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You guys are vacationing in Sweden...right ? Anything exciting that you guys saw or experienced on your vacations ? :)

No on the exciting part, yes to the Swedish part. We flew into Sandefjord lufthavn, picked up the Norge and headed across the boarder as quickly as possible. Can't be spending any quality time in Norway now can we:lol:. We're just visiting my parents before I head back to the States, so nothing too exciting in Sweden apart from being back home.

As for the rest of our journey, not much. We're taking it easy on account of Anna's not feeling well, so mostly hitting tourist stuff and trying to remain as low-key as possible. About the only exciting thing that happened were assorted protests in Croatia, but as I understand that's just a normal occurrence.

Speak of Croatia, my favorite place in all of Europe, if you ever make it here (Europe) that's the place to go. We stayed at Bračka Perla Hotel, I almost cried when we left:cry:.

All in all though, nothing too exciting, excitement makes the Misses barf:bad::partay:. I'm slowly drifting back to reality, back to work in two weeks:(.

I'll give Technogaianist some pics to post if you're interested.
No on the exciting part, yes to the Swedish part. We flew into Sandefjord lufthavn, picked up the Norge and headed across the boarder as quickly as possible. Can't be spending any quality time in Norway now can we:lol:. We're just visiting my parents before I head back to the States, so nothing too exciting in Sweden apart from being back home.

As for the rest of our journey, not much. We're taking it easy on account of Anna's not feeling well, so mostly hitting tourist stuff and trying to remain as low-key as possible. About the only exciting thing that happened were assorted protests in Croatia, but as I understand that's just a normal occurrence.

Speak of Croatia, my favorite place in all of Europe, if you ever make it here (Europe) that's the place to go. We stayed at Bračka Perla Hotel, I almost cried when we left:cry:.

My parents visited Sweden a few years ago; they went from Copenhagen to Malmo ! :agree:

In Malmo they were schooled into the basics of Scientology by some teenage proselytizers and they called me up and were like 'Whats this Scientology stuff' afterwards ! :lol:

Otherwise they really liked the place their only complaint was that it was cold as hell and you only saw two kinds of Nordics - those who looked like giant performance athletes or those who looked like giant walking tubs of butter ! :sarcastic:

All in all though, nothing too exciting, excitement makes the Misses barf:bad::partay:. I'm slowly drifting back to reality, back to work in two weeks:(.

I'll give Technogaianist some pics to post if you're interested.

Take good care of my sister-in-law ! :agree:

Tell her to take all her vitamins and don't you give her any stress ! :pissed:
............koi to rok lo ................

Mat jao mat jaoooooooo. Ruk jaooooo bakri/deer

Mat jaoooooo tumharay bagair zindageee waisi naiiii rahay geeeeeee.

Ruk jaooooooo @IrbiS @fakhre mirprur rok lo ussay

*hugs the pole and cries ,bakri tumhain nai pata hum tumhain kitna payar kartay hain , tumhari muskarahat say har taraf roshni phel jaatee hai, tumhari minminahat shakira say bhi ziada sureeli hoti hai.......oooo ruk jaaa janay walay.
@DESERT FIGHTER replying to your post here as I am thread banned (unfairly) from the Pakistani Punjabi as fair target thread now. I have contested the ban, but the mods have lives beyond PDF and I am a patient boy.

Adina Baig who? A nobody in the grand scheme of things! A provincial governor for crying out loud man. Fail to see the fascination. Any blood connect?

Adina Beg Khan - SikhiWiki, free Sikh encyclopedia.

Yet you repeat the same story again and again whenever I speak about our rout of the Mughals as if it is supposed to mean something to me? Seriously? How do you think the Maratha funded their cross continental campaigns? You think this crud was the only guy our warriors took blood/protection money from? Do you deny what the Maratha achieved on and across the subcontinent militarily? Do you deny who held what territory and when and for how long? Does history lie?

