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Please elaborate?
9/11 event brought (seemingly angry) US to our doorstep and Pervez Musharraf received a threatening call or message from Washington DC to comply. It was not an easy decision to abandon our allies in Afghanistan but Musharraf was reluctant to test resolve of Bush administration. Among his primary concerns was the safety of Pakistani nuclear assets.

Pakistan had 4 nuclear weapons storage facilities in 2001, and Musharraf gave orders to construct 6 new facilities - each in a different location - for similar ends. In this manner, Pakistan expanded its nuclear weapons storage options. Musharraf also commenced reforms in Pakistan armed forces (and ISI) to make sure that sympathy for Taliban will be low, and a rogue commander would not be in the position to take control of Pakistani nuclear assets from any location.

When CIA produced evidence of Pakistani nuclear proliferation activities (under leadership of Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan) to Musharraf in 2004, Musharraf established the Strategic Plans Division (SPD) to manage Pakistani nuclear weapons program and curbed powers of Dr. Khan [damage control]. Musharraf shielded Dr. Khan from foreign elements by placing him in house arrest and pushing him to apologize to the public, and pardoned him in the public after the apology was tendered. It is rather unfortunate that Dr. Khan chose to malign Musharraf instead of thanking him for saving his life.

During the time of Kargil War, it came to Musharraf's attention that liquid fueled ballistic missiles (Ghauri series) were not reliable due to faulty guidance system [several tests of Ghauri series were declared successful to the public but were failures in reality]. Therefore, Musharraf sought assistance from China to improve Pakistani nuclear weapons delivery options. Consequently, new generation of ballistic missiles (solid fueled Shaheen series) and cruise missiles (Babur series) came to be. Ghauri series received new guidance system but poor accuracy and lengthy preparation time make them less desirable options to fall back on.

Musharraf was also interested in establishing a Pakistani SLV (3-stage Ghauri III ballistic missile program was a step in this direction but it was scrapped due to reliability issues).
Shangrila Resorts, Skardu

I believe you folks are peddling a racist narrative, using religion as a tool to be relevant and a shot caller in your respective countries of origin coz it serves your social and economic interests , equal to that of the red neck Christian utopia. Where all things revolves around a certain race, even Jesus is considered white - - - - - -. And there's also sectarian gripe to it as well .

using religion as a tool to be relevant and a shot caller in your respective countries of origin coz it serves your social and economic interests
You yourself said that religious people must behave as tools of govt. When ordered to fight, must fight, when ordered not to, must stop.
Here is what you said.
Same is expected from the sons of this soil - - - - - - fight in the alien lands on the behest of Pak govt when ever it becomes necessary and go about their usual businesses when they are ordered to.
I on the other hand, never said something even closely resembling to this.
So who among the two of us wants to use religion and his own countrymen as mere tools and expendables is very clear now.
Use religious people against India---Then go against their wishes and the wishes of the majority of the Pakistanis.

using religion as a tool to be relevant and a shot caller in your respective countries of origin coz it serves your social and economic interests , equal to that of the red neck Christian utopia
Yes when Kashmiris fight in the name of religion, it's fine. When the same people and us ask you not to est relations with Israel in the name of religion, then we're using it as a tool? Give me a break. It is you who use religion whenever it suits you and discard it after use---we , on the other hand, just stick with it.

Where all things revolves around a certain race, even Jesus is considered white - - - - - -. And there's also sectarian gripe to it as well
WTH is that supposed to mean?

Looks like on hell of a conspiracy theory to me.

Where did I bring race into it? Just show me.
I think that I was defending Punjabis who fought in Kashmir for Kashmiris.
Must be one hell of a racist.

@Desert Fox
You yourself said that religious people must behave as tools of govt

Never said that! Read it again.

Sons of soil*

Use religious people against India---Then go against their wishes and the wishes of the majority of the Pakistanis.

No, those folks felt betrayed as the state of Pakistan made a 180 degree u turn for the sake of its survival wrt to Taliban, who happen to share the same sect - - - - - - -. Do you find people from anyother sect raising arms against the state?

A uniformed curriculum is needed to place a lid on that savage chaotic dissent

Yes when Kashmiris fight in the name of religion, it's fine. When the same people and us ask you not to est relations with Israel in the name of religion, then we're using it as a tool? Give me a break. It is you who use religion whenever it suits you and discard it after use---we , on the other hand, just stick with it.
Is there any room for change?
Do correct me if you find my observation flawed or incorrect.

I believe you folks are peddling a racist narrative, using religion as a tool to be relevant and a shot caller in your respective countries of origin coz it serves your social and economic interests , equal to that of the red neck Christian utopia. Where all things revolves around a certain race, even Jesus is considered white - - - - - -. And there's also sectarian gripe to it as well .
There was no mention of race in @Psychic 's post, unless religion is considered race?

So basically the point being made is that you (not you literally/personally) radicalized and fanaticized a certain segment of the population to hate a certain country(ies) in the name of religion because of such and such policy/action of said country(ies), but then when these radicalized tools of yours observe similar actions/policies from their own government they feel betrayed and thus revolt.

This is human nature, it is silly to believe there is a magic switch where one can deradicalize these peoples when one wishes and radicalize them again when one wishes, these aren't robots. If you don't want to get burned by fire don't play with it.

Also, this "when Hindu Indians do it its evil but when we do it it's okay so best to shut up and obey" is a retarded policy and no wonder it has come to bite us in the @$$ for the last 15-20 years, but hey keep at it I guess
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Pakistan made a 180 degree u turn for the sake of its survival wrt to Taliban

Okay, I see what you're saying. You're both making valid points here.

I'm not sure what options we had during the aftermath of 9/11 but I think we made the right choice considering we were hard-pressed to make a decision with the Americans threatening to "bomb" us "back to the stone age".

The Taliban should have immediately handed Osama over to the Americans. They should have listened to us when we did our best to convince them to hand over Osama and his men. If they had listened to us it would have saved us from being in a complicated situation that we ended up in.

Now certainly some things could have been done differently, but hindsight is twenty-twenty.
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