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Whats the name of the salt compound used in the hypertension treatment medicine 'Norvasc' ? :azn:

I'm not helping you with your homework am I:what:?

Amlodipine - an ionized compound that acts a calcium channel blocker, but only within the physiologic pH range pKa=8.6.

The chemical makeup of Norvasc

3-Ethyl-5-methyl (±)-2-[(2-aminoethoxy)methyl]- 4-(2-chlorophenyl)-1,4-dihydro-6-methyl-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylate, monobenzenesulphonate

Kai could answer this too, he used to be involved in pharmaceutical research, prior to accepting another position.

Arsenic is chemical element with the atomic number 33, not a compound. Arsenic compounds are not commonly used in medicines anymore, though Arsenic Trioxide is still used to treat the uncommon cancer acute promyelocytic leukemia.
And @SvenSvensonov - I expect you to 'thank' and 'reply' to my post 'cause if you can update the micro-thread then you can sure as heck have some time for a Brother's post ! :coffee:

Not really, I'm at Reagan National right now, heading overseas for a conference.

@Víðarr @SvenSvensonov - Look Tay, actually implied that I am a shorty ! :cry:

I feel that I am emotionally scarred now ! :(

View attachment 208530


Well, compared to me, being around 6'3" you're probably a midget.

I'm not helping you with your homework am I:what:?

Amlodipine - an ionized compound that acts a calcium channel blocker, but only within the physiologic pH range pKa=8.6.

The chemical makeup of Norvasc

3-Ethyl-5-methyl (±)-2-[(2-aminoethoxy)methyl]- 4-(2-chlorophenyl)-1,4-dihydro-6-methyl-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylate, monobenzenesulphonate

Kai could answer this too, he used to be involved in pharmaceutical research, prior to accepting another position.

Arsenic is chemical element with the atomic number 33, not a compound. Arsenic compounds are not commonly used in medicines anymore, though Arsenic Trioxide is still used to treat the uncommon cancer acute promyelocytic leukemia.

:o: Now, now, don't be dragging me into this, no time this week.

See you Friday, I'll call you when I land.


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3-Ethyl-5-methyl (±)-2-[(2-aminoethoxy)methyl]- 4-(2-chlorophenyl)-1,4-dihydro-6-methyl-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylate, monobenzenesulphonate
That had to be googled :O I refuse to believe humans can remember these formulas
He even called me a 'midget' ! :cray:
Vikings have beards @SvenSvensonov do not hurt @Armstrong he is taller than I am

Not really, I'm at Reagan National right now, heading overseas for a conference.
have a safe flight
:o: Now, now, don't be dragging me into this, no time this week.

See you Friday, I call you when I land.



:wave: Don't get into too much trouble, I'm not bailing you out this time:p:.


That had to be googled :O I refuse to believe humans can remember these formulas

Considering my entire job is predicated around remembering, repeating and providing chemical formulas in one variety or another, it's not too much of a stretch. Also, hello, I don't think we've met before.

I'm Anna, pharmacist.

And I didn't Google it:pissed:, I pulled it out of a book:yay:.
I'm Anna, pharmacist.
Hello and welcome to PDF
Considering my entire job is predicated around remembering, repeating and providing chemical formulas in one variety or another, it's not too much of a stretch. Also, hello, I don't think we've met before.
I am a doctor and my job involves avoiding work and trying to make excuses not to practice medicine... and yes I was on a break have learnt taking a break from here is needed at times...
And I didn't Google it:pissed:, I pulled it out of a book:yay:.
Lipponcott, I had to re buy it after I burnt mine after my exams... use drugs.com makes things much easier
Arsenic is chemical element with the atomic number 33, not a compound. Arsenic compounds are not commonly used in medicines anymore, though Arsenic Trioxide is still used to treat the uncommon cancer acute promyelocytic leukemia.

You might have missed the sarcastic jocular intent of that answer, Anna! 8-)

Just sayin' Tay.
I'm not helping you with your homework am I:what:?

Amlodipine - an ionized compound that acts a calcium channel blocker, but only within the physiologic pH range pKa=8.6.

The chemical makeup of Norvasc

3-Ethyl-5-methyl (±)-2-[(2-aminoethoxy)methyl]- 4-(2-chlorophenyl)-1,4-dihydro-6-methyl-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylate, monobenzenesulphonate

Kai could answer this too, he used to be involved in pharmaceutical research, prior to accepting another position.

