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From the Stupid and Funny thread.

@halupridol @levina

Time stamp : 0:36
Halu there trying to connect with his girl on whatsapp ,while posting on defence pk at the same time.It was going perfect but then a prompt of you have got mail (with a text of "Code blue") ruined everything.

:p: :D

Halupridol, please tell how close i'm with my guess work....:pop:?
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@Technogaianist are u svensvensonovo ????

No... but also yes. Only for this week as Technogaianist/Transhumanist visits my wife and I. It's going to be a confusing week trying to tell us apart:D, but come Friday I'll turn her account back to her and resume my ban. I thought I'd stop by though and say hello while I had a chance.

This isn't my account though, I'm just using it for the week. After Friday you wont see me again for about 4-5 months.


*I'd rather not post a pic of myself on the Interwebs, considering I'm currently working for the US military, my wife's active duty and Technogaianist... well she's just cute:smitten:. But if that's what it takes to get people to stop thinking where the same person, guess I can sell my soul to the devil and take a group selfie:(.

Hey bro , been long since last heard from u.

Sorry, I asked to be banned. My wife's pregnant and I thought it'd be best to spend more time with her and less time here. I'll be back around the end of January - early February, depending on when my daughter is born, but I've got to say, I'm enjoying my vacation time.

How are things on your end?
From the Stupid and Funny thread.

@halupridol @levina

Time stamp : 0:36
Halu there trying to connect with his girl on whatsapp ,while posting on defence pk at the same time.It was going perfect but then a prompt of you have got mail (with a text of "Code blue") ruined everything.

:p: :D

Halupridol, please tell how close i'm with my guess work....:pop:?
hehe,,,,this month i got 2 emrgncy duties evry week,,,i guess its not so bad:drag:
sometimes busy sometimes not,,,,btw what do u teach?

Yes, the workload can be variable. Nothing like a bomb blast or a wedding party with food poisoning to turn things busy.

Imaging Sciences.
A Final Word On Pakistan:

Imagine that every time you have a lapse in judgment, it gets printed in newspapers around the world: every time you lose patience with your children, every time you scream at someone in traffic, every time you drink too much and do something you regret. Each time you slip up, everyone hears about it. The world is never notified about the 99.99% of the time that you are a completely normal, productive, law-abiding citizen. The world only learns about you when things go wrong. Now imagine what the world would think of you.

It’s not that terrorism, patriarchy, and violence aren’t real problems in Pakistan. They exist and the country is battling these issues every single day. Pakistanis are very much aware of the extremism in their midst. The problem is that so many people seem to only be aware of that extremism. Because just as in the hypothetical example above—the other 99.99% of life just doesn’t make the news. When there’s only room in the newspaper for a single column about Pakistan, it’s going to be filled with the most compelling story. And unfortunately, that tends to be the most violent story.

And those are important stories. Those are the types of stories that expose corruption, stop genocide, and alert the world to emerging threats. It’s right for those stories to be told. But when those stories are all that we hear, it’s so easy to imagine a world that’s far scarier than it really is. You lose sight of the 99.99% of the world that’s not scary at all. And living in fear can be a dangerous thing. Because if we’re afraid of each other, we’ll never be able to work together to solve our common problems.


دل بہلانے کو غالب یہ خیال اچھا ہے

There is a lot of symbolism behind the Avatar -- extra points if someone can guess :-)
Nai nai nai naiiiiiii pata , nahi pata , tell us tell us telllllllll usssssssssss

It means u can adapt to ur surrounding , changing ur colors. I think.
I dont like such chalakoo maasi ppl.

@fakhre mirpur can u guess what does @pakistani342 's avatar symbolize
دل بہلانے کو غالب یہ خیال اچھا ہے

Nai nai nai naiiiiiii pata , nahi pata , tell us tell us telllllllll usssssssssss

It means u can adapt to ur surrounding , changing ur colors. I think.
I dont like such chalakoo maasi ppl.

@fakhre mirpur can u guess what does @pakistani342 's avatar symbolize

lol -- there is no subterfuge about it :-)
yeah, she is Norge, her pants is of M/98 uniform

Sorry I took so long, I finally found the pic. She a member of Norway's Force Protection force in Afghanistan

Soldater fra Force Protection gjør seg klar til å dra ut på oppdrag fra Camp Nidaros ved Mazar-E-Sharif

Soldiers from Force Protection are ready to go on mission


Which is the same girl as:


Photo credit: Torbjørn Kjosvold
HAHAHA someone has wasted a lot of time when the other person said that they agree with you...

I know, see what this forum does to me:hitwall:.


I can't have anyone confusing us Swedes with those Norwegians though:partay:.
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