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What should be done to Increase Religious tolerance in Pakistan/ serious Discussion

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A very simple answer: follow the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (salal laho alay hey wa salam), and guidance of qur'an el hakim. That mean "kilafat system".
Oukhti here is a very intresting lecture:

I dont think he called me Moulana! :unsure: Really are you becoming blind too from soo much hatred? What else does Ukhti mean? You can type it as Ukhti or Oukhti depending which sound you prefer?! @PWFI please put @FaujHistorian 's confusion and obvious lack of knowledge of the Arabic word to ease! :tsk:
but the robbers were not brainwashed, but the talibans. Had they had enough education provided by the govt, they could not have been brainwashed.

There is no giant brain-washing machine producing Tablibarrians.

They join the gangs just like the gangs you see all over the world.

Don't try to make them holy just because you happen to be in love with them.

Sorry to see
Now brother you are going into the deep end of conspiracy theories. very very deep end. :D

Still no answer.

Why Ali and Ayesha (rah squared) conspired to kill 1000s of sahabis.

Must be an American conspiracy. :D
Prove to me they did and not their followers who went crazy like how Karachi walay went and did toor phor when Benazir died....it was the culture of Arabs and many jahils of the world that when you are upset you do equal amounts of damage to show your grievance...
I dont think he called me Moulana! :unsure: Really are you becoming blind too from soo much hatred? What else does Ukhti mean? You can type it as Ukhti or Oukhti depending which sound you prefer?! @PWFI please put @FaujHistorian 's confusion and obvious lack of knowledge of the Arabic word to ease! :tsk:


you are discussing a poster

and not the subject line.

Please stick to the thread topic.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you (cubed)

Prove to me they did and not their followers who went crazy like how Karachi walay went and did toor phor when Benazir died....it was the culture of Arabs and many jahils of the world that when you are upset you do equal amounts of damage to show your grievance...

Read jange-jamal before arguing in the name of BB nazir

you are discussing a poster

and not the subject line.

Please stick to the thread topic.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you (cubed)
You asked so I told....Had you not accused (being a TT it really has become a joke now) I needed to clear his name of the accusation you threw

Read jange-jamal before arguing in the name of BB nazir
Still no answer for the thousands of Rs we lost when that happened?

1. Agreed, i mentioned one Azan time because daily i hear 1 hour long Azan (Zuhar & Isha) from different Mosques of Different Firqas and i feel that how scattred Muslims we are.
2. I give this example in the context of Sunni and Wahhabi (Rafah Yaden) as Hazrat Imam Abu hanifa and other scholars did this to create harmony.
raising your hands for rafahdain or not doing it doesnt expel you from Islam so for me this is a minor issue :)
There is no giant brain-washing machine producing Tablibarrians.

They join the gangs just like the gangs you see all over the world.

Don't try to make them holy just because you happen to be in love with them.

Sorry to see

actually I get disgusted to see what they do, but do not feel that they are 100% responsible, I just feel that they did not get better education, offer and opportunity to prosper which rendered them loving indulge into gangbanging being jobless, although agree that I know them from the distance.
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actually I get disgusted to see what they do, but do not feel that they are 100% responsible, I just feel that they did not get better offer and opportunity prosperity which rendered them loving indulge in gandbang being jobless, although agree that I know them from the distance.

Thank yyou

and yes ALL of us are 100% responsible for our work and our home work

and we cannot blame a dog for eating it.

for trolling

Sorry @Talon

I am with Fauji sahib on this one. And I remember you trolling without Abandon on the Kashmir thread.

Whatever you may think of his 'seizures' his opinions are well thought out, and History is on his side.

I just need to take a look a look at the most prosperous countries interms of happiness, economy to know who is the winner of this debate.

And Man oh Man secularism wins by a mile.

You can condemn secular decadence all you want, but hundreds of thousands of Indians and Pakistanis clamoring for immigration to the West says otherwise.

I will ask a Keralite Muslim friend of mine how his Muslim brothers treat him.

Oh, I already know. Pakistanis call him ugly and a darkie because he is a South Indian and his Arab brothers treat him like he is dirt.

@FaujHistorian. Secular Humanism FTW.

for trolling
You also efficiently ignored about how what happened when Benazir died (in 20th century) was similar to what happened between Ali and Ayesha....followers going all crazy....

and also how you failed to the similarity in the 2 incidents based on jahil issues!

