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Hello guys, Do we have a member from Argentina here? Anyone remember or know of a member from Argentina please let me know. I am checking in our record as well but any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
Good you are back sirjee. Forum has changed a lot while you were away :P

Hope the cute little one is doing well!

ohhh i see so less trolling now ?

he is fine enjoyed allot

Yes he told me too earlier it can happen :(

I want him and django back... :angry:

@Moonlight :(

Yeah ... hope to see him back soon. I will have to chat with him later.

@Nilgiri Hi, Nilgiri. I am in contact with django Bhai and asked him to come back. Apparently, he is very satisfied with his decision & there’s no chance for him to come back. And honestly, I don’t want to force him to change his mind.
Maybe after few months, I ask him again and he change his decision. Let see.

ohhh i see so less trolling now ?

he is fine enjoyed allot

View attachment 536440 View attachment 536441

He’s such an adorable kid. Mash Allah.
ohhh i see so less trolling now ?

Quite a few friends+good ppl have left :( .... yes trolling etc.. has been clamped down upon...but its too late for lot of those that left :( or are actively staying away etc... Some idiots have also left too (or are getting whacked/pinked good and hard and early)...but it doesnt balance it out for me.

BTW loved the pictures of kiddo haha...it cheered me up thanks! You treat him to good things like holiday with snow, he wont throw phone at you and be naughty so much hopefully :p: You are very blessed my friend.
Quite a few friends+good ppl have left :( .... yes trolling etc.. has been clamped down upon...but its too late for lot of those that left :( or are actively staying away etc... Some idiots have also left too (or are getting whacked/pinked good and hard and early)...but it doesnt balance it out for me.

BTW loved the pictures of kiddo haha...it cheered me up thanks! You treat him to good things like holiday with snow, he wont throw phone at you and be naughty so much hopefully :p: You are very blessed my friend.

Jan 30 2019.jpg
What's with these continuous targeting a particular member without any provocation? Do they really have nothing to get a life?

@Dubious this is not the first time, some other members like @Al-Ansar @Mage have also asked that user to not target @Bilal9 and throw personal attacks but all in vain, the user continues to show his obsession and perhaps, took Bilal9's restraint for granted. I do belief this 'member targeting' is a serious issue that just kills the spirit of a constructive debate.

Listen here, he doesnt start crap like he did in post #27 (in that thread)....I am fine with ignoring him and we go about our separate business.

If people like UKBengali are mature enough to simply go with the laurel and hardy routine when I go into some satire/banter....why not him...or just avoid altogether? This guy literally claims to have the designated awful upsetting people like me on "ignore"....so why is he clearly not ignoring them and doing as he himself says?...and worse moaning like a piece of crap when others decide to have conversation with me? Bluesky is right, this is a forum for all, not one for him on some notion of his.

I certainly will not tolerate his preening/self-serving-twink attitude (needing his twink safe space) when he was the one that came after both @bluesky and I...to get us both perma-banned for his emotional, paranoid and effeminate nonsense of bluesky being repeated/hacked account of mine with the mods in GHQ etc....with his dumb-*** Bengali test proving....that he is still ranting on about with "Kolkata Sanghi" moniker for bluesky yet again...and "kuck" for me (ironic given what he clearly is)....not even man enough to spell it proper sheesh.

I'm sorry but you come after me like that, you should go ALL THE WAY given a perma-ban accusation is literally the WMD threat here for a forum (and leave if you fail...like an actual basic red-blooded man with any decency would).....rather than do it all half-assed...fail at it (because you didnt have either the stones or the actual evidence for such an escalation) and then bicker, moan and gripe at all of that whenever there is some internal need for a soap-box in a thread that "upsets" you (because of people present you claim to have on "ignore")....by the very people you couldn't take out when push came to shove....because your emotions didn't pass muster as evidence (and its astonishing he still doesn't get that).

Has any other BD member (however much we have fought and hurled crap at each other) gone for an emotional based perma-ban accusation like this guy has to the level he has? Nope. So if he starts this crap anywhere I am as well...I will put him in his place...make no question. Its his choice. He does not have to take his frustration at the lack of getting reamed out there in real life....at this constant complex to get reamed in here. He simply needs to practice what he preaches....esp before preening and posturing to the crowd before it. But looks like he won't...and it does give me great satisfaction each time he sees BD members interact with me (ignoring his little control-freak princess waaaaah complex)...and how it sears him and creates these little outbursts. It's a lasting karma for his behind-the-scenes effeminate treachery and paranoia....and probably ample corollary to his emotional overtures getting rejected in real life too.

So if he doesn't want the reminder by brutal mirror display...he simply need not engage in this anymore in the first place (either crying about certain people interacting in violation of his highness's emotional desire...OR....extending his personal manifested reality to everyone else)....because that was the same childish foam mallet he flew into a rage with coming after me (humorous for me in the end, but the disturbing intent could not be doubted). So I will have to set the record straight on it each time he doesn't learn from it. Sorry but only some unbearable women and girly-men (of whatever persuasion) do this crap constantly (no offence to them)....and thus anyone posing as not being one of those...need to be called out on it.

