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@Oscar why was this thread locked ? Obama to Visit India, Pakistan will remain in Denial

you could have just cleaned it and allowed some discussion on the matter.

anyway, I'll reply here

@Dalit wrote:
Who cares? Obama is very unpopular and more than half of America wants him gone anyway. Look at the state of the US economy under his watch. Look at the racial tensions in the US under his watch. Look at the amount of wars and tensions across the world under his watch. Look at the tensions between the US and other countries (including China and Russia) under his watch. Every Obama decision is watched with suspicion and scrutiny in his own country. Half of America doesn't trust its own president.

As for Afghanistan, it's a lost cause from day one. Pakistan shouldn't have any part in it and seal the borders as much as possible. Let the Americans fight with their "coalition" in that graveyard.
true, more than that he's a lame duck president now with a split house and even if the republicans win the next elections on an anti incumbency campaign, it'll be good for India and a visit by the US president is still very significant.


I'm not a McCain fan by any stretch but it means something..

in recent history the POTUS has always made a stop in Islamabad as well, this is a sharp departure from that trend and should be worrying for the Pak establishment. Let's be honest, Raheel Sharif spending 2 weeks in Washington means nothing when compared to a state visit by the POTUS to New Delhi.. and we'll be parading our nukes for him
ok, fair enough

they're saying that the visit is still on but these mega deals with Putin sure have pissed them off, might we still see an Obama stopover in Islamabad then ?
ok, fair enough

they're saying that the visit is still on but these mega deals with Putin sure have pissed them off, might we still see an Obama stopover in Islamabad then ?

Perhaps before 2016 US Presidential elections(when he will be just an outgoing lame duck), but no time soon. First, the political instability wrought on by the recent poll related protests | The possibility(by US gauging) of IS taking hold in Pakistan | release of reports regarding use of torture by US agencies.

The US may be cheesed off by the display of love for Putin but at the same time it understands that the visit was(for India's PoV) anyway a sort of challenge of love. Basically, now the US has to outdo the Ruski in an attempt to woo the Indian Lady.
Perhaps before 2016 US Presidential elections(when he will be just an outgoing lame duck), but no time soon. First, the political instability wrought on by the recent poll related protests | The possibility(by US gauging) of IS taking hold in Pakistan | release of reports regarding use of torture by US agencies.

The US may be cheesed off by the display of love for Putin but at the same time it understands that the visit was(for India's PoV) anyway a sort of challenge of love. Basically, now the US has to outdo the Ruski in an attempt to woo the Indian Lady.

Obama is known to be anti Pakistan......but there is big Pakistan lobby in both the US House and Senate.....Kerry and Clinton (surprisingly) did a great job of holding him back and continuing with the engagement. Whether he visits Pakistan or not, doesn't really matter. Has it ever really mattered?
Obama is known to be anti Pakistan......but there is big Pakistan lobby in both the US House and Senate.....Kerry and Clinton (surprisingly) did a great job of holding him back and continuing with the engagement. Whether he visits Pakistan or not, doesn't really matter. Has it ever really mattered?

That would be a little presumptuous... as there is little precedent for it in his public statements.
The US Congress IS Anti-Pakistan as the lobbying groups hired by India are doing a fantastic job.
That would be a little presumptuous... as there is little precedent for it in his public statements.
The US Congress IS Anti-Pakistan as the lobbying groups hired by India are doing a fantastic job.

Lobbying = $
Israel lobby for example....but that goes deeper into Jewish American success story.
While India has been lobbying hard, they have failed to sideline Pakistan completely, because there is Strong opposition to the notion that Pakistan is not relevant.. Pakistan has done itself a bad omen....nothing more. American President would rarely spew his venom against Pakistan in public (listen carefully to the OBL raid announcement, that was their chance...but what happened?)...even if it is warranted. It is a 50 year plus relationship, so there is always two sides to the coin. But those Pakistani-American businessmen who vouched for Democrats during the Bill Clinton era, had to switch sides to Republicans.
If US congress was anti-Pakistan, they would have stopped all funding and relationship with Pakistan. The truth is, they can work via Pakistan in lot of other places....Iran being one......of course Afghanistan...and the fact that Pakistan has a natural ally and current world no 1 economy : China.
You tell me, is it easier for a common person to get a US Visa in Pakistan or for Europe/UK?

The Indian lobby is doing a fine job of putting India up there, but not sidelining Pakistan. India is in no position to do that...no matter how much money is pumped.
Perhaps before 2016 US Presidential elections(when he will be just an outgoing lame duck), but no time soon. First, the political instability wrought on by the recent poll related protests | The possibility(by US gauging) of IS taking hold in Pakistan | release of reports regarding use of torture by US agencies.

The US may be cheesed off by the display of love for Putin but at the same time it understands that the visit was(for India's PoV) anyway a sort of challenge of love. Basically, now the US has to outdo the Ruski in an attempt to woo the Indian Lady.
he's already a lame duck and yes, it's probably the political instability that makes him weary of stepping foot into Pakistan.

IS taking hold probably not so much but the torture reports and subsequent swell of even greater anti US sentiment probably plays a bigger part.

lol 'wooing the Indian lady' :D that's what I feel too, but 'wooing' her away from Boris will be a bit of a task.

looking good for India, eh ?

and I say all this as a random observer, not trolling... end of the day I don't get anything from either a SU 35 or a F 35, they won't let me anywhere near one LOL :sarcastic:

just watching the great game played out :pop:

not sure if this is a fair tag given the thread but @US_statedept_retired any inputs here, sir ? :)
he's already a lame duck and yes, it's probably the political instability that makes him weary of stepping foot into Pakistan.

IS taking hold probably not so much but the torture reports and subsequent swell of even greater anti US sentiment probably plays a bigger part.

lol 'wooing the Indian lady' :D that's what I feel too, but 'wooing' her away from Boris will be a bit of a task.

looking good for India, eh ?

and I say all this as a random observer, not trolling... end of the day I don't get anything from either a SU 35 or a F 35, they won't let me anywhere near one LOL :sarcastic:

just watching the great game played out :pop:

not sure if this is a fair tag given the thread but @US_statedept_retired any inputs here, sir ? :)

I'm in New York today and quite busy. This question requires somewhat of a detailed reply but I will quickly state that after reading posts from Oscar/ Gau8av/Donatello and yours. I get the sense of the direction of the comments has to do with some tilted views depending on which country you call home.

Some of what you & Oscar posted has bits of truth to it, whereas Donatello's post being the furthest from the truth.

Before I take off to my morning meeting, I will say that the India/ Russia relationship, Putin's latest visit and any deals the countries have signed, have no bearing on us. We are not angry or irritated in any manner that will jeopardize or thrown any hurdle in our goal to gain India' trust. We have come late into this relationship with India and completely understand its long time relationship with Russia.

Frankly, in my conversations with some Indians within the diplomatic corps, I got the feeling that they are cautiously unconcerned about the Pakistan/Russia tie up. Quote, "The more leverage Russia takes away from China, the better it is for all."

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