My homework; I'm a finance guy remember ! :azn:

I just had one lying about in the medicine cabinet and I thought I should put your knowledge to the test ! :D

But how do you remember something like that ? :o:
My homework; I'm a finance guy remember ! :azn:

I just had one lying about in the medicine cabinet and I thought I should put your knowledge to the test ! :D

But how do you remember something like that ? :o:

I do this type of thing everyday:(. To know the effects of medication and to properly relay that information to a consumer, you must be able to read the chemical makeup and understand the component parts. I take a lot of pride in my work:-).

Finance:eek:, the only thing I know about money is that I like to spend it:enjoy:.
Not really, I'm at Reagan National right now, heading overseas for a conference.

May you have a safe and sound journey ! :)

And you better bring some thing from overseas for our sister in law @Víðarr ! :agree:


Well, compared to me, being around 6'3" you're probably a midget.

See @Víðarr what he called me again ? :mad:

But gosh 6'3; what are you are used for ? Cleaning up cob-webs from the ceiling ! :tongue:
May you have a safe and sound journey ! :)

And you better bring some thing from overseas for our sister in law @Víðarr ! :agree:

He's in Germany, and will probably do some touring too, I expect some nice Swiss chocolates.

See @Víðarr what he called me again ? :mad:

But gosh 6'3; what are you are used for ? Cleaning up cob-webs from the ceiling ! :tongue:

So long as you're taller than the women around you, all is good. And 5'8" isn't bad, that's actually rather common.
I do this type of thing everyday:(. To know the effects of medication and to properly relay that information to a consumer, you must be able to read the chemical makeup and understand the component parts. I take a lot of pride in my work:-).

But even still how can anyone remember that ! :o:

You must have eidetic memory ! :azn:

I remember that in my organic chemistry classes; after the first 15 minutes of studying those structures I'd often make an excuse or two to go out and play volleyball with my buddies ! :ashamed:

Finance:eek:, the only thing I know about money is that I like to spend it:enjoy:.

Thats the only thing about finance thats worth knowing ! :lol:
Thats the only thing about finance thats worth knowing ! :lol:

:sarcastic:Good to know I learned the important stuff. I also learned how to save money by spending other peoples:p:.

But even still how can anyone remember that ! :o:

You must have eidetic memory ! :azn:

Naw, just a lot of time studying, practicing/reciting and a whole lot of practical experience.

I remember that in my organic chemistry classes; after the first 15 minutes of studying those structures I'd often make an excuse or two to go out and play volleyball with my buddies ! :ashamed:

:laughcry:I had those days too, but mostly in English courses during my undergrad. Given English isn't my first language I had to take extra English course, even though I already spoke it fluently. I did everything I could to get out of those classes. Still passed though, my only "B".
He's in Germany, and will probably do some touring too, I expect some nice Swiss chocolates.

Swiss Chocolates ! :smitten:

I dunno why but I never really developed much of a sweet tooth for chocolates except for white chocolates ! :)

So long as you're taller than the women around you, all is good. And 5'8" isn't bad, that's actually rather common.

I was just kidding; I'm not insecure about my height or anything of the sort ! :unsure:

I was once walking home after a game of football (soccer) when I saw a blind guy walking about and he asked for my help saying that he took a wrong turn and doesn't quite know where he is right now. Apparently he had worked out a system of a said number of steps leading him to a said place. I walked him home and all the while I never felt more embarrassed 'cause here was a guy who could not do have the things I could do simply because of two organs I had which he didn't and yet he was not only more full of life than I was but he didn't give a wooden nickle about all the cosmetic things in life such as 'height, appearance, hair' etc. What he did care about, however, was the character of a person and that is, perhaps, the only thing that matters. :)

But you didn't comment on @SvenSvensonov 's man-purse ! :(
Swiss Chocolates ! :smitten:

I dunno why but I never really developed much of a sweet tooth for chocolates except for white chocolates ! :)

If this doesn't temp you, you're probably not a women


But you didn't comment on @SvenSvensonov 's man-purse ! :(


That might be because they are actually kind of common, especially in Europe.

Behold, the European Man Bag:sarcastic:, it's a "satchel:pleasantry:" not a purse.


This whole picture is a fashion no-no. :lol:Oh, Europe, whenever I need to feel better I just laugh at you.
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