We broke the Mughal back. Permanently. And were well on our way to reuniting Akhand Bharat when the British came.

Btw, proud warrior race that you come from, Desert, my people fought 3 wars against the foreigners and were it not for the help of turncoat deshdrohis (Hindu and Muslim) would have broken them and never let our land be taken by the whites.

Can you point out Anglo Mughal wars to me? Do NOT point to 1857. We both know what that was and what the motives were.

Can you point out Anglo Baloch wars to me?

Lets call it clear and open here.

Lastly, let me tell you what you or the Pashtun feel or do not feel for us does not matter a whit to us. As long as you have been pushed back to your place. Now you are at best able and willing allies for us to keep the Punjabis in their place and hopping.

There is no blood tie between us, never was, and for my people, you are not personal. A buffer people between our civilization and the Iranian one. Always remote outsiders.

With the Punjabi its not so.

So don't go looking for bad blood where there is none.
A provincial governor for few months and quite a characterless and faithless one. Adina Beg was indeed a nobody, Marathas were fortunate that such a desperate man was available to cooperate with them in Punjab but that was a blunder in my opinion. The local force to reckon with in Punjab, were jathas of Sikhs. Sikh-Maratha partnership would have totally destroyed musilm power and presence in Punjab. But the thing is, they didnt like the lawlessness , disorder and pillaging of Sikh jathas and were uncomfortable with fanatic anti-muslim stance of Sikhs. They were building a pan-indian empire like Mughals so naturally were more interested in governing a stable Punjab then with chaos and bloodshed.....If they had anticipated the future, they might have formed a working coalition with Sikhs.

About Anglo-Mughal war, yes a famous battle was fought, the battle of buxor in which Mughal forces lost to EIC.To get an idea read this article on Wiki Battle of Buxar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anglo-Baloch wars?, none. In 1839, when British forces were on their way to Afghanistan, they attacked Kalat fort. It fell understandably easily and its Bruhui ruler Mir Mahrab was killed. The Subjugation of Kalat was to facilitate the invasion and capture of Afghanistan, so it was part of First Anglo-Afghan war. Brahui state of Kalat became princely state after this and they never offered war to British, they were never in position to do so. Though Marri tribesmen, who were not part of Kalat state, did create some turbulence on some occasions and compelled British to initiate military expeditions against them.
Not really ... Baluch Pashtun wars ended eitg a peace treaty and inter marriages between Pashtun and Baluch Royal houses... After that we fought shoulder to shoulder ... Baluch fought against Persians... Baluch fought Sikhs.. Heck se even rule small princely states in northern India... Around Haryana.
I think @doppelganger is referring to my article on my blog (My articles pop up at top in google search). Most of them were tribal wars which were norm in tribal societies of Pashtuns and Balochs. Kalat was vassal state of Durrani Empire just like Kalhora's Sindh, Jammu, Balkh and Khorasan. Durranis didnt have the menpower and resources to directly rule such a vast empire so different Treaties were made with each of these vassal states. Baloch contingents fought in he military campaigns of Durranis, because they were bound to. Ahmad Shah Abdali was a great and wise King, he could have executed Mir Nasir or damaged his self-respect after the latter's failed rebellion but instead he restored him to the power, married Mir's Nasir cousin and awarded Shal and Dhadar to Kalat. This earned him much needed soldiers from Kalat for his campaigns. In the same way Abdli pardoned Shahrukh, son of his ustaad Nadir Shah, despite his three rebellions in Khorasan, each time Abdali pardoned him and restored his seat.

