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What should be done to Increase Religious tolerance in Pakistan/ serious Discussion

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Because we are too romantic about the Islamist past and cr@p known as fiqh/Sharia.

Both of these things are as far way from Quran as distant galaxies or even farther.

Hope this helps.
Actually we are not...Mullahs are definitely...Were we "romantic" about it we would have stuck to proper Islam not to some deformed thing we want to call Islam....

Mind you fiqh came way after the Khalifs...so please move down that historical ladder and start putting the blame of the well deserved mullah followers who didnt let the idea die with them...

And please for God sakes pick a book or course on Shariah and know it before blasting it in every thread!

What should be done to Increase Religious tolerance in Pakistan/ serious Discussion

Remove religion from the government and other public places

Pakistan will be "religiously' tolerant.
iN 2014 you don't have to be taught by some Qari

Go open up the website on any topic.

Cross check it

double and tripple check it.

That's the education
We are talking about Pakistani loadshedding + not everyone has internet!
What should be done to Increase Religious tolerance in Pakistan/ serious Discussion

Remove religion from the government and other public places

Pakistan will be "religiously' tolerant.

Also one baby step please remove the stone age "Blasphemy Law". It will give your minorities the sense of equality and can go a long way to remove religious bias from the other side as well.
This can be 1 option! But why arent we thought of the Quran...the only thing we are thought is rattafication of the Arabic txt not the meaning!

That's because for some people Quran is incomplete book, so it's not enough to make them pure Muslim. Anyone who think so, should ask their children (when they become adult) to read about their Fiqah & others as well and than make their decision to follow any sect or just stick to Quran.
Please point your guns towards bloody Ayatullahs and Mullahs.

Denounce them for carrying the hate that is 1400 years old.
Denounce their Sharia and their Fiqh

and Pakisanis if they can do that

They will come out of the gutter and BS we are in right now.
Well, as a matter of fact it is you who has been going on and on about them all over this thread and any other thread!
Actually we are not...Mullahs are definitely...Were we "romantic" about it we would have stuck to proper Islam not to some deformed thing we want to call Islam.......


of, characterized by, or suggestive of an idealized view of reality.
"a romantic attitude toward the past"

synonyms: idyllic, picturesque, fairy-tale; More
______________ idealistic, idealized, romanticized, unrealistic, fanciful, impractical;
______________ head-in-the-clouds, starry-eyed, optimistic, hopeful, visionary, utopian, fairy-tale

antonyms: practical, realistic

Time to learn a bit about the basic definitions.:D


Allow me to update your statement

.Were we "realist/practical" about religion we would have stuck to proper Islam not to some deformed thing we want to call Islam.......
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That's because for some people Quran is incomplete book, so it's not enough to make them pure Muslim. Anyone who think so, should ask their children (when they become adult) to read about their Fiqah & others as well and than make their decision to follow any sect or just stick to Quran.

As for Quran being incomplete! For heavens sake its in the Quran itself

Prohibited to you are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah , and [those animals] killed by strangling or by a violent blow or by a head-long fall or by the goring of horns, and those from which a wild animal has eaten, except what you [are able to] slaughter [before its death], and those which are sacrificed on stone altars, and [prohibited is] that you seek decision through divining arrows. That is grave disobedience. This day those who disbelieve have despaired of [defeating] your religion; so fear them not, but fear Me. This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no inclination to sin - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
-Quran 5:3

Indians ( @jaunty @shiv @liall ) please read posts 13 and 15....Thank you!
If Pakistan was renamed Republic of Pakistan today it would make no difference, the reason being the people have been made intolerant through the mosques and the mardrassahs and the Mullahs are the ones who spread the nonsense. Removing religion from government is great in fact I agree religion should not be in government but these Mullahs have no power in government today the only power they have is through their influence in mosques and mardrassahs. So how can the government solve the problem without getting involved in the matters of religion in Pakistan is beyond me. Even when Ataturk removed religion from government in Turkey he brought all mosques under the center and neuteured the Mullahs (different story he went overboard and started enforcing his views onto the people) first.

@Talon @Pakistanisage @LoveIcon @FaujHistorian
Hence I said the people themselves (the followers) are to blame for anything not Islam, not shariah not the Khalifs...The followers chose a certain path....they amplified it so that people stuck to their idea!

I didn't get your point, what i highlighted was that problem of intolerance is not the invention of US - It started as soon as Prophet died.
What should be done to Increase Religious tolerance in Pakistan/ serious Discussion

Remove religion from the government and other public places

Pakistan will be "religiously' tolerant.
Thank you for your opinion!

People please keep to the title

As for the Indians...please contribute in your own threads! Thank you

@Aeronaut can we get their posts removed for the following reasons:
I dont want the thread to be derailed by someone blasting on them...it is for their own good...Plus it is not serving any purpose since it is echoing what the rest of us are already saying!
My question goes to those strong on their "fiqh"

Why divide the masjids when there is not much differences in the prayer and who we are praying to...

I mean if we can stand shoulder to shoulder at Mekkah, Madinah with whatever sect then why not in our own homeland?

This is just a simple question I have

@Armstrong @FaujHistorian @Secur @Zarvan @Aeronaut @HRK @DESERT FIGHTER @KingMamba @Slav Defence @S.U.R.B. @RescueRanger @Leader @Jazzbot @PiyaraPakistan @Commander T @Oscar @Ehsan Abbas @Raja.Pakistani @Rajput_Pakistani @Pboy @liontk @qamar1990 @RazPaK @PWFI @Silverblaze
@Pakistanisage @LoveIcon @air marshal @airmarshal (not sure which one of you is which member)
@p(-)0ENiX @JonAsad @Aether @A.Rafay

No idea who I am missing....I dont recall kiskay saath Islam par baat hui thee ...or if there is anyone out there like me who would like to know why ....and sorry no long stories! Keep it short and concise so we all can read and not skip it (esp to @Zarvan @FaujHistorian and @Armstrong )!

An advice to all please keep within the topic, no name calling and def no degrading the other sect! I want to know why so we can find what should be done and how...

Because you need a Strong Leader for that - Our Father was the Strongest there ever was & the one we needed the most - He died & subsequent Leadership hasn't been worth an iota of the Statesman he was !

Unfortunately Nations don't build themselves up & they most certainly don't solve their more pressing problems by themselves for that requires decades of social evolution with blood shed, hurt emotions, reactions & at times separation to rectify these problems.

Turkiye became the Great Republic that it is because of the vision & the blood & sweat of the Greatest of them all - Ataturk !

China became the Great Country she is because of the vision & the perseverance of Deng Xiaoping !

America survived terrible ruin because of someone like Lincoln !

We're stuck with the Khans, the Bhuttos & the Sharifs & the likes of them by other surnames for the past 65 years; the people won't change....they'd only display a sense of urgency, restlessness that, when not harnessed like it was in '47 to build a Nation out of nothing, will revert to some of their more primal instincts - Tribalism; no I don't mean FATA but the parochial us vs them demarcations on provincial, sectarian, ethnic, linguistic & class lines !
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