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What should be done to Increase Religious tolerance in Pakistan/ serious Discussion

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You better pray to your god that @FaujHistorian is wrong.

The alternative is being told by sone age era cavemen how to live your life.

Of course History is on my side. The reason that you can rebutt my argument using the internet is not because of god, But because of Human ingenuity, endeavour and hard work. Not because of a god.

Any shackles, be they religious or social that hold back Humanity from progress has to be removed.

Western powers are what they are now because of the diminishing influence of religion they had in the renaissance era.

Instead of looking at the Bible for guidance, Philosophers and scientists looked to the Human mind for guidance.

The results are obvious.

Even the so called prosperous gulf states are prosperous because the White Man dug the black gold for them.

Yaara Ravi

Please ignore her.

Soon she will be reaching out for the mods

And then you and I will be in deep deep deep deep trouble :(

History is not her forte

so I'll not go any further. What I stated about Jange jamal (war of camels) is good enough reference for her. But she will instead rely on mods, and censorship. Islamist style

Oh Hell.

Well i a out. I surrender to Islamist terror.
Yaara Ravi

Please ignore her.

Soon she will be reaching out for the mods

And then you and I will be in deep deep deep deep trouble :(

History is not her forte

so I'll not go any further. What I stated about Jange jamal (war of camels) is good enough reference for her. But she will instead rely on mods, and censorship. Islamist style
@WebMaster @Aeronaut @Secur @Slav Defence I have reported the above post with this statement because I have reported him numerous times :

this is not the 1st time to elevate himself he brings the knowledge of a fellow poster down even when i have already answered him regarding the war of the camels
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actually I get disgusted to see what they do, but do not feel that they are 100% responsible, I just feel that they did not get better education, offer and opportunity to prosper which rendered them loving indulge into gangbanging being jobless, although agree that I know them from the distance.

I ask you pick up a talibarbarian and take him home and find him a job and educate him.

See how quickly he steals your stuff and murders/rapes your wife.

Then I'll ask all about this nicey nicey softy softy Talib.
I think it's difficult to enforce anything on public in current democracy. So they need dictatorship to implement few,

1. Take country under the control of military for 10 or 15 yrs
2. Enforce 100% education.
3. Give religious freedom.

Once they achieve all 3 above, you can go back to democracy.
Sorry @Talon

I just need to take a look a look at the most prosperous countries interms of happiness, economy to know who is the winner of this debate.

And Man oh Man secularism wins by a mile.

You can condemn secular decadence all you want, but hundreds of thousands of Indians and Pakistanis clamoring for immigration to the West says otherwise.

@FaujHistorian. Secular Humanism FTW.

I don't know why you/we are competing secularism with Islamism as if they are two totally opposite things with nothing in common. You are not even getting the point that there are many western secular concepts which are very much Islamic in their concepts. If you leave few things( riba, free sex/wine, gambling) then rest everything in their system is compatible with Islamic values/morals i.e justice for everyone rich or poor and week or powerful etc, social welfare system for disable, child, old people and widows in society, protection of wealth, honour, lives of people irrespective of their caste/race/colour, freedom of religion etc, good health and education etc . You consider taliban as representative of Islam that's why you find contradiction between secular concepts and Islamic :)
I think it's difficult to enforce anything on public in current democracy. So they need dictatorship to implement few,

1. Take country under the control of military for 10 or 15 yrs
2. Enforce 100% education.
3. Give religious freedom.

Once they achieve all 3 above, you can go back to democracy.
Nice opinion but there is 1 problem....Whichever zalim who sits on the seat pushes the country 10-20 yrs back....pockets enough so it has to start fresh and catch up 10-20 yrs on nothing and then frustrated idiots come on the street and before we know it we have another rotation of the cycle!

But yes many agree we need dictatorship as many cant really think on their own and need someone to force them down a certain path ...
I think it's difficult to enforce anything on public in current democracy. So they need dictatorship to implement few,

1. Take country under the control of military for 10 or 15 yrs
2. Enforce 100% education.
3. Give religious freedom.

Once they achieve all 3 above, you can go back to democracy.

been there done that. many many many times,

What you say my dear dear dear dear poster

is only good in theory
I don't know why you/we are competing secularism with Islamism as if they are two totally opposite things with nothing in common. You are not even getting the point that there are many western secular concepts which are very much Islamic in their concepts. If you leave few things( riba, free sex/wine, gambling) then rest everything in their system is compatible with Islamic values/morals i.e justice for everyone rich or poor and week or powerful etc, social welfare system for disable, child, old people and widows in society, protection of wealth, honour, lives of people irrespective of their caste/race/colour, freedom of religion etc, good health and education etc . You consider taliban as representative of Islam that's why you find contradiction between secular concepts and Islamic :)

I don't consider a bunch of cowardly men who shoot girls in the face as representative of Islam.

