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So not safe to visit?

I would not go that far but the govt's stance does anger just about everyone at times.
Still, the Istambul attack is no more representative of Turkey than say that of those 3 guys
that wanted to defend against central government invasion by killing troops involved in the
Jade Helm exercise in Texas last month.
"Murderous" Jade Helm Revenge Plot: Tattoo Parlor Owner, Friends Planned To Ambush Army | Zero Hedge

Crazies everywhere you know, my poor Doppel.
Unless you dress as an American consulate … you should be fine!
And if you do, I'd like your costume rental place's address for next Halloween, please!

:D Tay.
P.S. Not me personally Gufi but you know them Italians, style and food are sacred to them! ;)
the way cheese naans are, it is like taking French wine and comparing it to a gallon of cheap wine made by a department store in the discount aisle
the way cheese naans are, it is like taking French wine and comparing it to a gallon of cheap wine made by a department store in the discount aisle

LOL, just remember that when a country makes the best of anything, it quite often makes the worst too.
I remember being served tetra-pak ( boxes ) of something red and liquid passed as wine while in Saumur.
Being used to higher standards, we all deemed it improper for consumption but discovered that its chemical
properties made it a perfect tool to remove shoe shine and gum from the 4th Division's hard stone floors!!!

Maybe you should organize a cook-off between cheese naans and authentic pizzas?
May I suggest a safely neutral location? North Korea, Mongolia, Antarctica …

;) Tay.
U are a wine fan or connoisseur?
if one reads he understands everything. he is french and wine will be easiest example to give him... good things in smaller amounts and in their purest form are what I believe is best.. this debate is from the pizza and cheese naan confrontation which has taken hold of 2015
Me no followed the convo ,just read this post n wrote
Acha khair
if one reads he understands everything. he is french and wine will be easiest example to give him... good things in smaller amounts and in their purest form are what I believe is best.. this debate is from the pizza and cheese naan confrontation which has taken hold of 2015

if one reads he understands everything. he is french and wine will be easiest example to give him... good things in smaller amounts and in their purest form are what I believe is best.. this debate is from the pizza and cheese naan confrontation which has taken hold of 2015
He can understand example of cheese too

Acha bye @Gufi
on the contrary if you make one liners like this and then make victim threads then the joke is on you
Not really since i had already given all the reasons and evidence in the OP. But you're free to think otherwise.

PS, with all of the other irrelevant trash allowed to be posted on this forum, i'm sure a "victim thread" won't do any harm.

I thought your issues were already discussed in a thread before.
This thread was posted before that thread because this thread was "awaiting moderation" (something to that effect). I don't know who reopened this one.

by the way should I tag and sceenshot your post of your to use it against you as well?

Please do so, and while you're at it give the rest of the trolls of PDF promotion to think tank as well. I'm sure they will make a nice addition to Hyperion.

you called everyone a joke. some think tanks wont like it.
Doesn't matter what i say. The forum speaks for itself. A lot of the content on this forum is utter garbage anyway and unfortunately some think tanks like our Hyperion are contributing to the growth of that trash. I'm sure you've heard this from other members as well.
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well after a span of 7months I am back on a laptop. was using my Samsung note 3 all this while. its taking some getting used to the full site. I must say the pdf mobile site served me well.
@DESERT FIGHTER replying to your post here as I am thread banned (unfairly) from the Pakistani Punjabi as fair target thread now. I have contested the ban, but the mods have lives beyond PDF and I am a patient boy.

Adina Baig who? A nobody in the grand scheme of things! A provincial governor for crying out loud man. Fail to see the fascination. Any blood connect?

Adina Beg Khan - SikhiWiki, free Sikh encyclopedia.

Yet you repeat the same story again and again whenever I speak about our rout of the Mughals as if it is supposed to mean something to me? Seriously? How do you think the Maratha funded their cross continental campaigns? You think this crud was the only guy our warriors took blood/protection money from? Do you deny what the Maratha achieved on and across the subcontinent militarily? Do you deny who held what territory and when and for how long? Does history lie?

We broke the Mughal back. Permanently. And were well on our way to reuniting Akhand Bharat when the British came.

Btw, proud warrior race that you come from, Desert, my people fought 3 wars against the foreigners and were it not for the help of turncoat deshdrohis (Hindu and Muslim) would have broken them and never let our land be taken by the whites.

Can you point out Anglo Mughal wars to me? Do NOT point to 1857. We both know what that was and what the motives were.

Can you point out Anglo Baloch wars to me?

Lets call it clear and open here.

Lastly, let me tell you what you or the Pashtun feel or do not feel for us does not matter a whit to us. As long as you have been pushed back to your place. Now you are at best able and willing allies for us to keep the Punjabis in their place and hopping.

There is no blood tie between us, never was, and for my people, you are not personal. A buffer people between our civilization and the Iranian one. Always remote outsiders.

With the Punjabi its not so.

So don't go looking for bad blood where there is none.
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Please do so, and while you're at it give the rest of the trolls of PDF promotion to think tank as well. I'm sure they will make a nice addition to Hyperion.

Doesn't matter what i say. The forum speaks for itself. A lot of the content on this forum is utter garbage anyway and unfortunately some think tanks like our Hyperion are contributing to the growth of that trash. I'm sure you've heard this from other members as well.
instead of complaining and name calling. just show the forum what you got. just link your top ten threads or posts you are proud of and let the community on PDF decide where your content stands.

I Google a bit about the Baloch.

I found mainly Baloch Afghan wars. Man, you really do not like one another! Thumbs up to you and the Mrs.

Coming back ...

With the British, it was the Afghans who mainly stood up to them in the north west. Anglo Afghan wars.

You guys? Small ineffectual skirmishes (179 dead, seriously? :disagree:) with zero strategic import involving the Marri and the Bugtis.

Correct so far?
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Why did you give me a negative marking?
Did yousee that guys post about us ,Indians in that thread ?
An I replied to him in here to avoid derailing .And what the hell is this.?

I gave both of you one. I was willing to rescind it if you'd both come to an agreement to stop your quarrel as it's derailing the threads you're both participating in. However, since your posts here have been removed, I can no longer remove it.

Do me a favor and leave each other alone, opt for the ignore option if needed, but stop with the culturally insensitive remarks. We don't need such behaviors here.

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