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What should be done to Increase Religious tolerance in Pakistan/ serious Discussion

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I dont understand how a mosque in which we pray to the same GOD can be of different sects ....

When people can have different gods .... why they can not have different social & religious believes, ideas, understanding, values or vested Interest .... ??

Accept it as reality and ignore .... :lazy2:
When people can have different gods .... why they can not have different social & religious believes, ideas, understanding, values or vested Interest .... ??

Accept it as reality and ignore .... :lazy2:
The thing with these sects is they dont have a different god...That is why I question why are the masjids attributed (named after) the person who developed the "new sect"

Pakistan needs to follow the Turkish model. No one can become a Mullah or give any sort of Khutba unless they are approved by Local, Provincial, and Federal Governments. In other words, they must follow set of regulations.
True...but even our govt doesnt know what Islam is....plus knowing our pocket filling govt...they may just twist it to suit their agenda :(
My question goes to those strong on their "fiqh"

Why divide the masjids when there is not much differences in the prayer and who we are praying to...

I mean if we can stand shoulder to shoulder at Mekkah, Madinah with whatever sect then why not in our own homeland?

This is just a simple question I have

@Armstrong @FaujHistorian @Secur @Zarvan @Aeronaut @HRK @DESERT FIGHTER @KingMamba @Slav Defence @S.U.R.B. @RescueRanger @Leader @Jazzbot @PiyaraPakistan @Commander T @Oscar @Ehsan Abbas @Raja.Pakistani @Rajput_Pakistani @Pboy @liontk @qamar1990 @RazPaK @PWFI @Silverblaze
@Pakistanisage @LoveIcon @air marshal @airmarshal (not sure which one of you is which member)
@p(-)0ENiX @JonAsad @Aether @A.Rafay

No idea who I am missing....I dont recall kiskay saath Islam par baat hui thee ...or if there is anyone out there like me who would like to know why ....and sorry no long stories! Keep it short and concise so we all can read and not skip it (esp to @Zarvan @FaujHistorian and @Armstrong )!

An advice to all please keep within the topic, no name calling and def no degrading the other sect! I want to know why so we can find what should be done and how...
Islam gives respects to all religions, we can write unlimited material on that but i will focus only on different Fiqh(Firqas) which we made with in Islam. Some of my humble suggestions to create harmony and peace are mentioned below.
1. Adhan(Azan) timings should be the same for all firqas(after agreement of all stake holders but in the light of Saying of Prophet Muhammad PBUH).
2. All the scholars and representatives from different firqas needs to offer parayer (Atleast once in a week) in the mosque of other firqa with their style. (As Imam Abu Hanifa and others did that in the past).
3. Ban/Stop fundings of sectarian groups atleast from outside.

Yes at some extent subject issue exist in Pakistan but some of our enemies from inside and outside is also igniting those issues, Create a separate ISI wing to take care of those.

To be continue...

M. Hammad Rana
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My question goes to those strong on their "fiqh"

Why divide the masjids when there is not much differences in the prayer and who we are praying to...

I mean if we can stand shoulder to shoulder at Mekkah, Madinah with whatever sect then why not in our own homeland?

This is just a simple question I have

The answer is simple, they are allowed to setup their own mosques & the government doesn't seem to care. Just like other cases of neglect in Pakistan, this is just one more to add to the mix. Its sort off similar to dividing restaurants on the basis of race. The fact is that Pakistanis tend to somewhat divide themselves, if that division isn't based on biological race, ethnicity, social class, or language then religion & its sects play the role of race. Many divisions result from a lack of an all inclusive identity. Anyone that studies the human mind & the neurological basis of the mind could tell you that culture, language, religion, & blood collectively shape a human being. Heck, even the shape of the body affects aspects of the human mind as in the case of cognition. So unite the people on the basis of all of those 4 previously mentioned factors or a combination of them, & avoid focusing on one source of identification alone since that will promote disunity. As far as generally increasing religious tolerance goes, monitor Islamic lectures, published material, Friday sermons, & school curricula to verify their authenticity. Good education is important, but so is good governance & leadership, & multiple issues facing the society such as those pertaining to law & order, the state of public facilities, et cetera could be resolved easily by its presence. Furthermore, people need to be taught to avoid blaming other nations or people for their problems, & learn to take responsibility & matters in their own hand. That implies, not being a worthless cry baby & blaming foreign powers for issues at home or any other group for that matter because it could further incite religious & racial hatred. By the way, I have heard that there was religious degradation in Arabia itself before the setting up of the third or the current Saudi state. Those problems were resolved by strict & good governance alongside emphasis on the teachings of orthodox Islam, which played its part in eradicating religious corruption here. It's because of that that you won't find mosques belonging to different Islamic sects here, neither will you come across incidences in which different parts of the country start fasting on a different day. Of course, that doesn't mean that there aren't any issues here, but as far as sectarianism goes it's mostly peaceful in spite of the mistrust for Shias.
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Islam gives respects to all religions, ...

