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By all means, if it gets people to understand the fallacy of encourage such behaviors or improves conflict resolution on this forum, I'd be very appreciative to have it proliferate.


So @Technogaianist if you need a crash-course in Trolling call me 'Master' and I will teach you the Ancient Art of Internet Trolling my Young Apprentice ! :D

Never even said hello:angry:.

And that explains why:butcher:. I'll give her a pass though.

:wave:Armstrong, I'm going to bed early. Maybe I'll ask Mrs. Sven to stop by for a bit to keep you company:D.

Sweet dreams ! :wave:

Give them my regards ! :)
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I Google a bit about the Baloch.

I found mainly Baloch Afghan wars. Man, you really do not like one another! Thumbs up to you and the Mrs.

Coming back ...

With the British, it was the Afghans who mainly stood up to them in the north west. Anglo Afghan wars.

You guys? Small ineffectual skirmishes (179 dead, seriously? :disagree:) with zero strategic import involving the Marri and the Bugtis.

Correct so far?

Not really ... Baluch Pashtun wars ended eitg a peace treaty and inter marriages between Pashtun and Baluch Royal houses... After that we fought shoulder to shoulder ... Baluch fought against Persians... Baluch fought Sikhs.. Heck se even rule small princely states in northern India... Around Haryana...

Anglo Baluch wars werent really wars ... They british reached a treaty (treaty of Quetta)... No Baluch would join the british army.. The British wouldnt "rule" the region... The Baluch chieftains and monarchs would rule and have armies (the baluch were notorious for infighting .. One war (war of 30 years) was fought literally for 30 years... But unlike others Marris and Bugtis didn't adhere to that treaty and remained fighting and attacking british garrisons... Hence they were declared "untrustable savages"... by the British ...
@DESERT FIGHTER replying to your post here as I am thread banned (unfairly) from the Pakistani Punjabi as fair target thread now. I have contested the ban, but the mods have lives beyond PDF and I am a patient boy.

Adina Baig who? A nobody in the grand scheme of things! A provincial governor for crying out loud man. Fail to see the fascination. Any blood connect?

Adina Beg Khan - SikhiWiki, free Sikh encyclopedia.

Some real history ;

Dina Arain: the master ‘double game’ player - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

Yet you repeat the same story again and again whenever I speak about our rout of the Mughals as if it is supposed to mean something to me? Seriously? How do you think the Maratha funded their cross continental campaigns? You think this crud was the only guy our warriors took blood/protection money from? Do you deny what the Maratha achieved on and across the subcontinent militarily? Do you deny who held what territory and when and for how long? Does history lie
when did Marathas cross the sub continent?:lol:

We broke the Mughal back. Permanently. And were well on our way to reuniting Akhand Bharat when the British came.

Mughals rule was already heading towards shit... Aurangzeb being the last real "ruler" who himself was massacring Marathas.,, also Marathas weren't known as "soldiers" they use "gorilla" tactics... Not battlefield... After Aurangzeb his successors were already fighting eachother .. The states were in chaos... Mughal governors declaring themselves sovereign etc... And than the Rajputs also joined the bandwagon against the mughals .... Marathas took the opportunity had they been suh awesome warriors teu wouldn't have been getting massacres and ruled for centuries ..

Btw, proud warrior race that you come from, Desert, my people fought 3 wars against the foreigners and were it not for the help of turncoat deshdrohis (Hindu and Muslim) would have broken them and never let our land be taken by the whites

Yeah right ... You know why Punjab fell to the British and why Pubjabis joined the British in hordes ? Coz you "hindustanis" like yourself ... And thus the Pubjabis didn't show you any mercy later .. 1857 Mutiny is a good example .. where the British used Punjabis,Pashtuns and Gorkhas to kill hindustanis .. And they didn't regret it.

Can you point out Anglo Mughal wars to me? Do NOT point to 1857. We both know what that was and what the motives were.

Can't you?

Can you point out Anglo Baloch wars to me?
Sure .. Are you willing to read ?

Lets call it clear and open here.

Lastly, let me tell you what you or the Pashtun feel or do not feel for us does not matter a whit to us. As long as you have been pushed back to your place. Now you are at best able and willing allies for us to keep the Punjabis in their place and hopping.
The Muslim tribes were either allied with the Pashtuns or the Mughals (supplying them with generals an soldiers)...So I doubt thy put them in their "places".

Apart from that they showed no mercy to you guys either..

There is no blood tie between us, never was, and for my people, you are not personal. A buffer people between our civilization and the Iranian one. Always remote outsiders.

With the Punjabi its not so.

So don't go looking for bad blood where there is none.
I don't know about indian Pubjabis but Pakistani Punjabis can't even pronounce your state which is at so distant to Punjab that even Tashkent in Tajkistan is closer.
Post stuff like this in Firearms sections.... It will help developing the gear and equipment section of the forum.


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Mughals rule was already heading towards shit... Aurangzeb being the last real "ruler" who himself was massacring Marathas.,, also Marathas weren't known as "soldiers" they use "gorilla" tactics... Not battlefield... After Aurangzeb his successors were already fighting eachother .. The states were in chaos... Mughal governors declaring themselves sovereign etc... And than the Rajputs also joined the bandwagon against the mughals .... Marathas took the opportunity had they been suh awesome warriors teu wouldn't have been getting massacres and ruled for centuries ..

I have been a big fan of Maratha empire and grew up in Maharashtra. It was very fascinating visiting old Maratha forts (which unfortunately lie in shambles due to neglect). It was very impressive how Shivaji Maharaj, starting from a band of less than 100 raiders transformed Maratha's into an empire. Some of thier battles were very impressive, one of the major shortfalls was infighting and incompetent leadership post Shivaji and Sambhaji. I would urge you to look up maratha warriors irrespective of our current national bias and prejudice.

@hinduguy y going on selfban???

Simply dont log in. Or login and only and only read posts by the person u hate the most, for around 2 days. Khud hee u wil runaway.

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