Sorry @Talon

I am with Fauji sahib on this one. And I remember you trolling without Abandon on the Kashmir thread.

Whatever you may think of his 'seizures' his opinions are well thought out, and History is on his side.
Thank you but even you dont know the basic history...for you History is on the side you believe in! History is what it is...its not on anyone's side! However, one can side history or be against it....In this case you and @FaujHistorian are against history so good luck with that!

This is why posts 8 and 14 were for Indians...but I guess not everyone reads a thread esp when it is based on Pakistan.....

I just need to take a look a look at the most prosperous countries interms of happiness, economy to know who is the winner of this debate. And Man oh Man secularism wins by a mile.
You see this is the problem with you Indians...everything is not a game! For Godsakes we are talking about my homeland not your gaming ability! You have no clue what the thread is about do you! Your second point shows it clearly!

You can condemn secular decadence all you want, but hundreds of thousands of Indians and Pakistanis clamoring for immigration to the West says otherwise.
This is not a competition between what Indians want or not! We dont care...I dont know why you guys try to make it soooooo hard to make us care but in reality ...please get it through! We Do Not Care @WebMaster @Aeronaut this is why I posted post 8 and 14 I hope Indians please learn to at least read the 1st page of a thread! Just the 1st page!

I will ask a Keralite Muslim friend of mine how his Muslim brothers treat him.

Oh, I already know. Pakistanis call him ugly and a darkie because he is a South Indian and his Arab brothers treat him like he is dirt.

@FaujHistorian. Secular Humanism FTW.
Sorry about your Keralite friend of yours...Oh I am sorry this is a thread about Pakistan!

@WebMaster @Aeronaut please note derailing the thread and this is why I requested them on the 1st page itself to keep off the topic! But no they just need to compete in everything even in a thread which is for Pakistan and says serious discussion they just need to measure who is better...Why?
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Quran does provide us with simple answers to complex questions. Most of the intolerance stems from ignorance and a false sense of self-importance, for example:

Jews are 'Chosen' - so, all will go to Heaven - regardless of what they did in their earthly life.

Christ died for their sins - so, all Christians will go to Heaven- regardless of what they did in their earthly life.

Prophet (PBUH) will be the intercessor - so, all Muslims will go to Heaven - - regardless of what they did in their earthly life.

For Hindus, we can do whatever in this life, will do good stuff in our next reincarnation - everything goes.

Quran - actually denies any special status given to any community and tells us that it's only good deeds that will lead us to Heaven.

Following verses are taken from translation of M.A.S. Abdel Haleem.

Each community has its own direction to which it turns: race to do good deeds and wherever you are, God will bring you together (on Judgement Day). (2:148)

The [Muslim] believers, the Jews, the Christians, and the Sabians–– all those who believe in God and the Last Day and do good–– will have their rewards with their Lord. No fear for them, nor will they grieve. (2:62)

They also say, ‘No one will enter Paradise unless he is aJew or a Christian.’ This is their own wishful thinking. [Prophet], say, ‘Produce your evidence, if you are telling the truth.’ (2:111) In fact, any who direct themselves wholly to God and do good will have their reward with their Lord: no fear for them, nor will they grieve. (2:112)

Also, in verses 5:43 - 5:49 Jews, Christians and Muslims are told to judge according to their own Scriptures; and that is prescribed even in the presence of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Sorry @Talon

I am with Fauji sahib on this one. And I remember you trolling without Abandon on the Kashmir thread.

Whatever you may think of his 'seizures' his opinions are well thought out, and History is on his side....

Yaara Ravi

Please ignore her.

Soon she will be reaching out for the mods

And then you and I will be in deep deep deep deep trouble :(

History is not her forte

so I'll not go any further. What I stated about Jange jamal (war of camels) is good enough reference for her. But she will instead rely on mods, and censorship. Islamist style
Launch a program "education and jobs for Talibans"/

Say them that Allah himself is also tolerant and there to judge people in the hereafter, it's not their responsibility to kill people but just tell people about their views, not force anyone.
Now this is a new idea....Not sure how anyone would perceive it! Especially since everyone already so hate the Talibs coz of the constant unrest in the country...giving them a job though may sound good but even sitting down to talk to them gives some people heart attacks!

Thank you ...very much appreciated for the new idea but not sure what people will respond to it!
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