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What should be done to Increase Religious tolerance in Pakistan/ serious Discussion

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Some people just do not like foreigners, and this could mean Muslims, Hindus or simply someone who is from a different neighbouring village, so while focus is being made on race religion sexuality or whatever by the press, the core is that the recipient is just not part of the "team". Most big fights are between football supporters anyway.

The countries of Islam are not getting any good press in the West. The general perception is that muslims hate their guts. Cut throats of any innocent westerner they can get their hands on, especially they focus on any westerner that tries to provide aid to Muslims. Muslims blow themselves up if they cannot get close, treat women really awful and need to start abiding to things like the Geneva Convention. Then there are whitewashers which cannot see any problems at all with Islam, which pisses everyone else off.

This is a rough caricature, but in general this is the picture you get from Western papers.

After the Tsunami hit Thailand there was a lot of people that collected money for the Thais.
When the Earthquake hit Pakistan a few years later, the same type of collection was attempted
but not a lot of people contributed. My guess is that the reason is - why send money to people
that hate you regardless. Clearly Pakistan has an issue with is image.


Well said!

...Contacts between people may help, but the Quran says that believers should not
try to get friends among the unbelievers (3:114). On the other hand there are
few or no Muslims in the West since (3:27) seems to say that you cannot be a Muslim in
a non-Muslim country. Luckily not every "Muslim" is learned so friendship may work after all.


Don't quote Quran blindly like Islamist do.

In future if you ever want to refer to Quran check out the following site
Quran Explorer

3:114 is posted below for your reference

يُؤۡمِنُونَ بِٱللَّهِ وَٱلۡيَوۡمِ ٱلۡأَخِرِ وَيَأۡمُرُونَ بِٱلۡمَعۡرُوفِ وَيَنۡهَوۡنَ عَنِ ٱلۡمُنكَرِ وَيُسَـٰرِعُونَ فِى ٱلۡخَيۡرَٲتِ وَأُوْلَـٰٓٮِٕكَ مِنَ ٱلصَّـٰلِحِينَ (١١٤)

Which simply refers to "believers in God and believers in the day of judgement, who do good deeds and avoid bad deeds. they are quick to perform good and such people are righteous".

However I urge you not to pick single verses. Because this verse (3:114) is part of the longer story that Quran is telling us. But the emphasis as you see is on doing good deeds.

similarly 3:27

( تُولِجُ ٱلَّيۡلَ فِى ٱلنَّهَارِ وَتُولِجُ ٱلنَّهَارَ فِى ٱلَّيۡلِ‌ۖ وَتُخۡرِجُ ٱلۡحَىَّ مِنَ ٱلۡمَيِّتِ وَتُخۡرِجُ ٱلۡمَيِّتَ مِنَ ٱلۡحَىِّ‌ۖ وَتَرۡزُقُ مَن تَشَآءُ بِغَيۡرِ حِسَابٍ۬ (٢٧)

This again is talking about God's will in "starting a night after a day, and a day after the night" and God's will in "starting new life from the dead stuff and make live things change into dead stuff, and God's gift of "endless and bountiful sustenance".

Off course you again have to read the rest of the story to figure out why this verse and what is being said in the overall story.

Thank you

Because of few "fassadi"! People just like you, LJ,TTP...who were great liars!

Still no answer. Still personal attacks.

I've said it here before and in answer to the OP, the extremist element not just in Pakistan, but Islam, will have to be dealt with internally. I don't know what the answer is or how to break admiration for this extreme element among a certain percentage of Muslims, but I think that knowing and understanding that such extremists have cause the perception of Islam in general, that you write about here, knowing and understanding how destructive of Islam's nobility and reputation in the West, these extremist have been through their actions, may help change minds.

Well said.

Pakistanis got hurt big time thanks to their love for Islamism.


Among all the Muslim countries, we the Pakistanis with 200 million population and educated elite well versed in English and tech happen to be the most valuable asset for global business.
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Launch a program "education and jobs for Talibans"/

Say them that Allah himself is also tolerant and there to judge people in the hereafter, it's not their responsibility to kill people but just tell people about their views, not force anyone.
Launch a program "education and jobs for Talibans"/

Say them that Allah himself is also tolerant and there to judge people in the hereafter, it's not their responsibility to kill people but just tell people about their views, not force anyone.

Islamism is their job that provides them with illegal money and weapons.

Hope you understand.
Islamism is their job that provides them with illegal money and weapons.

Hope you understand.

In that case PK failed to give them education and job in the first place, that paved the way for the opportunists to manipulate them, or still you can offer them better than illegal money and weapons. You have to shape their mind, what is better than the true knowledge and sincerity and a honest and peaceful life being religious.
In that case PK failed to give them education and job in the first place, that paved the way for the opportunists to manipulate them, or still you can offer them better than illegal money and weapons. You have to shape their mind, what is better than the true knowledge and sincerity and a honest and peaceful life being religious.

you think a bank robber who can make millions in one shot will remain content with 1500 rupees per month government job?
Well said

Pakistanis living in the West are the worst.,

They have the worst kind of romance with Islamism

These poor thangs have no forking idea that their freedoms in the West come from the Western culture and not some Islamist beduin stone age mumbo jumbo

Not all of us here are nuts, but definitely some, seen them with my own eyes. Most sickening thing.