Balochs didnt have any princely states in India under British. A Baloch, Faujdar Khan was made the faujdar(military Governor) of Farrukhnagar sarkar by Mughal Emperor Farrukhsiyar. Some where you said to an Indian that "we Balochs made Jats of Hariyana their bitches". That was very offensive and historically incorrect statement. Under Mughals, sarkar corresponded to a division of province. Hariyana was not a province under Mughals , it was under Delhi and Baloch was one of the the Faujdar (military Governor) of many of the sarkars of todays Hariyana. Sarkar under Baloch consisted of only three districts. Previous governor was an Afghan from Kheshgi tribe.Faujdar Khan Baloch was not an independent ruler, he was under Mughals and responded to Firmans of Mughal Emperor. For example his brother, Bahadur Khan Baloch participated as part of Mughal forces and Awadh forces which formed alliance with Marathas and Jats of Suraj Mal to deal with Ahmad Khan Bangash in 1751 AD. In 1757 Jats of Bharatpur under Suraj mal destroyed Farrukhnagar and conquered it. When Rohilla chief Najib-ud-daula killed and defeated Suraj Mal, then Baloch chief Musa Khan was able to recover his lost Jagir of Farrukhnagar. Balochs ruled much reduced farrukhnagar independently from 1764 to 1857. They were over-shadowed by Afghan Nawabs from Barech and Yusufzai tribes of Jhajjar, Dujana etc
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Some real history ;

Dina Arain: the master ‘double game’ player - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

when did Marathas cross the sub continent?:lol:

Mughals rule was already heading towards shit... Aurangzeb being the last real "ruler" who himself was massacring Marathas.,, also Marathas weren't known as "soldiers" they use "gorilla" tactics... Not battlefield... After Aurangzeb his successors were already fighting eachother .. The states were in chaos... Mughal governors declaring themselves sovereign etc... And than the Rajputs also joined the bandwagon against the mughals .... Marathas took the opportunity had they been suh awesome warriors teu wouldn't have been getting massacres and ruled for centuries ..

Yeah right ... You know why Punjab fell to the British and why Pubjabis joined the British in hordes ? Coz you "hindustanis" like yourself ... And thus the Pubjabis didn't show you any mercy later .. 1857 Mutiny is a good example .. where the British used Punjabis,Pashtuns and Gorkhas to kill hindustanis .. And they didn't regret it.

Can't you?

Sure .. Are you willing to read ?

The Muslim tribes were either allied with the Pashtuns or the Mughals (supplying them with generals an soldiers)...So I doubt thy put them in their "places".

Apart from that they showed no mercy to you guys either..

I don't know about indian Pubjabis but Pakistani Punjabis can't even pronounce your state which is at so distant to Punjab that even Tashkent in Tajkistan is closer.
How exactly a relatively nobody like Adina Beg is equivalent to the glory and power of Maratha empire?. And whats up with "Marathas aint soldiers because they used guerrilla tactics"?. Do even know the ABC of Deccan wars?. I recommend you to read Cambridge history of India, you will feel little bit humbled.

Aurangzeb had vast resources and menpower of his mighty empire at his disposal, true that Marathas mostly avoided Mughal in pitched battles and lost most of the battles in 17th century. But it was battle of nerves and stamina. Maratha cavalry was inferior but not heavy like Mughal and they would cover large distances swiftly. They would lead plundering expeditions as far as Tamil Nadu and Malwa, and would melt away at the arrival of large and slow Mughal army. They would attack and defeat smaller Mughal garrisons and would would tactfully avoid superior are of Mughals. If one of their stronghold fell, they raised their head some where else.Aurangzeb's last 25 years were disastrous and depressing, from 1680 to 1707 he was continuously entangled in Deccan wars. he couldn't consolidate his rule over Deccan, Royal treasury became empty. At each passing year, Marathas became more daring, successful and dangerous. In the last two decades of his rule, there were two parallel governments in Deccan, Mughals and Marathas.........Marathas were also extracting their chauth from town and villages.

What does this mean? It means they had big balls to face Mughal empire at their peak and actually humbled the Mughals. This is my neutral assessment of them, of-course Marathas themselves claim more achievements and exaggerate. To give you an idea, Marathas would have swept through your Balochistan but the largest lashkar of your Baloch tribesmen would have been completely annihilated in the ghats and ravines of Maratha country.