They are a bunch of ignorant, insecure men who are afraid of Women getting out of their house. They have no scruples about killing other Muslims :mad:

Nothing to do with Islam.
I don't know why you/we are competing secularism with Islamism as if they are two totally opposite things with nothing in common. You are not even getting the point that there are many western secular concepts which are very much Islamic in their concepts. If you leave few things( riba, free sex/wine, gambling) then rest everything in their system is compatible with Islamic values/morals i.e justice for everyone rich or poor and week or powerful etc, social welfare system for disable, child, old people and widows in society, protection of wealth, honour, lives of people irrespective of their caste/race/colour, freedom of religion etc, good health and education etc . You consider taliban as representative of Islam that's why you find contradiction between secular concepts and Islamic :)
I have actually given up hope...Not one does his homework and wants to be spoon fed! Everyone is thinking he who blows himself = Islam when they cant even provide that from the Quran....

Then many dont even know the basics of Islam and how it says life is precious but many fail to add 2 and 2...
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I don't know why you/we are competing secularism with Islamism as if they are two totally opposite things with nothing in common. You are not even getting the point that there are many western secular concepts which are very much Islamic in their concepts. If you leave few things( riba, free sex/wine, gambling) then rest everything in their system is compatible with Islamic values/morals i.e justice for everyone rich or poor and week or powerful etc, social welfare system for disable, child, old people and widows in society, protection of wealth, honour, lives of people irrespective of their caste/race/colour, freedom of religion etc, good health and education etc . You consider taliban as representative of Islam that's why you find contradiction between secular concepts and Islamic :)

your comparison reminds me of an example from primary school.

When a mouse met a tiger and asked how old is he.

Tiger said, 2 years

(Mouse wondering! damn I am 2 and 1/1000 th his size, so he quickly comes up with a clever explanation)

Mouse says. I am 2 years old, but I have been very sick very lately. :D

just like the tiger and the mouse, Islamism has nothing in common with modern republics.




The very concept of republic is antithesis of Islamism.,
one is sickly mouse and the other is a modern day tiger.

and you cannot explain away that sickly Islamism has been ill recently.
Mouse had a lame excuse so do islamists.

Thank you
I don't consider a bunch of cowardly men who shoot girls in the face as representative of Islam.

They are a bunch of ignorant, insecure men who are afraid of Women getting out of their house. They have no scruples about killing other Muslims :mad:

Nothing to do with Islam.
Then why Islam vs secularism debate and to make one winner and other losers
your comparison reminds me of an example from primary school.

When a mouse met a tiger and asked how old is he.

Tiger said, 2 years

Mouse (wondering damn I am 2 and 1/1000 th his size, so he quickly comes up with a clever explanation)

Mouse says. I am 2 years old, but I have been very sick very often since my childhood. :D

just like the tiger and the mouse, Islamism has nothing in common with modern republics.




The very concept of republic is antithesis of Islamism.,

Thank you

I have mentioned those secular concepts which are common and its up to you if you are not willing to accept them
I have mentioned those secular concepts which are common and its up to you if you are not willing to accept them

Why won't you dig out the old graham bell phone, and then tell me, oh it is the same as Iphone-5. Just minor differences. :D
I have actually given up home...Not one does his homework and wants to be spoon fed! Everyone is thinking he who blows himself = Islam when they cant even provide that from the Quran....

Then many dont even know the basics of Islam and how it says life is precious but many fail to add 2 and 2...

I know. Some misguided Muslim did such bad job for Islam/Muslims that even our own Muslim brothers got allergic with Islam or anything Islamic :D

Why won't you dig out the old graham bell phone, and then tell me, oh it is the same as Iphone-5. Just minor differences. :D
Oh bhi mere sath gouma phira k mat baat karoo

and your analogy mere sar k uppor se guzar jati hein :D

Iphone 5s evolved from basic phone and still have same basic function of calling, sms etc
I know. Some misguided Muslim did such bad job for Islam/Muslims that even our own Muslim brothers got allergic with Islam or anything Islamic :D

Islam is just like christianity just like judaism just like hinduism
when it helps improve us from inside.

The problem is that you take this inside thingy

and start claiming like that charlatan sitting in Sadar bazar
telling people
-- you have stomach ache I have chooran to fix your stomach
-- your eyes are red, eat my chooran to fix your eyes
-- have headache, eat my chooran to fix your head
-- have a cut on your leg, apply my chooran to fix your leg
-- can't do things with your wife, eat my chooran to fix your thingy

My chooran is an all encompassing complete cure for every ill you got

Same way islamist charlatans too say

My Islamism is an all encompassing complete cure for every ill you got

And that obviously is something to watch out for

Charlatans I mean


Iphone 5s evolved from basic phone and still have same basic function of calling, sms etc

So trying carrying around the graham bell phone. Try it

If you don't put that heavy stone down after 15 min then you must be a body builder

Same way Islamism too is an outdated outmoded heavy weight that most of us cannot carry around.

Hope you understand now.
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