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Bebey ney Chacha Rafiq wargi lab key band deyni taan tusi rondey rey jaona :D


@RealNapster @django @Hell hound
Lagta hy timing plan ki thi haha :D
Ehhhhhh.....it was indians begged to get engaged war with Pakistan and that was for indian interest. indian elders taught you and left you with false story line to beg living from Bangladesh BUT indian elders conned current generation of indian malauns with a made up claim.

It was india that looted from Bangladesh after the independence and thereafter. There will be time indian malauns need to pay up. For indian turd like yourself, we just leave its natural decomposition in trash yard.

Hey buddy, you are doing a great job as Indian RAW agent as identified by BDeshis:


Look at all those thanks agreeing :) Keep up the good work, try not to be so obvious though....bad RAW agent, bad!

so how come you Indian malauns couldn't save your malaun bros trapped in Sri lanka ?
poor tamil malauns couldn't save 40,000 tamil blacks from getting slaughtered by sri lankan army lol tamils monkeys went indian government begging and got slapped back to the south from delhi lol

Listen here scumbag, I give zero F's to terrorists period, be they Tamil or non-Tamil. LTTE deserved to be destroyed ever since they ran to the Vatican extremists for indoctrination help (esp after RAW realised the frankenstein they abetted and made them orphans)....and then target innocent civilians. I support SL army, federal structure and bilingual-based nationalism 100%. The issue is fundamentally always a Sri Lankan one, not a "pan-tamil" nonsense one, because that one was spawned by same minority of Tamils in India (separatists and all kind of other vermin) that I despise strongly. @Gibbs @HeinzG

These Lankan members also saw you lot drag in their country buddhist monks and stuff when rohingya thing was not going your way....way to go making enemies out of everyone because of your silly ego....when really you need as many friends as possible. BTW, who you calling black mr rubel hossain?

BTW, this still does not explain or have anything to do with you lot praying and prostrating to the grand army of Malaunstan to defeat your ummah compatriot birathers to the west. Like I said that was your decision and you get the consequences now....we are nowhere close to being done with you and our terms of repayment.

Ignored . I have mentioned the plummeting percentage of Hindus. keep your Photo Logic in your pocket.

Uh huh. "Plummeting percentage" from the same ppl that say 3 million genocide and blah blah BS....just pull the numbers out of the hat like you usually do and then claim it as truth lol.

You do realise the percentage decreases happened mostly because the Hindus of BD largely left BD to the greater country that surrounds it? Now even you pious lot illegaly cross over in the millions over the decades....heck you even went to the so called bad evil former country after they supposedly did whatever they did in 71...AFTER it all happened. Frankly just look at the Karachi immigration numbers, its been discussed many times on this forum, you BeeDees never put up a good answer haha.

Anyways enjoy having to stand up to your malaun composed national anthem and using the malaun words in half of what you say. Some ironies are quite cruel.
And it goes against his whole previous stance on why he supported Trump over Hillary (Hillary being the neocon candidate with her track record of supporting interventions in the middle East).
Is Trump behaving differently? They end up serving Israel more than their own country.
They all are the same. Their promises when they are running for the office are to fool the public. Obama vowed to shut down Gitmo detention center, did he deliver on that promise(8 years)? Trump promised to stay out of the ME, did he keep his word?
Sure, they do have lots of power but they cannot afford to step out of the line, remember Kennedy.
They claim to bring democracy and freedom. Bull twang! They have supported and still support dictators provided they serve their interests, if not then they bring "freedom and democracy" in that country either by spending money on "peaceful protesters" , by supporting a coup or by invasion.
The Iranian protests are old school Kermit Roosevelt style CIA operation in which he ousted Mossadagh from the office by spending a few million dollars on "peaceful protesters" in 1953 .
I am warning the Pakistani state not to try to play upon my misapprehensions anymore. Seeing the most essential element in lucid clarity is the very gift i am blessed with. Things i am mistaken about are always irrelevant to the situation. And here the most essential element on which i am dead certain is that the Pakistani state owes me money.
Now I want to ask, what is your research about the pork, how is it harmful?

Jaidi you have the internet ...... why don't you yourself look at societies / people who consume pork (plenty of material available and honestly I have never bothered to research about it).

"The basis of the social structure in feral pigs is the matriarchal herd of several females and their offspring (Kurz and Marchington, 1972). Males are not permanently associated with such herds, and are often solitary or in bachelor groups."

Thankfully we are not living in a system where everyone has to face pork consumption and think of the ways to escape it (unlike interest based banking etc).

However I did once read an interesting account, which I don't agree with and call it an excuse ..... it said that Quran has prohibited meat of the pig only (the word وَلَحْمُ means meat) and not the other stuff like bones etc.

And here the most essential element on which i am dead certain is that the Pakistani state owes me money.

They owe me my other three marriages ........ let me know when to meet you at Pain di siri flyover.
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