Ok here goes. Sorry for the delay.

This says/explains it different. Greater clarity.


The only real fight your guys put up against the British was Mir Mehrab, Khan of Kalat in 1839. After his death in the fighting,

"with the passage of time, theBritish involvement increased and they gradually attained and strengthened their control in Balochistan through further treaties, military expeditions and intrigues. They installed a teenager, Shahnawaz Khan, a distant relative of Mehrab Khan as the new ruler with Lt. Loveday as Regent and started the dismemberment of Balochistan by giving Quetta and Mastung to Shah Shuja and Kacchi to the rulers of Sindh. But as soon as the British forces left Kalat the tribal sardars revolted and Nasir Khan II (1840-1857), son of Mehrab Khan was enthroned.

By signing a treaty on October 6, 1841, the Khan of Kalat agreed that the British Government would station troops in Kalat, control its foreign relations and rule the State with the British Resident. Within the next few years, the British had annexed Sindh (1843) and the Punjab (1849) and now there was hardly any possibility for the Khan to look for a potential ally in the neighbourhood."

Sure does not sound like any degree of freedom or autonomy to me.

Do you understand what this means?

The Afghans fought and drove the British back (post the First Anglo Afghan War). The Russians made no headway. The French were finished post Waterloo. The Sikhs did not buckle, even post Ranjit Singh's death. The Maratha were fighting the British on the mainland.

The British got the foothold they needed in the northwest. And they hardly had to fight for it.

Bro I have researched him. His claim to fame is as a two bit machinator and intrigue expert in the region to get one side to fight the other. And he paid the Marathas to do his fighting for him. Which they were anyways going to do with or without his money. SO WHY NOT WITH???? WHO USED WHOM? LOL What was so great about this Muslim Chanakya? Are you gloating over the fact that he could not fight or conquer on his own and needed hired muscle or that the Maratha (on their way anyways to expand beyond Delhi to the North West) were part of the hired muscle?

Please. Do you see the region he controlled? The Punjab was his play area. The Maratha held the entire subcontinent by then. Time to get real and cease the vicarious kicks and thrills?

Maratha conquest of North-west India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The relevant bits for the discussion and to put Dina Beg into perspective vis-a-vis the Marathas .....

The Maratha Peshwa Balaji Baji Rao sent his brother Raghunath Rao along with Shamsher Bahadur, Gangadhar Tatya, Sakharambapu, Naroshankar and Maujiram Bania and a large army towards Delhi and Punjab. They were accompanied by Malhar Rao Holkar of Malwa who had a long experience of North India and its rulers. The Marathas captured Delhi in August 1757. They decisively defeated the Rohillas and Afghans near Delhi in 1758. The defeat was so decisive that Najib Khan surrendered to the Marathas and became their prisoner.

Initial campaign of Sirhind

In Punjab, Adina Beg Khan, along with Sikhs was already in revolt with Ahmad Shah Abdali who had invaded Punjab multiple times. He decided to call Marathas for help. On 7 March, Raghunathrao had encamped at Rajpura where he received Adina Beg Khan’s envoys, and was informed that the latter, accompanied by 15,000 Sikh fighters, belonging to the bands (the jathas) of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia and Baba Ala Singh of Patiala had closed upon Sirhind from the other side of Satluj. A concerted attack on the fort of Sirhind was made by the Marathas and their associates on 8 March 1758. Ahmad Samad Khan, with his 10,000 Afghan troops, held out for about two weeks before his capitulation on 21 March. After the victory, the town was thoroughly sacked by the victors. After defeating the Afghan-Rohilla forces, the Marathas pursued the Afghans into the Punjab.

