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Sure there were games, like driving a Ford model T crazily and with bad eyesight....probably heck of lot more fun than any PC game ever and ever will be. :D
LOL, Magoo does seem rather myopic
HAHAHAHAAAA MAGOO you are the man, great reply.Kudos Magoo :tup:

Told ya, he can get quite endearing once you let him haha.

LOL, Magoo does seem rather myopic
View attachment 530338

LOL....I always think of a chubby Buddha when I see lot of bald bongle gents.

Do u even know iota about me .

I thought you chase a little annoying mouse for a living?

Even you and all your buddies tagged can't do anything to my nerve. Do you guys even know what love is? Love is power, love is peace, love is happiness, love is life. Love never dies. They wanted to give me Nobel prize for this poem. But I said, I don't need small awards like this. If Shakespeare were alive today, he'd be my disciple.

Nah man, you aint no haddaway:

@django , @Hell hound and I be like:

You mentioned your age 22 but this old fella pics you are posting is about 60 to 65 years.

Bongles age terribad.
Told ya, he can get quite endearing once you let him haha.

LOL....I always think of a chubby Buddha when I see lot of bald bongle gents.

I thought you chase a little annoying mouse for a living?

Nah man, you aint no haddaway:

@django , @Hell hound and I be like:

Bongles age terribad.
HAHAHAAHAAAA ,,our buddy Magoo certainly is a character, no question about it.Kudos bhai...BTW nice Carrey parody

Bongles age terribad.
Told ya, he can get quite endearing once you let him haha.

LOL....I always think of a chubby Buddha when I see lot of bald bongle gents.

I thought you chase a little annoying mouse for a living?

Nah man, you aint no haddaway:

@django , @Hell hound and I be like:

Bongles age terribad.

My favorite all time dance anthem, What is loove, baby dont hurt me..No More
LOL @OsmanAli98 , I had to look up what a "chad" was (that you were quoting in another thread) and came across this haha:



@Desert Fox @Metanoia @django

Jesus dude...

I was playing the real manly man games like Red Alert, CnC, StarCraft etc....when you momma was still wiping your nose!

You saying Max Payne 2, reminded me of when I downloaded Max payne (original) demo over slow *** 56k internet...only to see in the end that my 4MB integrated graphics couldnt handle it....derp.


Holy sheeet, I didnt know there was actually a real life thing that happened for the recent chad stuff to appear....I live under a rock it seems @Desert Fox @OsmanAli98 @VCheng @Metanoia :

That vid was funny btw bro if you want constant stream of comedy than bookmark his account :lol: few weeks back he claimed that IK and his govt listen to "OUR" analysis and asks us what to do:omghaha: trust me the word "delusional" is just not enough for this guy...
Self aggrandizement is his middle name :lol:.....BTW have you seen his hand to hand self defense videos they are truly :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:.Kudos Sandy bhai
That vid was funny btw bro if you want constant stream of comedy than bookmark his account :lol: few weeks back he claimed that IK and his govt listen to "OUR" analysis and asks us what to do:omghaha: trust me the word "delusional" is just not enough for this guy...

Kab kaisay q????? G aya nu.
God just don't ask about them :rofl::rofl::rofl: people really trolled the hell out of that on Reddit Pakistan (another forum). But man his followers feels like even more brain dead than khadim rizvi followers :lol:
He has good sources in N.Afghanistan that is why I follow some of his tweets pertaining to that conflict.Kudos Sandy bhai
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