Most of these people are above all, confused, clueless and completely out of touch with who they are, who they should be and who they claim to be. Some of them can't speak more than a few lines of Urdu, don't know the hypocrisy of their claims. Claim to be masters of their faith and spirituality, don't know the meaning of the words they utter.

Most Muslims I see practice most of their faith like parrots, It's like the story of a particular parrot, you can teach him a little paragraph, a song, a good friend of mine told me about this story, near their house was an area where often hunters would show up with their rifles and shoot birds and stuff. And they'd teach that parrot a little song. it included the words, 'totay ne apne pinjre say nahi nikalna, agar nikal gaya toh ghar say bahir nahi jana, aur agar ghar say bahir nikal gahe, toh bagh say bahir nahi jana, aur agar bagh say bahir nikal gaye, toh kheton main nahi jana (that's where the hunters were)'. And sure enough would you believe it....

The parrot learned the song, but one day he left his cage, left the house, left into the open and was shot. All while he sang that tune they taught him. :lol:

That is the story of most Muslims and most Pakistani muslims, expats in the UK .

The ones here in the UK, the British Pakistanis are some of the worst, and among us, some communities up North, in Manchester, Luton, Bradford, Rochdale and all are the worst of the worst.
you think a bank robber who can make millions in one shot will remain content with 1500 rupees per month government job?

i DO NOT think that Talibans are greedy, but misguided and manipulated and ignored in the first place. A greedy man can not kill himself in that way. They are just made misguided because of lack of education, proper knowledge, and lack of govt plan and envision for those people in tribal area.

The mainstream Pk society is failed to integrate with the society of tribal area for the same goal and envision for the prosperity of the country.
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I think you got your verses messed up because the ones you stated have nothing to do with the subject you ascribed to them.

Checking on Internet, I find that my 3:27 is 3:28 and my 3:114 is 3:118 in another translation.
The publishers will receive a painful doom, because 3:77 (in their translation) says that
anyone selling the Quran at a bargain price will meet a painful doom at the Day of Resurrection.
I did buy my copy at a discount so they are done for ;-)
i DO NOT think that Talibans are greedy, but misguided and manipulated and ignored in the first place.

This is what Talibarbarian sympathizers say.

you need to decide which way you stand.
This is what Talibarbarian sympathizers say.

you need to decide which way you stand.

I have an honest question.

In terms of the whole population of Pakistan, how many Taliban sympathisers do you think there are?
This is what Talibarbarian sympathizers say.

you need to decide which way you stand.

I feel sympathy for those tribal people TTP that they could not go with the main stream PK society being in the same country and society. This was unexpected and mistake by pk govt and society.
Checking on Internet, I find that my 3:27 is 3:28 and my 3:114 is 3:118 in another translation.
The publishers will receive a painful doom, because 3:77 (in their translation) says that
anyone selling the Quran at a bargain price will meet a painful doom at the Day of Resurrection.
I did buy my copy at a discount so they are done for ;-)

Please make sure to read the "context" of 3:28. Remember this chapter (#3) starts with God sending torah and Bible to us humans.

I feel sympathy for those tribal people TTP that they could not go with the main stream PK society being in the same country and society. This was unexpected and mistake by pk govt and society.

What you say is like saying

--- I feel sympathy with the bank robbers that they could not go with mainstream society. AND this is all due to mistakes by the government.

Now Please tell this in the court while defending a bank robber, or a rapist, or a child killer, or a would be suicide bomber

Jury will simply laugh at you.

And will try to see if you really have a degree in law.
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Islam was intolerant during Kahlifa system too.

Why else would Ali and Aysha (rah squared) would try to murder each other and then murder 10000s of sahabis in the process.

Do you even read by yourself

or just follow khoties oops Oukhtis.
If I am not wrong @PWFI was saying Oukhti meaning sister...Why embarrass yourself when you have no clue what you are talking about?!

@WebMaster how the hell did my location become that?! :blink:
If I am not wrong @PWFI was saying Oukhti meaning sister...Why embarrass yourself when you have no clue what you are talking about?!

That's the lamest defense of PWFI one can ever put up.

Are you sure you really want to defend him?
Please make sure to read the "context" of 3:28. Remember this chapter (#3) starts with God sending torah and Bible to us humans.

What you say is like saying

--- I feel sympathy with the bank robbers that they could not go with mainstream society. AND this is all due to mistakes by the government.

Now Please tell this in the court while defending a bank robber, or a rapist, or a child killer, or a would be suicide bomber

Jury will simply laugh at you.

And will try to see if you really have a degree in law.

but the robbers were not brainwashed, but the talibans. Had they had enough education provided by the govt, they could not have been brainwashed.
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