Further conquest of North-west: Battle of Attock, 1758 and Battle of Peshawar

The fall of Sirhind alarmed Timur Shah Durrani and Jahan Khan at Lahore. The Afghan chiefs lost their heart and fled to Peshawar, leaving behind their troops in Lahore under Aziz Khan. On 20 April 1758, Malharrao Holkar and Raghunathrao attacked and conquered Lahore. Tukoji Holkar conquered Multan, Dera Ghazi Khan, Kashmir, Attock and Peshawar by 8 May 1758. Thus, by May 1758, Timur Shah Durrani, the son of Ahmad Shah Durrani was ousted and the Afghans were chased beyond the Khyber pass. Thereafter a strong body of Maratha troops, commanded by Datta Patel was left on the bank of Indus to protect the Indian borders from Afghan intruders before Raghunathrao and Adina Beg Khan returned to Lahore with the bulk of their armies. Tukoji Holkar with 10,000 Maratha soldiers in Peshawar, Narsoji Pandit with 4000 Maratha troops at Attock, Babuji Trimbak with 6000 Maratha troops at Multan and Nekaji Bhosle with 3000 Maratha troops in Dera Ghazi Khan were posted to guard the strategically important forts.

Their conquest of the north-west has a special importance in Indian history, particularly Hindu history since, after nearly seven and a half centuries when the last Hindu King of the region Trilochan Pal Shahi had been defeated by Mahmud of Ghazni in 1020 C.E., Indus river came under Hindu rule due to the Maratha conquest of Punjab in 1758. This campaign of the Marathas led by Raghunath Rao is hailed as Raghu's Bharari - i.e. whirlwind campaign in Maharashtra even today.


I said "cross continental campaigns." Do you see the region in saffron. That was Maratha Empire/Confederacy. Do you know where the power base was? In modern day Maharashtra. From there they launched campaigns across the subcontinent. They were overland campaigns. Not just the guerrilla warfare and raids their fighting started off as in Chhatrapati Shivaji's times.

You know less than nothing of Maratha battle tactics and formations. As a military enthusiast you should either research and read, or shut up. The Maratha in the west were as good guerilla (I'll ignore the juvenile racist misspelling) warriors as the Afghans were in the north west. Using the land and the elements and their mobility and speed and hardiness and frugality and toughness as part of their weaponry. Remember what I told you a long time ago. War is about killing the enemy and not getting killed. Its not about looking brave and gallant and heroic while doing it.

If you are as delusional to imagine that the Maratha captured the subcontinent by pure guerrilla tactics and warfare, and not open battlefield formations and military campaigns, including cavalry and artillery and fortified strongholds, then we would unnecessarily be wasting each others time as fighting men. We were the masters of siege, something taught to this day in the Indian Army.

And yes, we are the oldest and one of the most decorated Indian Army regiments. We take our fighting very seriously, and very to heart.

The Maratha were never conquered. Never occupied. Please read your history. All you would know is the history of Maratha butchering the Mughals. That was just ONE part of Maratha history. The Maratha are a warrior race going back 2000 years.

We had no special love for the Sikh to be honest. Pashtuns I told you. Outsiders, as long as stay in their place, not a botheration now. In the past, we routed them in battle and chased them beyond the Khyber Pass. 1857 was not funny. But that done now. The Gurkhas and the Maratha actually fight together today. The only mixed Gurkha Non-Gurkha regiment incidentally.


No I cannot. Because the resident overwhelmingly dominant power on the sub continent were the Maratha. The Mughals had been finished by us by then. The Pashtuns routed and pushed back across the Khyber Pass.

You have Anglo Maratha Wars. You have Anglo Sikh Wars. You have Anglo Afghan Wars.

You fight someone who holds territory and fight back. You do not fight historical has beens.

Always. Do share.

This part is you losing it a bit so we shall put it aside and have a nice discussion as adults.

Btw, the Baloch never fought under the British? Never joined the British Indian Army?

Please man ....


1st Baloch

2nd Baloch

10th Baloch

126th Baloch

127th Baluch Light Infantry

129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis

Also, coming back to the Maratha and the Baloch, there is a road in my city. It is named KAHUN ROAD. Do you know why? What is the military significance? You should know .....

