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Do u even know iota about me . The day u know me u r going to piss in ur pants @Mentee @Hell hound @django @Signalian @Moonlight @Dawood Ibrahim

I think I caught ur nerve:p:
@Tps43 bhai this is @Mage Mr Magoo 6 months back...


Now after spending 6 months in Dhaka...this is Mr Magoo Jan 2019
"cough" "cough" @Nilgiri bhai check out the transformation of @Mage bhai
Do u even know iota about me . The day u know me u r going to piss in ur pants @Mentee @Hell hound @django @Signalian @Moonlight @Dawood Ibrahim

I think I caught ur nerve:p:
Even you and all your buddies tagged can't do anything to my nerve. Do you guys even know what love is? Love is power, love is peace, love is happiness, love is life. Love never dies. They wanted to give me Nobel prize for this poem. But I said, I don't need small awards like this. If Shakespeare were alive today, he'd be my disciple.
Even you and all your buddies tagged can't do anything to my nerve. Do you guys even know what love is? Love is power, love is peace, love is happiness, love is life. Love never dies. They wanted to give me Nobel prize for this poem. But I said, I don't need small awards like this. If Shakespeare were alive today, he'd be my disciple.
No kiddin
Even you and all your buddies tagged can't do anything to my nerve. Do you guys even know what love is? Love is power, love is peace, love is happiness, love is life. Love never dies. They wanted to give me Nobel prize for this poem. But I said, I don't need small awards like this. If Shakespeare were alive today, he'd be my
How sweet of u
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