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A silly question here: is there a way to search all the posts (possibly from a particular member) that received positive rating? Thanks in advance.

Yes, you have to go to the profile page of the member, then click on "post ratings" on the left (you will find you can click on the positive and negative ratings number). That will take you to the posts that received them.

Some people profile pages are completely hidden for everyone else...so I dunno how to do it in their case.
Yes, you have to go to the profile page of the member, then click on "post ratings" on the left (you will find you can click on the positive and negative ratings number). That will take you to the posts that received them.

Some people profile pages are completely hidden for everyone else...so I dunno how to do it in their case.
Thanks a lot! That’s really useful.
Yup me

BTW @Tps43 thats from one of my favourite Tom and Jerry episodes "Heavenly Puss" iirc.

LOL. Yeah I like this one....reminds me bit of dr jekyll and hyde...we all have that going on to some extent hehe
One of my fav episode I get nostalgic feeling after seeing this episode
Thread is closed...I am not sure what you want from it.

What is the problem with the said post?
His gutter mentality is the problem here. He must also have to apologize for the slander he did there.
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