengali test proving....that he is still ranting on about with "Kolkata Sanghi" moniker for bluesky yet again...and "kuck" for me (ironic given what he clearly is)....not even man enough to spell it proper sheesh.

I'm sorry but you come after me like that, you should go ALL THE WAY given a perma-ban accusation is literally the WMD threat here for a forum (and leave if you fail...like an actual basic red-blooded man with any decency would).....rather than do it all half-assed...fail at it (because you didnt have either the stones or the actual evidence for such an escalation) and then bicker, moan and gripe at all of that whenever there is some internal need for a soap-box in a thread that "upsets" you (because of people present you claim to have on "ignore")....by the very people you couldn't take out when push came to shove....because your emotions didn't pass muster as evidence (and its astonishing he still doesn't get that).

Has any other BD member (however much we have fought and hurled crap at each other) gone for an emotional based perma-ban accusation like this guy has to the level he has? Nope. So if he starts this crap anywhere I am as well...I will put him in his place...make no question. Its his choice. He does not have to take his frustration at the lack of getting reamed out there in real life....at this constant complex to get reamed in here. He simply needs to practice what he preaches....esp before preening and posturing to the crowd before it. But looks like he won't...and it does give me great satisfaction each time he sees BD members interact with me (ignoring his little control-freak princess waaaaah complex)...and how it sears him and creates these little outbursts. It's a lasting karma for his behind-the-scenes effeminate treachery and paranoia....and probably ample corollary to his emotional overtures getting rejected in real life too.

So if he doesn't want the reminder by brutal mirror display...he simply need not engage in this anymore in the first place (either crying about certain people interacting in violation of his highness's emotional desire...OR....extending his personal manifested reality to everyone else)....because that was the same childish foam mallet he flew into a rage with coming after me (humorous for me in the end, but the disturbing intent could not be doubted). So I will have to set the record straight on it each time he doesn't learn from it. Sorry but only some unbearable women and girly-men (of whatever persuasion) do this crap constantly (no offence to them)....and thus anyone posing as not being one of those...need to be called out on it.

@Tps43 @GeraltofRivia @Retired Troll @Valar. @OsmanAli98 @VCheng @Mage @Tanveer666

I don't know what happened between you two earlier, I'm just talking about that thread.

He didn't mention any username, at best we could imply he was talking about bluesky. In that case, let bluesky and Bilal9 handle their matter, why do you have to jump in between?

If you really think you have done nothing to receive a perma-ban then there should be absolutely nothing for you to be concerned. Regarding your interaction with other members, even if you accuse him of persuading others from talking to you, do you really need to implore to others to talk to you by 'exposing' him? Ain't you demeaning yourself there? Obviously, they have their own conscience and they can decide on their own. Meanwhile, your constant nagging him is surely not helping you either.

We log in; have our taunts, trolls, discussions; log out and get busy in our lives leaving all those things within this forum. You don't really let those things go and let them keep revolving around you, which makes you revengeful like you have admitted earlier. That's an unhealthy obsession my friend, which you need to get rid of.

It is all controlled opposition in Canada (and most places). Even Trump to some degree is as well in the US. But society itself hates truths largely (coz they are just too darn lazy and want everything fed to them with a bib), so I do not really despise the "woke" but degree-of-hypocrite ppl coming up in various spots.

I have to pick (and suggest if its another place) the least bad option each time...who will (with all the evidence available at the time) do the least damage, and give the most potential to something better down the road taking shape etc.

In Canada case, Maxime Bernier is probably the best overall (placing/positional/policy wise)....he hates being PC and is a straight talker and sounds very little like a politician...thats always a good start for me....and I do empathise that its tough up there for him (our media is so majorly repressed its indescribable)....but at least now there is social media + more people fed up with both status quo choices + curiousity to those the media despises etc.

Its an election year (2019), wish us luck bud. Even if Trudope wins because conservatives split vote etc....there is good stuff taking shape here (at root) that I can see (that will have effect long term, like what Bernier is doing)....because of leftwing + controlled opposition status quo globalist cucks preaching and preening and ignoring reality. Till then I let the Jordan Peterson types go to town, he hits the lefties a lot more overall at least (because they are the way more sensitive types as you know)...stuff gets jiggled around like sand and thats better than go with the flow etc....so it doesn't really matter what he thinks in the end about the far right/right etc.
He didn't mention any username, at best we could imply he was talking about bluesky. In that case, let bluesky and Bilal9 handle their matter, why do you have to jump in between?

Uh no he didnt talk about only "Kolkata Sanghi" (@bluesky )...he started bringing a whole litany of other things...clearly implied my way. Read his post again....he started it all there out of nowhere.