Difference is between theory and practice

In case of Islamism

practice and practical is exact opposite to what you claim.

Open your eyes and see for yourself. I don't have to point that out to you

Thank you

give people to do other thing..

Other thing has already resulted in too much population. :D
remove this "belief" that its my way or the hell way.
As long as there exists a belief among muslims that their religion is perfect and everyone else's false, you can't make islam tolerant.

Ask any muslims here on pdf or anywhere else, they will say Quran is god's word...everything else false.
Religious tolerance comes with the understanding the religion at the first place.

As per your assertion

Ayatullah Khomeni was the biggest idiot when it came to Islam

So are Imam kaaba and other forking Mullahs and Ayatullahs.

A few things scream out at me immediately, a standardised education for all, if a school exists, a madrassa, there must be one standard, that MUST comply to standards.

The must be a way devised to separate the clergy from politics and role in state affairs, to get religious tolerance, you need to make religion a personal thing, not for all to wave around and in other people's faces.

Go to any religiously tolerant country, they do not like discussing religion, they explicitly avoid religious discussion in most of their affairs and especially in their professional life and work.

Politicizing anything, and you'll get the worst out of it and possibly the best, but the worst is always the cause for concern.

Also a standardized body for religious teaching, not to own it or dictate like the Historical example of the Church of England, but a body to regulate.

Social change on it's own looks difficult if the foundations are missing.

The above might lay the way for future generations to be more accepting of each other.


And the right kind of it.
Difference is between theory and practice

In case of Islamism

practice and practical is exact opposite to what you claim.

Open your eyes and see for yourself. I don't have to point that out to you

Thank you

Other thing has already resulted in too much population. :D
Because we are not 'good' muslims.

for bold part india say nuclear panga lay letay hen.:laugh:
Islam gives respects to all religions, we can write unlimited material on that but i will focus only on different Fiqh(Firqas) which we made with in Islam. Some of my humble suggestions to create harmony and peace are mentioned below.
1. Adhan(Azan) timings should be the same for all firqas(after agreement of all stake holders but in the light of Saying of Prophet Muhammad PBUH).
Why not just take the earliest (as it is best to pray when the adhaan or the time at its earliest min) and take the latest finishing time (this way everyone is covered and whatever hadith they bring will be covered)..so this is not even the issue...the issue is if any blasted person "stake holder" can come together and not fight)
2. All the scholars and representatives from different firqas needs to offer parayer (Atleast once in week) in the mosque of other firqa with their style. (As Imam Abu Hanifa and others did that in the past).
I dont agree with this...I suggest this should not be promoted as this will cause more people to make their own fiqhs from some delusional peer baba....They should just say you can pray as you like but behind the imam (who you can either change or just bring a universal one who is well versed and can shut everyone up) Religion is not like a restaurant where you give the order of what you want as you want it! Even in restaurant there is a menu of what you can choose from! Yet religion is not a restaurant so I dont advice anyone even having their own masjids!
3. Ban/Stop fundings of sectarian groups atleast from outside.

Yes at some extent subject issue exist in Pakistan but some of our enemies from inside and outside is also igniting those issues, Create a separate ISI wing to take care of those.

To be continue...

M. Hammad Rana
This should have been done...Why the hell hasnt anyone done this?!
That's what Talibarbrians say before killing us.
This is Allah's right to give 'Saz O Jaza' to anyone for his deeds espacially Death Penalty and if Talibans(Mo... Fu...) are doing so then i think they are doing Shirk.
1)the first and foremost is knowing that all religions and all humans are same. That is a bit difficult with an "islamic" Pakistan. You cannot develop tolerance by having in mind that "Your religion" is the greatest and everything else is blasphemy/wrong/stupid.
2)Stop praising anything and everything Islamic and dropping anything and everything unislamic - including historical figures and facts (praise wherever praise is worth irrespective of religion)
3)When you call "my muslim brothers" try to include everyone else as well "all humans - are my brothers and sisters" this would help in getting out of a mindset that there are "muslims" and "others". because there are just people of different religions.
4) Keep track of the teachings and sermons given in the mosques, have a standard practice to make the mosques strictly religious and strictly non-political.again- this is difficult in Islam because Islam claims to be complete only when implemented throughout.
5) You can even chart a common syllabus for all mosques/madrassas that is overlooked by not just religious purists but also people from purely educational point of view.

All the above are suggestions with utmost sincereity and absolutely no hatreed to either islam or muslims. I honor all good people and dishonor all bad people irrespective of religion, race, color etc.
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