The Marri and Bugti are nothing but Baloch tribes made up of the progeny of the Maratha prisoners of war after the Third Battle of Panipat. Taken to Afghanistan and some to Balochistan as slaves. And then who settled on the land.

The Lost Maratha as they are now known as. So @save_ghenda was right after all. I though he was trolling at the time. :)

Funny no? Maratha on Maratha in Balochistan. LOL

@Irfan Baloch @Icarus @third eye @MilSpec @Abingdonboy
Maratha's conquest of Attock and Peshawar is a fiction. Muslim historians as well as Sikhs outrightly reject it .Whether the Marathas had reached or crossed Attock was debated by historians like Jadunath Sarkar and G. S. Sardesai. It was emphatically refuted by Khare G. H. and Shejwalkar T. S., two well-known Maratha historians. Marathas reached as far as trans-chenab area, collected revenue there which was one time affair.

Lets be fair, it were the Sikhs who were the first non-muslims to wave their flag on attock fort after centuries of Muslim rule. It were the Sikhs who carried out expansion beyond Indus from east after Hindu Shahi, conqured Peshawer and stationed their army at Jamrud fort which is located between border of Peshwaer and khyber agency.
@Armstrong @Gufi @Nihonjin1051 and anyone else who cares:

I'm signing off:wave:. See you guys in a few months, probably around February, depending on when the little one is due. I'll be back eventually.

And be nice to Technogaianist:pissed:!!!

Another hiatus ? :(

Okay.....good luck and may the little one be a source of joy and blessing for the both of you ! :)
@Armstrong @Gufi @Nihonjin1051 and anyone else who cares:

I'm signing off:wave:. See you guys in a few months, probably around February, depending on when the little one is due. I'll be back eventually.

And be nice to Technogaianist:pissed:!!!
Hey sveny byeee. I had written a reply to ur post and tagged u again dunno y u ignored but nooooooooo its fine , i am cool with it. Awwww pdf will misss uuuu. Do come again soon. Take careeeeeeee and do come back soooonnnnnnnnnnnnnn

@Gufi where are u?
Maratha's conquest of Attock and Peshawar is a fiction. Muslim historians as well as Sikhs outrightly reject it .Whether the Marathas had reached or crossed Attock was debated by historians like Jadunath Sarkar and G. S. Sardesai. It was emphatically refuted by Khare G. H. and Shejwalkar T. S., two well-known Maratha historians. Marathas reached as far as trans-chenab area, collected revenue there which was one time affair.

Lets be fair, it were the Sikhs who were the first non-muslims to wave their flag on attock fort after centuries of Muslim rule. It were the Sikhs who carried out expansion beyond Indus from east after Hindu Shahi, conqured Peshawer and stationed their army at Jamrud fort which is located between border of Peshwaer and khyber agency.

Hi @Samandri

Agree with most of your other posts, except this part. The Marathas DID in fact conquer Peshawar and Attock. This has been documented not just by Indian and Maratha sources, but by Westerners as well.

Alexander Mikaberidze in Conflict and Conquest in the Islamic World : A Historical Encyclopedia in the section on the Afghan-Maratha War (1758-61) clearly mentions that Raghunathrao and Malharrao Holkar were sent by Balaji Rao, Peshwa of the Maratha, to Punjab to counter Afghan expansion and restore Maratha influence in North India. Around the same time, the Sikh had also revolted against Afghan authority in early 1758.

The Maratha, assisted by the Sikhs, defeated the Afghans and captured Attock, Peshawar and Multan in the spring of 1758 and the northwest Indian fortresses placed under the watch of Maratha garrisons.

The Battle of Attock and the Battle of Peshawar have also been detailed in a similar manner by James Grant Duff in his seminal work, A History of the Mahrattas, Volume 2.

The oft used phrase "from Attock to Cuttack" is thus based on actual territorial claims of the Maratha Empire and not hearsay or regional legend.

Cheers, Doc
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