If you really think you have done nothing to receive a perma-ban then there should be absolutely nothing for you to be concerned. Regarding your interaction with other members, even if you accuse him of persuading others from talking to you, do you really need to implore to others to talk to you by 'exposing' him? Ain't you demeaning yourself there? Obviously, they have their own conscience and they can decide on their own. Meanwhile, your constant nagging him is surely not helping you either.

He will be shown just how badly he fails whenever he initiates something. It's really that simple.

We log in; have our taunts, trolls, discussions; log out and get busy in our lives leaving all those things within this forum. You don't really let those things go and let them keep revolving around you, which makes you revengeful like you have admitted earlier. That's an unhealthy obsession my friend, which you need to get rid of.

Am I forcing people to read stuff? They can simply ignore and put me on ignore too if their lives are busy. People are already tagging me again there, and billu is even thanking them (against his own issued demarche). Thus I will call out hypocrisy and add the insults I feel are relevant to whats on clear display. I won't fill up threads with it (hence why I take it here in the first place rather than keep it in the original thread)...but it will be responded to where its brought up. If you can tell him not to initiate...he won't get any response. I will honour that since its a forum and we talk to the same people obviously.
It is all controlled opposition in Canada (and most places). Even Trump to some degree is as well in the US. But society itself hates truths largely (coz they are just too darn lazy and want everything fed to them with a bib), so I do not really despise the "woke" but degree-of-hypocrite ppl coming up in various spots.

I have to pick (and suggest if its another place) the least bad option each time...who will (with all the evidence available at the time) do the least damage, and give the most potential to something better down the road taking shape etc.

In Canada case, Maxime Bernier is probably the best overall (placing/positional/policy wise)....he hates being PC and is a straight talker and sounds very little like a politician...thats always a good start for me....and I do empathise that its tough up there for him (our media is so majorly repressed its indescribable)....but at least now there is social media + more people fed up with both status quo choices + curiousity to those the media despises etc.

Its an election year (2019), wish us luck bud. Even if Trudope wins because conservatives split vote etc....there is good stuff taking shape here (at root) that I can see (that will have effect long term, like what Bernier is doing)....because of leftwing + controlled opposition status quo globalist cucks preaching and preening and ignoring reality. Till then I let the Jordan Peterson types go to town, he hits the lefties a lot more overall at least (because they are the way more sensitive types as you know)...stuff gets jiggled around like sand and thats better than go with the flow etc....so it doesn't really matter what he thinks in the end about the far right/right etc.
True. I agree with pretty much everything you said.

My only issue with JP is that he refuses to acknowledge that there is such a thing as group interests. The individualism he touts was only possible in a ethnically homogeneous Anglo-American dominated USA. As America, or any multicultural society which espouses "equality", becomes more diverse, individualism declines as a result because now groups are just competing with each other for limited resources.

And to add insult to injury JP attacks the only group which is really reacting to the other aggressive groups. Sure, he attacks the leftists, but he should only attack them because they're the ones causing the others ("far right") to form in the first place as a reaction.

He should spare the right of any blame and should instead pin the entire blame on the left since it is they who have had a hold on western institutions since the end of WW2. Anything else is just a natural reaction to them.
True. I agree with pretty much everything you said.

My only issue with JP is that he refuses to acknowledge that there is such a thing as group interests. The individualism he touts was only possible in a ethnically homogeneous Anglo-American dominated USA. As America, or any multicultural society which espouses "equality", becomes more diverse, individualism declines as a result because now groups are just competing with each other for limited resources.

And to add insult to injury JP attacks the only group which is really reacting to the other aggressive groups. Sure, he attacks the leftists, but he should only attack them because they're the ones causing the others ("far right") to form in the first place as a reaction.

He should spare the right of any blame and should instead pin the entire blame on the left since it is they who have had a hold on western institutions since the end of WW2. Anything else is just a natural reaction to them.

Yes you have to pick what kind of libertarian you are with some basic common sense.

Going the extreme individualistic route on it, well you are not too different from most anarchists then....and I hate them with a passion.

It would start to make some sense if we came into this world as pure individuals from the get go (in fact most leftist dystopias like "Brave new World" etc have some form of this kind of degeneracy happening as the established norm for a reason in the "future society").....but guess what we do not come into this world like that....we have parents and families and broader society....we do not come to be all set to go, adult sized and fully functional. We rely on others heavily to even exist later. That by its very core existence should put a basic "stop and think" moment for the extreme individualists and anarchists etc....but it doesnt....so they are basically lunatics...and I don't even seek a conversation basically with that lot. They are too far gone off the logic tree and on the ground grovelling and imagining....forget dangling from a weak branch lol.
Na chiz hi sahi, wajood rakhta hon.
Ek qatra hon, jisay darya bahana aata hai.

By Shahbaz baig
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