@Tps43 @GeraltofRivia @Retired Troll @Valar. @OsmanAli98 @VCheng @Mage @Tanveer666
Listen here, he doesnt start crap like he did in post #27 (in that thread)....I am fine with ignoring him and we go about our separate business.

If people like UKBengali are mature enough to simply go with the laurel and hardy routine when I go into some satire/banter....why not him...or just avoid altogether? This guy literally claims to have the designated awful upsetting people like me on "ignore"....so why is he clearly not ignoring them and doing as he himself says?...and worse moaning like a piece of crap when others decide to have conversation with me? Bluesky is right, this is a forum for all, not one for him on some notion of his.

I certainly will not tolerate his preening/self-serving-twink attitude (needing his twink safe space) when he was the one that came after both @bluesky and I...to get us both perma-banned for his emotional, paranoid and effeminate nonsense of bluesky being repeated/hacked account of mine with the mods in GHQ etc....with his dumb-*** Bengali test proving....that he is still ranting on about with "Kolkata Sanghi" moniker for bluesky yet again...and "kuck" for me (ironic given what he clearly is)....not even man enough to spell it proper sheesh.

I'm sorry but you come after me like that, you should go ALL THE WAY given a perma-ban accusation is literally the WMD threat here for a forum (and leave if you fail...like an actual basic red-blooded man with any decency would).....rather than do it all half-assed...fail at it (because you didnt have either the stones or the actual evidence for such an escalation) and then bicker, moan and gripe at all of that whenever there is some internal need for a soap-box in a thread that "upsets" you (because of people present you claim to have on "ignore")....by the very people you couldn't take out when push came to shove....because your emotions didn't pass muster as evidence (and its astonishing he still doesn't get that).

Has any other BD member (however much we have fought and hurled crap at each other) gone for an emotional based perma-ban accusation like this guy has to the level he has? Nope. So if he starts this crap anywhere I am as well...I will put him in his place...make no question. Its his choice. He does not have to take his frustration at the lack of getting reamed out there in real life....at this constant complex to get reamed in here. He simply needs to practice what he preaches....esp before preening and posturing to the crowd before it. But looks like he won't...and it does give me great satisfaction each time he sees BD members interact with me (ignoring his little control-freak princess waaaaah complex)...and how it sears him and creates these little outbursts. It's a lasting karma for his behind-the-scenes effeminate treachery and paranoia....and probably ample corollary to his emotional overtures getting rejected in real life too.

So if he doesn't want the reminder by brutal mirror display...he simply need not engage in this anymore in the first place (either crying about certain people interacting in violation of his highness's emotional desire...OR....extending his personal manifested reality to everyone else)....because that was the same childish foam mallet he flew into a rage with coming after me (humorous for me in the end, but the disturbing intent could not be doubted). So I will have to set the record straight on it each time he doesn't learn from it. Sorry but only some unbearable women and girly-men (of whatever persuasion) do this crap constantly (no offence to them)....and thus anyone posing as not being one of those...need to be called out on it.

@Tps43 @GeraltofRivia @Retired Troll @Valar. @OsmanAli98 @VCheng @Mage @Tanveer666

Some guys are way too narcissist. They start thinking some subforum as their peronal ghetto and then decide who should or shouldn't visit that place, who belongs in the place, who talks to who and how everyone should talk according to their own liking while they doen't even have consistency themselves. I stopped visiting BD subforum(regular threads) couple of months ago. Way too much drama. It's the ghetto of pdf. lol
@Nilgiri Hi, Nilgiri. I am in contact with django Bhai and asked him to come back. Apparently, he is very satisfied with his decision & there’s no chance for him to come back. And honestly, I don’t want to force him to change his mind.
Maybe after few months, I ask him again and he change his decision. Let see.

He’s such an adorable kid. Mash Allah.

Thank you dear...much appreciated as much as that saddens me. You are correct on the approach, bless you.
Quite a few friends+good ppl have left :( .... yes trolling etc.. has been clamped down upon...but its too late for lot of those that left :( or are actively staying away etc... Some idiots have also left too (or are getting whacked/pinked good and hard and early)...but it doesnt balance it out for me.

BTW loved the pictures of kiddo haha...it cheered me up thanks! You treat him to good things like holiday with snow, he wont throw phone at you and be naughty so much hopefully :p: You are very blessed my friend.
dil per na lo yaar 2-3 months jhaak mara ker wapas a jay gay wo log :lol:
Quite a few friends+good ppl have left :( .... yes trolling etc.. has been clamped down upon...but its too late for lot of those that left :( or are actively staying away etc... Some idiots have also left too (or are getting whacked/pinked good and hard and early)...but it doesnt balance it out for me.

BTW loved the pictures of kiddo haha...it cheered me up thanks! You treat him to good things like holiday with snow, he wont throw phone at you and be naughty so much hopefully :p: You are very blessed my friend.

Dunno about you, but I feel there's been a huge difference with the most obstreperous trolls being taken down. Most satisfying. What is most dissatisfying is people leaving who shouldn't be leaving. Very disturbing.
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